- 目录
1. 精通服务质量标准和评估方法,理解行业最佳实践。
2. 具备良好的数据分析能力,能从客户反馈和业务数据中发现问题。
3. 强烈的责任心和客户服务导向,以解决客户问题为首要任务。
4. 优秀的沟通技巧,能够协调各部门以改善服务流程。
5. 敏锐的洞察力,能预见潜在的服务质量问题并提出预防措施。
1. 设定和维护服务质量标准,确保这些标准与企业的战略目标一致。
2. 监控服务质量指标,如客户满意度调查、投诉率和解决问题的效率等。
3. 分析服务质量数据,识别服务短板并提出改进建议。
4. 协调内部团队,如客服、产品开发和运营等部门,推动服务质量的改进项目。
5. 建立有效的客户反馈机制,及时响应并解决客户问题,确保客户满意度。
6. 参与培训和发展计划,提升员工的服务意识和技能。
7. 与管理层沟通,报告服务质量状况,并提出策略建议。
1. 服务质量审计:定期进行内部服务质量审核,评估流程效率和效果。
2. 竞品分析:对比竞争对手的服务水平,找出自身的优势和改进空间。
3. 客户关系管理:维护客户数据库,跟踪客户满意度变化,处理客户投诉。
4. 服务流程优化:识别并改进导致服务质量下降的瓶颈环节。
5. 培训材料开发:设计和实施服务质量培训课程,提高团队服务质量意识。
6. 服务质量报告:定期编制服务质量报告,展示改进成果和未来计划。
7. 服务创新:探索新的服务理念和技术,提升服务质量,增强市场竞争力。
第1篇 服务质量经理岗位职责任职要求
basic functions
this person will be responsible for commercial and service operations to develop kohler-branded water filtration / water heater operation strategy, procedures and processes, manage the service and quality system of kohler water filtration, coordinate commercial and after-sales-service activities.
specific responsiblities
develop commercial and service operation strategy, processes and procedures to support sales growth plan
develop innovative service business model including water solution / equipment rental
support distributors in building up service competencies including product/technical training, user data management, procedures to ensure high quality of user service will be delivered
provide constant product training and technical training for 400 call center and tsa technicians, as well as develop related operation procedures and kpi setting
product quality data collection and analysis for continuous improvement
manage professional 3rd party who provide installation, maintenance and repair service activities to customers with proper kpi setting in accordance with different channel’s needs
relationships and contacts
report to gm-water filt, water heater, k&b china
frequent contact with distributors commercial and after-sales service teams
frequent contact with kohler engineering team and outside testing institutions
frequent contacts with the 3rd party and internal suppliers
frequent contact with technical service team
education and e_perience requirements
at least 8 years of relevant e_perience from water filtration products with progressive quality and technical service e_perience
bachelor degree in engineering or relevant discipline
capable in communication/coordination with distributors for new business service model and conduct professional trainings
good understanding of product developing, quality assurance system and technical service system is a must.
good at managing 3rd party suppliers
proficient in english and mandarin
frequent travels are required
basic functions
this person will be responsible for commercial and service operations to develop kohler-branded water filtration / water heater operation strategy, procedures and processes, manage the service and quality system of kohler water filtration, coordinate commercial and after-sales-service activities.
specific responsiblities
develop commercial and service operation strategy, processes and procedures to support sales growth plan
develop innovative service business model including water solution / equipment rental
support distributors in building up service competencies including product/technical training, user data management, procedures to ensure high quality of user service will be delivered
provide constant product training and technical training for 400 call center and tsa technicians, as well as develop related operation procedures and kpi setting
product quality data collection and analysis for continuous improvement
manage professional 3rd party who provide installation, maintenance and repair service activities to customers with proper kpi setting in accordance with different channel’s needs
relationships and contacts
report to gm-water filt, water heater, k&b china
frequent contact with distributors commercial and after-sales service teams
frequent contact with kohler engineering team and outside testing institutions
frequent contacts with the 3rd party and internal suppliers
frequent contact with technical service team
education and e_perience requirements
at least 8 years of relevant e_perience from water filtration products with progressive quality and technical service e_perience
bachelor degree in engineering or relevant discipline
capable in communication/coordination with distributors for new business service model and conduct professional trainings
good understanding of product developing, quality assurance system and technical service system is a must.
