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更新时间:2024-11-20 查看人数:75





1. 紧急响应能力:急诊护士需具备迅速应对各种突发状况的能力,能够在高压环境下保持冷静,做出正确的判断。

2. 技能熟练:掌握基本及高级生命支持技能,如心肺复苏、创伤护理、静脉注射等。

3. 沟通技巧:有效与患者、家属以及医疗团队沟通,传递关键信息,安抚情绪。

4. 法规知识:熟悉医疗法规和伦理准则,确保护理操作合规。

5. 团队协作:能与医生、其他护士和其他医疗专业人员协同工作,共同维护急诊室的高效运作。



1. 初步评估:对到达急诊室的患者进行快速而全面的评估,确定病情严重程度,优先处理危重病例。

2. 急救措施:执行医生的医嘱,实施急救措施,如止血、给氧、输液等。

3. 监护与观察:持续监测患者的生命体征,及时报告病情变化。

4. 记录与报告:准确记录患者的病史、症状、治疗过程和反应,及时向医生汇报。

5. 家属沟通:向家属解释病情,解答疑问,提供情感支持。

6. 协助转移:协助将稳定后的患者转至相应科室或病房,确保转诊过程安全。

7. 整理环境:维持急诊室的清洁和整洁,确保医疗设备的可用性。


1. 紧急护理:包括创伤、心脏病发作、中毒等各种紧急情况的初步处理。

2. 预检分诊:根据病情轻重缓急,合理分配医疗资源。

3. 镇静与疼痛管理:为患者提供适当的镇痛和心理安慰。

4. 疾病预防:教育患者和家属预防疾病复发和并发症的知识。

5. 应对突发事件:参与医院应急计划的实施,如大规模灾害或公共健康事件的响应。

6. 持续学习:定期参加培训和研讨会,更新医学知识和护理技能。



第1篇 急诊护士岗位职责

急诊外科护士 summary:

n preceptor, mentor for junior nurses and to provide personalized, specialized and cost effective care to the patient in accordance to established clinic policies and procedures.

n assist team leader to provide the highest standard of patient-centered care.

essential tasks:

n assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic

n document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome

n carry out investigation and treatment prescribed by the physician

n communicate and discuss patient’s response to treatment and progress with physician and nursing colleagues assigned to patient

n participate actively in physician’s round.

n prepare and assist physician with procedures.

n collaborate and co-operate with physicians and other health care providers in the smooth delivery of patient care and service.

n follow - up to ensure continuity of patient care and treatment plan.

n provide patient / family information and education on disease prevention, process and rehabilitation.

n manage comple_ patient care.

n maintain and care in the use of the equipment and supplies.

n act as a resource person.

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

n be adaptable and fle_ible in managing clinical situations. begins to take clinically sound risks.

n develop and value collaborative relationships with patients and families.

n recognize needs and advocate for patient based on knowledge gained through clinical e_perience which allows the nurse to anticipate what the patient will need.

n through the ongoing e_perience of caring for patients and families, recognize patterns that refine and influence future practice.

n recognize the cultural differences need to be considered in developing nurse-patient relationships.

n elicit cultural beliefs and values from patients and integrate these into overall patient management effectively

n at least 2 years working e_periences in fm out-patient clinic

decision-making and analytical skills:

n provide guidance and orientation to nursing staff assigned to the unit.

n facilitate the smooth running of the department

n demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the public and staff

n assume additional responsibilities as assigned by supervisors

n demonstrate awareness of current nursing and health care practices summary:

n preceptor, mentor for junior nurses and to provide personalized, specialized and cost effective care to the patient in accordance to established clinic policies and procedures.

n assist team leader to provide the highest standard of patient-centered care.

essential tasks:

n assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic

n document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome

n carry out investigation and treatment prescribed by the physician

n communicate and discuss patient’s response to treatment and progress with physician and nursing colleagues assigned to patient

n participate actively in physician’s round.

n prepare and assist physician with procedures.

n collaborate and co-operate with physicians and other health care providers in the smooth delivery of patient care and service.

n follow - up to ensure continuity of patient care and treatment plan.

n provide patient / family information and education on disease prevention, process and rehabilitation.

n manage comple_ patient care.

n maintain and care in the use of the equipment and supplies.

n act as a resource person.

knowledge, skills, and abilities:

n be adaptable and fle_ible in managing clinical situations. begins to take clinically sound risks.

n develop and value collaborative relationships with patients and families.

n recognize needs and advocate for patient based on knowledge gained through clinical e_perience which allows the nurse to anticipate what the patient will need.

n through the ongoing e_perience of caring for patients and families, recognize patterns that refine and influence future practice.

n recognize the cultural differences need to be considered in developing nurse-patient relationships.

n elicit cultural beliefs and values from patients and integrate these into overall patient management effectively

n at least 2 years working e_periences in fm out-patient clinic

decision-making and analytical skills:

n provide guidance and orientation to nursing staff assigned to the unit.

n facilitate the smooth running of the department

n demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the public and staff

n assume additional responsibilities as assigned by supervisors

n demonstrate awareness of current nursing and health care practices




  • 急诊护士岗位职责6篇
  • 急诊护士岗位职责6篇90人关注

    急诊护士是医疗机构中至关重要的角色,他们主要负责在紧急情况下为患者提供快速、专业的护理服务,确保病患的生命安全与健康。岗位职责要求1.紧急响应能力:急诊护 ...[更多]

  • 急诊护士岗位职责
  • 急诊护士岗位职责75人关注

    急诊护士是医疗机构中至关重要的角色,他们主要负责在紧急情况下为患者提供快速、专业的护理服务,确保病患的生命安全与健康。岗位职责要求1.紧急响应能力:急诊护 ...[更多]
