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更新时间:2024-05-18 查看人数:75





1. 深入理解并掌握国内外相关法律法规,及时跟踪法规更新,为公司提供准确的合规指导。

2. 设计并完善公司的合规管理体系,制定合规政策和流程,确保其有效性与实用性。

3. 对各部门进行合规培训,提升员工的合规意识和行为。

4. 对公司业务进行定期审查,识别潜在的合规风险,并提出解决方案。

5. 协助处理涉及合规的争议和调查,确保公司利益最大化。

6. 建立良好的内外部沟通机制,与监管机构保持良好关系,处理合规问题。




1. 法规研究与解读:深入研究并解析适用于公司业务的相关法律法规,包括但不限于税务、劳动、环保、反垄断等领域。

2. 制度建设:制定和修订合规手册、程序文件,构建全面的合规管理框架。

3. 内部审计与监控:定期进行内部合规审计,监控业务活动的合规性,对发现的问题进行整改跟进。

4. 培训与教育:设计并实施合规培训课程,提高全员的合规素养。

5. 风险评估:识别并评估业务流程中的合规风险,制定风险应对策略。

6. 协调沟通:与法务、财务、人力资源等部门紧密合作,确保合规要求融入日常运营。

7. 应对危机:处理涉及合规的突发事件,如举报、调查等,协助管理层制定应对策略。

8. 外部关系维护:与监管机构、行业协会等外部机构保持良好沟通,了解最新合规动态。



第1篇 内控合规经理岗位职责

内控合规经理 万科集团总部沃土计划 万科集团总部沃土计划(分支机构) 工作职责:










1、 全日制本科及以上学历,法律、会计、信息、审计等专业;

2、 具备5年以上企业内部审计从业工作经验;

3、 具有高度的职业敏感性和丰富的专项审计经验,能独立完成专项审计项目;

4、 具备良好的公文写作能力;

5、 诚实守信,责任意识强,积极进取;有良好的职业操守和沟通协调能力,工作原则性强;


第2篇 风控合规经理岗位职责

风控合规经理 高晟财富控股集团有限公司 高晟财富控股集团有限公司,高晟财富,高晟财富控股,高晟财富集团,高晟 职位描述:

1、 负责产品风险审核

2、 参与产品交易结构的设计、合同拟定及审核、风控措施落实

3、 追踪项目投后管理

4、 公司内部控制体系的建设

5、 领导交办的其他事务


1、 年龄25-35周岁

2、 大学本科学历以上,法律相关专业

3、 证券公司、基金子公司、信托公司、知名财富管理公司投行、风控、合规等部门3年以上工作经验

4、 熟悉财富管理行业、信托行业的相关政策、法律法规

5、 具备较强的学习能力和清晰的逻辑思维能力

第3篇 风险合规经理岗位职责

风险合规经理 东橡投资控股(上海)有限公司 东橡投资控股(上海)有限公司,东橡 职责描述:












第4篇 合规经理岗位职责

合规经理 华瑞银行 上海华瑞银行股份有限公司,上海华瑞银行,华瑞银行,华瑞 职责描述:













第5篇 法律合规经理岗位职责

法律合规经理 华能天成 华能天成融资租赁有限公司,华能天成,华能天成租赁,天成融资租赁,华能天成 职位描述:











第6篇 法务合规经理岗位职责

法务合规经理(知识产权方向) 青岛亿联客信息技术有限公司 青岛亿联客信息技术有限公司,yeelight,yeelink,亿联客 岗位职责:


2、制定和实施公司的合规政策,负责知识产权侵权监控,为公司的知识产权和商誉保护提供法律支持, 为公司相关业务条线和员工提供知识产权法和竞争法相关的法律咨询;








第7篇 高级合规经理岗位职责

合规高级经理 supporting the senior director for effective leadership of enhancing compliance culture locally in the specified affiliate, including accountability and consequences for non-compliance.

supporting the senior director for effectively implementing the global compliance standard and carrying through the global standard to the local organization in the specified affiliate through strategic planning and effective communication, training and monitoring of policies, controls and initiatives across functions and throughout the region.

