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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:73





1. 精通模具设计原理和技术,包括但不限于冲压模、注塑模、压铸模等。

2. 具备扎实的机械制图和cad/cam软件操作能力。

3. 熟悉各种金属和非金属材料的特性及其在模具应用中的选择。

4. 能够独立完成模具的维修和保养工作,及时解决生产中遇到的问题。

5. 具备良好的团队协作精神,能有效沟通协调各部门间的工作。





1. 模具设计与制作:根据产品规格和工艺需求,完成模具的设计、编程和制造。

2. 模具调试:安装模具后,进行试模调试,确保产品质量符合标准。

3. 故障排除:分析并解决模具在生产过程中出现的故障,保证生产效率。

4. 维护保养:执行定期的模具检查、清洁和润滑,预防潜在问题的发生。

5. 技术改进:持续优化模具设计,提高模具的耐用性和生产效率。

6. 培训指导:对新员工进行模具知识和操作技能的培训,提升团队整体技术水平。

7. 文件管理:整理模具相关技术文档,确保信息的准确性和完整性。



第1篇 模房经理岗位职责

维修与模房经理 职位信息


1. bachelor degree or above, major in maintenance management, tooling, mechanical,electrical engineering or related subjects.本科以上学历,设备管理,模具,机电工程或相关专业毕业;

2. rich e_perience in equipment and facility maintenance;丰富的设备与厂务维护知识,有模房或冲压团队管理经验;

4. good leadership e_perience, interpersonal skill and team spirit;良好的领导力、沟通协调能力及团队精神;

5. good skill in staff management;良好的团队管理技巧;

6. good command of both written and spoken english.英语听说读写流利;

7. adaptability to environment and pressure;适应能力强,能承受较大工作压力;

8. confident to communicate with all levels / different cultural background;能与任何级别,不同文化背景的人自信交流;

9. strong to lead trouble shootings of tooling, equipment;能有效领导模具及设备问题解决;

10. willing to take challenge and motivated attitude.愿意接受挑战,工作积极主动;


1. manage effective and efficent maintenance processes (tool, equipment and facility) in order to ensure productions under control that meets the requirements of time, costs and quality.制定有效的维修流程;

2. align annual and short-term planning with the company startegy and business plan.


3. lead the employees in the section maintenance in a way that they are able to contribute in an effective way, 引导员工高效完成其工作任务;

4. make sure that the right employees with suffient knowledge are working in the maintenance functions.确保下属有足够知识去应对工作;

5. manage, develop personnel and appraise their performance according to hettich standards (e.g.necessary backup). assist in personnel decisions and in performance related payment.根据公司标准管理,开发及评估员工表现;

6. coordinate both personnel resources and optimal use of the whole technical equipment (e.g. facilities, tools, 协调人力资源及优化利用整个技术设备;equipments) base on short-term and medium-term strategy.

7. ensure maintenance and repair (tool, equipment, facility) fully under control to reduce down time with controlled cost. 确保维修保养费用支出及停机时间是可控的;

8. make sure the building, tool, equipment and facility in a good situation and be maintained regularly.定期维护,确保建筑物,模具,设备及厂务设施能正常使用和运行

9. make sure and control that complicance with applicable laws, legak regulations and hettich rules is met. this includes but not limited to a special focus on the code of conduct for management and staff members.确保和控制部门内所有行为都是合法并遵守海蒂诗内部规则。

10. ensure development and improvement of tool, equipment and facility technologies within the entire value and supplier chain.利用现有供应链持续改善和发展模具,设备及厂务技术。

11. initiate cost improvement project and permanently striving for improvements.启动成本控制项目并持续下去;

12. make sure spare parts (tool, equipment and facility) delivery and inventory under control.确保配件发放和库存的可控。

13. support in choosing and qualifying potential service providers and suppliers if needed with purchasing.support to monitor vendors performance.当采购需要时,参与选定合适的有潜力的供应商及监督其表现;

14. conduct quality control and quality improvement of product, tool, equipment and facility.协调质量控制,改善

15. ensure the legal requirements of ehs are implemented.确保ehs达到法定要求;

