- 目录
1. 拥有土木工程相关专业的学士或硕士学位,具备扎实的理论基础。
2. 至少3年的土木工程实践经验,有大型项目经验者优先。
3. 熟练掌握autocad、revit、navisworks等工程软件,具备良好的绘图和计算能力。
4. 对建筑法规、施工规范有深入理解和应用能力。
5. 具备优秀的沟通协调能力,能与设计团队、施工队伍及业主有效沟通。
6. 注重细节,有强烈的责任心和安全意识,能够在压力下工作。
1. 参与项目前期规划,对设计方案进行技术评估,提出优化建议。
2. 审核施工图纸,确保设计符合规范和项目需求。
3. 在施工过程中,监督工程质量和进度,及时解决现场技术问题。
4. 协调各方资源,确保项目按照计划进行,避免延误和成本超支。
5. 参与工程验收,确保建筑物符合设计标准和安全要求。
6. 维护项目文档,记录施工过程中的重要事件和技术变更。
1. 技术支持:为设计团队提供专业技术咨询,参与技术方案的制定和评审。
2. 设计审查:检查施工图的准确性和合规性,防止潜在的设计缺陷。
3. 施工监控:现场监督,确保施工工艺正确,材料合格,符合设计和安全标准。
4. 质量控制:实施质量管理体系,定期进行质量检查,确保工程质量。
5. 协调沟通:与承包商、供应商、监管机构等各方保持良好沟通,解决施工中的问题。
6. 安全管理:落实安全规程,预防和处理安全事故,确保工地安全。
7. 文件管理:整理和更新项目文件,包括图纸、报告、会议记录等,以便项目跟踪和审计。
第1篇 土木工程技术员岗位职责
第2篇 土木工程技术员岗位职责任职要求
a. 在园林项目总监的领导下完成工程项目的执行管理工作;
b. 负责园林工程项目执行过程中与客户的直接沟通,对所负责的园林工程项目全面负责;
c. 负责园林工程项目的成本核算、供货商选择及采购工作;
d. 按照园林设计图纸及其要求完成工程项目的施工管理工作;
e. 负责园林工程项目的进度情况,质量情况及其负责工程项目的竣工验收工作;
f. 负责园林工程项目的售后服务工作;
g. 负责园林项目的款项催款及其付款流程的执行工作;
h. 负责园林工程项目卷宗的编制整理和存档工作;
i. 负责反馈顾客对园林工程项目和服务的信息,并对工程中出现的问题进行评价和反馈;
j. 负责顾客满意度的问讯、调查。
a. 建筑、风景园林、城市规划、环境艺术等专业,大专及以上学历;
b. 从事相关专业工作3年以上;
c. 具有北京市政二级建造师、一级建造师或园林工程师中级以上职称可优先考虑;
d. 掌握cad制图软件,理解工程资料软件,熟悉常用办公软件,熟练使用相关专业的仪器仪表;
第3篇 土木技术员岗位职责
土木工程技术员 诺丁汉宁波 宁波诺丁汉大学,诺丁汉大学,诺丁汉宁波 position:civil engineering technician, faculty of science and engineering technician team
closing date:3 october ____年
contract status:full-time
salary & benefits:rmb 84, 990 to rmb 134,294 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and e_perience
working location:university of nottingham ningbo china
job outline:
to provide support for teaching and research in civil engineering and related subjects;
to assist in the development of future teaching e_ercises and research projects in faculty of science and engineering;
to provide lab and facility management.
bachelor degree or equivalent in civil engineering or related engineering discipline;
good communication skills, including written and spoken english and mandarin;
confident in the use of laboratory activities including e_perimental procedures in sample testing, maintenance, calibration tasks;
capable of the implementation of international safety standards in laboratories;
computer literate, it skills including ms word, e_cel and powerpoint;
problem solving skills;
have good understanding of engineering mechanics, structures and geotechnics etc.;
e_perience in a laboratory/factory based civil engineering with basic instrumentation;
e_perience in basic stock control and equipment management;
e_cellent team-player;
good organisational and time management skills;
ability to work independently when required;
civil engineering health and safety knowledge;
master degree in relevant discipline;
relevant technical qualifications;
in depth knowledge and e_perience using civil engineering testing equipment;
competent in the design, construction and commissioning of e_perimental rigs;
overseas university working e_perience;
confident in multi-culture environment.
main duties and responsibilities
to assist in the development of future chemistry and civil engineering teaching e_ercises (including developing e_ercises and identifying field locations);
to provide assistance on research projects (including literature searches and assistance with analytical test);
to assists students and staff in the preparation and use of equipment and techniques and advises on any specific aspects of work within civil engineering and relevant subjects;
to be involved in the development, testing, and construction of new equipment and techniques.
to provide day-to-day management of the laboratory, including safe laboratory practice;
to monitor levels of stocks/stores of basic equipment and supplies and ensures that equipment, consumables and work area are ready to use when required;
to maintain accurate documentation of materials and processes used, as reference material;
to ensure the disposal of materials, to work in an orderly manner, observing the university’s health and safety policies and the specific rules of the workshop and laboratories safety regulations;
to comply with health and safety procedures affecting self and others.
to resolve routine work problems independently, referring more comple_ problems to senior colleagues.
to fulfil any other duties assigned by the line manager.
to participate in training and staff development events as trainer or trainee as appropriate;
to maintain appropriate professional development, e_pertise and awareness;
this job description may be subject to revision following discussion with the person appointed and forms part of the contract of employment.
第4篇 土木技术员岗位职责任职要求
a. 在园林项目总监的领导下完成工程项目的执行管理工作;
b. 负责园林工程项目执行过程中与客户的直接沟通,对所负责的园林工程项目全面负责;
c. 负责园林工程项目的成本核算、供货商选择及采购工作;
d. 按照园林设计图纸及其要求完成工程项目的施工管理工作;
e. 负责园林工程项目的进度情况,质量情况及其负责工程项目的竣工验收工作;
f. 负责园林工程项目的售后服务工作;
g. 负责园林项目的款项催款及其付款流程的执行工作;
h. 负责园林工程项目卷宗的编制整理和存档工作;
i. 负责反馈顾客对园林工程项目和服务的信息,并对工程中出现的问题进行评价和反馈;
j. 负责顾客满意度的问讯、调查。
a. 建筑、风景园林、城市规划、环境艺术等专业,大专及以上学历;
b. 从事相关专业工作3年以上;
c. 具有北京市政二级建造师、一级建造师或园林工程师中级以上职称可优先考虑;
d. 掌握cad制图软件,理解工程资料软件,熟悉常用办公软件,熟练使用相关专业的仪器仪表;