supporting the senior director for effective leadership of ethics & compliance locally to ensure the specified affiliate maintains an effective compliance program and accomplishes the global compliance standard by conducting business and all activities with the highest sense of ethics and integrity, with consistent and appropriate consideration of local differences.

supporting the senior director for leading tone from the top and other compliance communication programs that emphasize the importance of compliance, maintaining a speak up culture and the company’s commitment to compliance and acting in a legal, compliant and ethical manner

ethics & compliance policy developments and supportive processes in the specified affiliate

coordinating risk assessment, identification and management activities to ensure an integrated approach to identifying and managing risk, performing prospective systemic reviews of applicable processes, protocols, and practices and/or retrospective reviews of actual practices, and facilitating the completion of risk maps for significant risks in coordination with global and regional monitoring activities in the specified affiliate.

planning and implementation of adequate monitoring and control system to secure a high level of compliance with the entire organization in coordination with global and regional monitoring activities in the specified affiliate.

anti-bribery and anti-corruption program, including third-party due diligence processes relating to compliance in the specified affiliate

data privacy according to the local laws and requirements in the specified affiliate

control on information provided to hcp by commercial or medical in the specified affiliate

control on payment or funding (including grant, donation and sponsorship) to hcp or healthcare organizations in the specified affiliate

identifying, defining and tracking the compliance and regulatory environment in the applicable local countries in the specified affiliate

supporting the senior director for the management of processes to collect and appropriately report compliance violations and potential violations in a timely fashion, including effective implementation and management of compliance hotlines and helplines.

supporting the senior director for strategic oversight of tracking, trending and appropriate investigation of and follow-up on ethics and compliance related issues, concerns or actual or potential violations consistent with global and regional processes; this includes implementing appropriate corrective actions if violations occur.

benchmarking local compliance initiatives and structures to ensure that the company follows best practices in the pharmaceutical industry.

supporting the senior director for allocating compliance resources in accordance with the level of compliance risk in the specified affiliate.

supporting the senior director for identifying, preventing and/or resolving local and specified compliance risks, including management of local ethics and compliance risk assessments and support for regional and global ethics and compliance risk assessments.

supporting the senior director for oversee and ensure that specified affiliates establish and run cross-functional local compliance committees with appropriate governance.

implementing, enhancing and ensuring that transfers of value to hcps, hcos, patient organizations and any other required transparency are appropriately done, collected and reported within the regional and/or global framework for transparency, in accordance with laws, regulations, codes and company policies and processes in the specified affiliate.

effectively implementing the third party compliance standard to the local business partners in the specified affiliate

other ethics & compliance initiatives deemed necessary to further enhance astellas’ commitment to compliance (including global leadership role for certain specific area) in the specified affiliate and regionally, as directed by the senior director, e&c, east asia supporting the senior director for effective leadership of enhancing compliance culture locally in the specified affiliate, including accountability and consequences for non-compliance.

supporting the senior director for effectively implementing the global compliance standard and carrying through the global standard to the local organization in the specified affiliate through strategic planning and effective communication, training and monitoring of policies, controls and initiatives across functions and throughout the region.

supporting the senior director for effective leadership of ethics & compliance locally to ensure the specified affiliate maintains an effective compliance program and accomplishes the global compliance standard by conducting business and all activities with the highest sense of ethics and integrity, with consistent and appropriate consideration of local differences.

supporting the senior director for leading tone from the top and other compliance communication programs that emphasize the importance of compliance, maintaining a speak up culture and the company’s commitment to compliance and acting in a legal, compliant and ethical manner

ethics & compliance policy developments and supportive processes in the specified affiliate

coordinating risk assessment, identification and management activities to ensure an integrated approach to identifying and managing risk, performing prospective systemic reviews of applicable processes, protocols, and practices and/or retrospective reviews of actual practices, and facilitating the completion of risk maps for significant risks in coordination with global and regional monitoring activities in the specified affiliate.

planning and implementation of adequate monitoring and control system to secure a high level of compliance with the entire organization in coordination with global and regional monitoring activities in the specified affiliate.