16. continue improvement internal ehs.继续推进内部ehs. 职位信息


1. bachelor degree or above, major in maintenance management, tooling, mechanical,electrical engineering or related subjects.本科以上学历,设备管理,模具,机电工程或相关专业毕业;

2. rich e_perience in equipment and facility maintenance;丰富的设备与厂务维护知识,有模房或冲压团队管理经验;

4. good leadership e_perience, interpersonal skill and team spirit;良好的领导力、沟通协调能力及团队精神;

5. good skill in staff management;良好的团队管理技巧;

6. good command of both written and spoken english.英语听说读写流利;

7. adaptability to environment and pressure;适应能力强,能承受较大工作压力;

8. confident to communicate with all levels / different cultural background;能与任何级别,不同文化背景的人自信交流;

9. strong to lead trouble shootings of tooling, equipment;能有效领导模具及设备问题解决;

10. willing to take challenge and motivated attitude.愿意接受挑战,工作积极主动;


1. manage effective and efficent maintenance processes (tool, equipment and facility) in order to ensure productions under control that meets the requirements of time, costs and quality.制定有效的维修流程;

2. align annual and short-term planning with the company startegy and business plan.


3. lead the employees in the section maintenance in a way that they are able to contribute in an effective way, 引导员工高效完成其工作任务;

4. make sure that the right employees with suffient knowledge are working in the maintenance functions.确保下属有足够知识去应对工作;

5. manage, develop personnel and appraise their performance according to hettich standards (e.g.necessary backup). assist in personnel decisions and in performance related payment.根据公司标准管理,开发及评估员工表现;

6. coordinate both personnel resources and optimal use of the whole technical equipment (e.g. facilities, tools, 协调人力资源及优化利用整个技术设备;equipments) base on short-term and medium-term strategy.

7. ensure maintenance and repair (tool, equipment, facility) fully under control to reduce down time with controlled cost. 确保维修保养费用支出及停机时间是可控的;

8. make sure the building, tool, equipment and facility in a good situation and be maintained regularly.定期维护,确保建筑物,模具,设备及厂务设施能正常使用和运行

9. make sure and control that complicance with applicable laws, legak regulations and hettich rules is met. this includes but not limited to a special focus on the code of conduct for management and staff members.确保和控制部门内所有行为都是合法并遵守海蒂诗内部规则。

10. ensure development and improvement of tool, equipment and facility technologies within the entire value and supplier chain.利用现有供应链持续改善和发展模具,设备及厂务技术。

11. initiate cost improvement project and permanently striving for improvements.启动成本控制项目并持续下去;

12. make sure spare parts (tool, equipment and facility) delivery and inventory under control.确保配件发放和库存的可控。

13. support in choosing and qualifying potential service providers and suppliers if needed with purchasing.support to monitor vendors performance.当采购需要时,参与选定合适的有潜力的供应商及监督其表现;

14. conduct quality control and quality improvement of product, tool, equipment and facility.协调质量控制,改善

15. ensure the legal requirements of ehs are implemented.确保ehs达到法定要求;

16. continue improvement internal ehs.继续推进内部ehs.

第2篇 模房主管岗位职责任职要求



· 负责模房人员工作安排,确保机器和模具能正常运行

· 指导模具的日常保养和维修,改善模具的保养周期

· 负责试模现场改善,提高试模效率,缩短试模周期

· 模具品质管理及改善,提高品质绩效以达到客户要求


· 中专或以上学历,模具/材料/机械等相关专业

· 10年以上模具维修和管理相关经验,熟悉注塑模具

· 熟悉模具制造,注塑工艺佳

· 熟练使用电脑

· 良好的问题解决能力和沟通能力


第3篇 模房主管岗位职责


2.有5年以上塑胶模具制作经验和三年以上模房主管经验。熟悉模具加工工艺与流程,专业知识丰富,有较强的管理 经验,具有较强的协调沟通能力









  • 模房岗位职责3篇
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    岗位职责是什么模房岗位是制造业中负责模具设计、制作及维护的关键部门,其主要任务是确保生产线上模具的高效、精确运作,以满足产品制造的需求。岗位职责要求1.精通 ...[更多]
