- 目录
1. 拥有相关领域的学士或硕士学位,如教育学、语言学或相关专业。
2. 持有有效的教师资格证书,如tesol、tefl或celta。
3. 具有至少两年的外语教学经验,特别是在第二语言环境中。
4. 熟练掌握所教授语言,发音清晰,语法准确。
5. 能够设计并实施富有吸引力和效果的教学计划。
6. 优秀的沟通技巧,能够与学生、家长及同事建立良好的关系。
7. 具备耐心和灵活性,能够适应不同年龄和能力的学生。
8. 了解并尊重学生的文化背景,致力于创造包容性的学习环境。
1. 课程准备:根据学生的学习需求和水平,制定个性化教学计划,包括课堂活动、作业和评估标准。
2. 课堂教学:通过互动和参与性强的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高听说读写各项技能。
3. 学生评估:定期评估学生的学习进度,提供反馈,并调整教学策略以满足学生的需求。
4. 家长沟通:与家长保持联系,报告学生的学习情况,讨论可能的问题并寻求解决方案。
5. 团队协作:与其他教师和教育工作者合作,共享资源,参与教学研讨会和培训活动。
6. 文化教育:通过分享自己的文化,帮助学生理解不同的文化视角,培养全球视野。
1. 课程开发:创建和更新教学材料,确保其符合最新的教学理念和标准。
2. 学生支持:提供额外辅导,解答学生的学习疑问,鼓励他们积极参与课堂讨论。
3. 活动组织:策划和实施语言实践活动,如语言角、戏剧表演或文化庆祝活动。
4. 持续专业发展:参加专业发展课程,保持对教学最佳实践的了解,提升教学能力。
5. 记录维护:准确记录学生的学习进度,保持学生档案的完整性和保密性。
6. 反馈机制:建立有效的反馈系统,收集学生和家长的建议,不断改进教学方法。
第1篇 英语外教老师岗位职责任职要求
able to teach appro_imately 15-30 hours per week, teaching mode includes but not limited to online-live broadcasting classes, piloting/testing class, offline in-class tutoring, film/video for pre/after-classes content, and maybe also vipkid marketing activities photos/videos;
able to design and develop teaching related curriculum and course ware for classes;
preferable knowledge in esl/ccss/cefr/cet/pet/ket etc;
任职资格: must to have:
1. native english speakers from the following 6 countries only: uk, ireland, nz, auz, usa, ca
2. graduated bachelor at least 2 years (so that qualified for z-visa)
3. k12 teaching for at least fulltime 1 year or parttime 2years, either online or in-class;
good to have:
1. familiar with either ccss/cefr/cns system;
2. familiar with either ppt/pages/adobe illustrator/ps software;
第2篇 外教老师岗位职责
外教老师 武汉东湖新技术开发区沃尔得英语培训学校 武汉东湖新技术开发区沃尔得英语培训学校,沃尔得英语 英语为母语国家,有教学经验!
1.bachelor s degree and tefl certificate required
2.native speakers from the u.s.a.,canada,england,australia or new zealand
3.teaching e_perience required, must be enthusiastic and friendly, enjoy teaching, being responsible.
第3篇 外教老师岗位职责任职要求
able to teach appro_imately 15-30 hours per week, teaching mode includes but not limited to online-live broadcasting classes, piloting/testing class, offline in-class tutoring, film/video for pre/after-classes content, and maybe also vipkid marketing activities photos/videos;
able to design and develop teaching related curriculum and course ware for classes;
preferable knowledge in esl/ccss/cefr/cet/pet/ket etc;
任职资格: must to have:
1. native english speakers from the following 6 countries only: uk, ireland, nz, auz, usa, ca
2. graduated bachelor at least 2 years (so that qualified for z-visa)
3. k12 teaching for at least fulltime 1 year or parttime 2years, either online or in-class;
good to have:
1. familiar with either ccss/cefr/cns system;
2. familiar with either ppt/pages/adobe illustrator/ps software;
第4篇 英语外教老师岗位职责
英语外教老师 北京零点陆壹捌科技有限公司 北京零点陆壹捌科技有限公司,零点陆壹捌 岗位职责:
able to teach appro_imately 15-30 hours per week, teaching mode includes but not limited to online-live broadcasting classes, piloting/testing class, offline in-class tutoring, film/video for pre/after-classes content, and maybe also vipkid marketing activities photos/videos;
able to design and develop teaching related curriculum and course ware for classes;
preferable knowledge in esl/ccss/cefr/cet/pet/ket etc;
任职资格: must to have:
1. native english speakers from the following 6 countries only: uk, ireland, nz, auz, usa, ca
2. graduated bachelor at least 2 years (so that qualified for z-visa)
3. k12 teaching for at least fulltime 1 year or parttime 2years, either online or in-class;
good to have:
1. familiar with either ccss/cefr/cns system;
2. familiar with either ppt/pages/adobe illustrator/ps software;