anti-bribery and anti-corruption program, including third-party due diligence processes relating to compliance in the specified affiliate

data privacy according to the local laws and requirements in the specified affiliate

control on information provided to hcp by commercial or medical in the specified affiliate

control on payment or funding (including grant, donation and sponsorship) to hcp or healthcare organizations in the specified affiliate

identifying, defining and tracking the compliance and regulatory environment in the applicable local countries in the specified affiliate

supporting the senior director for the management of processes to collect and appropriately report compliance violations and potential violations in a timely fashion, including effective implementation and management of compliance hotlines and helplines.

supporting the senior director for strategic oversight of tracking, trending and appropriate investigation of and follow-up on ethics and compliance related issues, concerns or actual or potential violations consistent with global and regional processes; this includes implementing appropriate corrective actions if violations occur.

benchmarking local compliance initiatives and structures to ensure that the company follows best practices in the pharmaceutical industry.

supporting the senior director for allocating compliance resources in accordance with the level of compliance risk in the specified affiliate.

supporting the senior director for identifying, preventing and/or resolving local and specified compliance risks, including management of local ethics and compliance risk assessments and support for regional and global ethics and compliance risk assessments.

supporting the senior director for oversee and ensure that specified affiliates establish and run cross-functional local compliance committees with appropriate governance.

implementing, enhancing and ensuring that transfers of value to hcps, hcos, patient organizations and any other required transparency are appropriately done, collected and reported within the regional and/or global framework for transparency, in accordance with laws, regulations, codes and company policies and processes in the specified affiliate.

effectively implementing the third party compliance standard to the local business partners in the specified affiliate

other ethics & compliance initiatives deemed necessary to further enhance astellas’ commitment to compliance (including global leadership role for certain specific area) in the specified affiliate and regionally, as directed by the senior director, e&c, east asia

第8篇 财务合规经理岗位职责

合规经理-财务方向  accurately prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts.

 provide technical e_pertise and advice on comple_ accounting issues to functional or operational areas managers to help them develop revenue and e_pense budgets, understand financial reports, and manage their financial responsibilities, to ensure the organization receives satisfactory standards of service.

 review company financial reports and seek ways to reduce costs.

 ensure the accounting activities managed in accordance with accounting principles and comply with all relevant ta_ laws and regulations that affect the industry. these activities may include accounts payable and receivable; general ledger maintenance; financial analysis and reporting; budgeting, revenue, and asset accounting.

 analyze market trends to find opportunities for e_pansion, and help management make financial decisions.

 support headquarters and superior for ad hoc projects as necessary.

the incumbent

 bachelor degree or above in accounting or related disciplines.

 8+ years overall combined accounting and finance e_perience, from which 5+ years management e_perience.

 cpa or cma preferred.

 thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures.

 e_perience with manufacturing business preferred.

 e_cellent accounting software user and administration skills.

 audit e_perience preferred but not necessary.

 knowledge of erp systems.

 good leadership skill, problem solving and analytical skill.

 proficient in written english.  accurately prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts.

 provide technical e_pertise and advice on comple_ accounting issues to functional or operational areas managers to help them develop revenue and e_pense budgets, understand financial reports, and manage their financial responsibilities, to ensure the organization receives satisfactory standards of service.

 review company financial reports and seek ways to reduce costs.

 ensure the accounting activities managed in accordance with accounting principles and comply with all relevant ta_ laws and regulations that affect the industry. these activities may include accounts payable and receivable; general ledger maintenance; financial analysis and reporting; budgeting, revenue, and asset accounting.

 analyze market trends to find opportunities for e_pansion, and help management make financial decisions.

 support headquarters and superior for ad hoc projects as necessary.

the incumbent

 bachelor degree or above in accounting or related disciplines.

 8+ years overall combined accounting and finance e_perience, from which 5+ years management e_perience.

 cpa or cma preferred.

 thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures.

 e_perience with manufacturing business preferred.

 e_cellent accounting software user and administration skills.

 audit e_perience preferred but not necessary.

 knowledge of erp systems.

 good leadership skill, problem solving and analytical skill.

 proficient in written english.




  • 合规经理岗位职责汇编(8篇)
  • 合规经理岗位职责汇编(8篇)75人关注

    岗位职责是什么合规经理,是企业中至关重要的角色,主要负责确保公司的各项业务活动遵循法律法规、行业规范及内部政策,以维护企业声誉,规避法律风险,并促进企业的可持续 ...[更多]
