- 目录
1. 具备深厚的国际商务知识,熟悉国际贸易法规、关税政策和市场动态。
2. 精通至少一门外语,具备良好的跨文化交流能力。
3. 强烈的战略思维,能制定并执行有效的市场进入策略。
4. 出色的团队领导力,能指导并激励多元文化背景的团队。
5. 熟练运用项目管理工具,有效跟踪和控制项目进度。
6. 敏锐的商业洞察力,能识别并抓住新的商机。
1. 市场研究:深入研究目标国家的经济状况、市场规模、消费者行为及竞争环境。
2. 战略规划:制定并实施国际扩张计划,包括市场进入模式、合作伙伴选择、定价策略等。
3. 团队管理:组建并培养跨文化团队,提升团队协作效率和执行力。
4. 商务谈判:参与重要商务谈判,确保合同条款符合公司利益。
5. 客户关系管理:维护与海外客户和合作伙伴的良好关系,解决可能出现的问题。
6. 项目管理:监控项目的进度,确保按时交付,并在预算范围内完成任务。
7. 风险管理:识别并评估市场风险,制定相应的应对措施。
8. 报告与沟通:定期向上级汇报工作进展,与各部门保持良好沟通,确保信息准确传递。
第1篇 国际业务管理岗位职责
国际云业务渠道管理 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.
2. establish local partner network to resell and services;
3. also carry the kpi of total local market consumption, including on-line customer acquisition;
4. help on local marketing events to recruit customers;
5. other international assignment as assigned;
1. knowledge and e_perience of working as a sales or bd in an international market;
2. able to work independently in a remote market and achieve result in highly stressful environment;
3. e_cellent english communication skills
4. cloud related knowledge
5. able to team work with team members across regions
6. 7+ years of working e_perience. 1、需要至少2门语言,本地+英文,如果还会中文是加分项;
5、抗压能力强,具备创业精神; 1. recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto cloud.
2. establish local partner network to resell and services;
3. also carry the kpi of total local market consumption, including on-line customer acquisition;
4. help on local marketing events to recruit customers;
5. other international assignment as assigned;
1. knowledge and e_perience of working as a sales or bd in an international market;
2. able to work independently in a remote market and achieve result in highly stressful environment;
3. e_cellent english communication skills
4. cloud related knowledge
5. able to team work with team members across regions
6. 7+ years of working e_perience.