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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:36





1. 熟悉各类包装材料和方法,能够根据产品的特性和运输条件选择适当的包装。

2. 具备良好的成本控制意识,能够在保证包装质量时,尽可能降低包装成本。

3. 了解相关法规和行业标准,确保包装操作符合环保和安全规定。

4. 具备一定的项目管理能力,能有效协调资源,按时完成包装任务。

5. 有创新思维,能持续优化包装流程,提升包装效率和客户体验。



1. 分析产品特性,设计合适的包装方案,包括内包装、外包装及缓冲材料的选择。

2. 评估包装供应商,确保其产品质量、价格和服务满足公司需求。

3. 参与新产品的包装开发,与研发团队紧密合作,确保包装设计与产品性能相匹配。

4. 监控包装过程,确保包装操作规范,减少包装过程中的损耗和浪费。

5. 定期审查包装成本,寻找降低成本、提高效率的机会。

6. 处理包装相关的客户投诉,及时解决包装问题,提升客户满意度。


1. 包装材料采购:包括材料的选型、测试、采购和库存管理。

2. 包装流程优化:分析包装流程中的瓶颈,提出改进措施,实施流程标准化。

3. 培训与指导:对生产线员工进行包装操作培训,确保正确执行包装标准。

4. 法规遵从:关注并遵守包装相关的环保法规、安全标准和行业规定。

5. 数据分析:收集包装数据,分析包装效果,为决策提供依据。

6. 应急处理:制定和实施包装应急计划,应对突发的包装问题。



第1篇 物流包装岗位职责

物流包装工程师(武汉) 法国赛科技术工程集团中国总公司 赛科工业科技开发(武汉)有限公司,法国赛科技术工程集团中国总公司,赛科工业,赛科 responsibilities:

 make to pack: propose de-assembled solution from parts which allow delivering parts with high level of quality and lower cost.

 to design and set up the parts packaging, in phase of project and of mass production, at the lowest cost while guarantying the quality of the parts

 to develop and monitor the package supplier, including carton bo_, pallet, anti-corrosion material, and special package.

 to challenge current packaging solution proposed by suppliers and partners. to negotiate and reduce the package cost.

 to develop the new material of package and method of packing, in order to achieve the target of cost saving.

 identify the logistic failure caused by packaging, set up and follow up the action plan with supplier.

 coordinate with quality and project for the packing and unpacking mission to identify the risk of transport caused by package.

 to realize the bench with other oems and propose new solution to the partners.

requirement :

• bachelor degree

• 1---5 years’ work e_perience

• english fluent (spoken, written)

• knowledge of packaging engineering

第2篇 物流包装工程师岗位职责任职要求



1. 根据部门方针目标,制订本岗位工作目标和活动计划,并进行有效落实;

2. 负责建立、完善物流和包装管理流程;

3. 负责仓库的物流规划和改进,以及生产线物流规划和改进;

4. 负责包装物的设计、评审、改善;

5. 负责供应商包装物流规划的批准;

6. 负责完成客户物流包装资料提报以及成本预测、分析;

7. 制定不同情况下的包装方案以满足客户需求;

8. 协助和支持erp系统实施-可回收包装系统管理;

9. 实施并监督关于包装的kpi;

10. 开发并实施关于包装的主数据管理。


1. 3年以上相关工作经验,汽车行业工作经验优先;

2. 适用领域的学士学位,六西格玛和包装认证优先;

3 .较好的英语交流能力和跨部门协调能力。

第3篇 物流包装工程师岗位职责

物流包装工程师(武汉) 法国赛科技术工程集团中国总公司 赛科工业科技开发(武汉)有限公司,法国赛科技术工程集团中国总公司,赛科工业,赛科 responsibilities:

 make to pack: propose de-assembled solution from parts which allow delivering parts with high level of quality and lower cost.

 to design and set up the parts packaging, in phase of project and of mass production, at the lowest cost while guarantying the quality of the parts

 to develop and monitor the package supplier, including carton bo_, pallet, anti-corrosion material, and special package.

 to challenge current packaging solution proposed by suppliers and partners. to negotiate and reduce the package cost.

 to develop the new material of package and method of packing, in order to achieve the target of cost saving.

 identify the logistic failure caused by packaging, set up and follow up the action plan with supplier.

 coordinate with quality and project for the packing and unpacking mission to identify the risk of transport caused by package.

 to realize the bench with other oems and propose new solution to the partners.

requirement :

• bachelor degree

• 1---5 years’ work e_perience

• english fluent (spoken, written)

• knowledge of packaging engineering




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    岗位职责是什么物流包装岗位是物流行业中一个至关重要的环节,负责确保商品从生产地到消费者手中的过程中保持完好无损。此岗位的核心任务是设计、选择和执行有效的 ...[更多]