good at managing 3rd party suppliers
proficient in english and mandarin
frequent travels are required
第2篇 服务质量主管岗位职责
质控主管/经理(偏提升服务质量) 去哪儿 北京趣拿软件科技有限公司,北京趣拿科技有限公司,去哪儿网,趣拿软件,趣拿 工作职责:
第3篇 服务质量经理岗位职责
服务质量经理 北京澳玛星光医疗美容诊所有限公司 澳玛经典(北京)医疗美容门诊部有限公司,北京澳玛星光医疗美容诊所有限公司,澳玛集团,澳玛经典 岗位职责
1、本科以上学历,5年以上相关工作岗位经验 ,有高端会所运营管理经验者优先;
第4篇 服务质量岗位职责
口碑-呼叫服务运营专家(效能质量)-服务中心 阿里巴巴 阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司,淘宝,阿里,阿里巴巴,阿里研究院,阿里集团,阿里巴巴 工作职责:
1. 根据日常服务数据进行呼叫中心人力与人效的监控和分析,发现管理上的不足之处并改进,不断完善人力、人效管理机制和体系;
2. 构建所属业务的指标体系,建立和完善日常业务报告体系,能够及时、准确、完整的呈现部门整体及各项目的运作情况,为业务模块和产品提供决策支持;
3. 搭建质量管控体系,建设质量管理循环机制,推进质量策略实施落地;
4. 对服务质量进行多维度分析,发现共性问题,制定策略并推进改善,协同合作方资源持续推动改进,保障整体的服务质量;
5. 找出影响客户体验的关键环节,应用系统化思维推动系统、流程及产品端的完善,撬动品质运营模式的创新。
1. 有5年以上的呼叫运营管理经验,熟悉服务体系运作,有六西格玛认证或copc、4ps认证优先;
2. 具备独立思考和较强的数据分析能力、质量敏感度,能够快速发现问题推动解决;
3. 具备较好的逻辑思考能力及良好的沟通协调整合能力,有团队合作精神;
4. 有独立运作项目经验,能带领虚拟团队完成复杂、多角色的服务标准、外包品质管控、服务评价体系的设计和优化工作;
5. 极强的学习力、逻辑思维能力和系统性思考规划能力,数据敏感度高,具备较强的分析总结能力。
第5篇 服务质量岗位职责任职要求
basic functions
this person will be responsible for commercial and service operations to develop kohler-branded water filtration / water heater operation strategy, procedures and processes, manage the service and quality system of kohler water filtration, coordinate commercial and after-sales-service activities.
specific responsiblities
develop commercial and service operation strategy, processes and procedures to support sales growth plan
develop innovative service business model including water solution / equipment rental
support distributors in building up service competencies including product/technical training, user data management, procedures to ensure high quality of user service will be delivered
provide constant product training and technical training for 400 call center and tsa technicians, as well as develop related operation procedures and kpi setting
product quality data collection and analysis for continuous improvement
manage professional 3rd party who provide installation, maintenance and repair service activities to customers with proper kpi setting in accordance with different channel’s needs
relationships and contacts
report to gm-water filt, water heater, k&b china
frequent contact with distributors commercial and after-sales service teams
frequent contact with kohler engineering team and outside testing institutions
frequent contacts with the 3rd party and internal suppliers
frequent contact with technical service team
education and e_perience requirements
at least 8 years of relevant e_perience from water filtration products with progressive quality and technical service e_perience
bachelor degree in engineering or relevant discipline
capable in communication/coordination with distributors for new business service model and conduct professional trainings
good understanding of product developing, quality assurance system and technical service system is a must.
good at managing 3rd party suppliers
proficient in english and mandarin
frequent travels are required
basic functions
this person will be responsible for commercial and service operations to develop kohler-branded water filtration / water heater operation strategy, procedures and processes, manage the service and quality system of kohler water filtration, coordinate commercial and after-sales-service activities.
specific responsiblities
develop commercial and service operation strategy, processes and procedures to support sales growth plan
develop innovative service business model including water solution / equipment rental
support distributors in building up service competencies including product/technical training, user data management, procedures to ensure high quality of user service will be delivered
provide constant product training and technical training for 400 call center and tsa technicians, as well as develop related operation procedures and kpi setting
product quality data collection and analysis for continuous improvement
manage professional 3rd party who provide installation, maintenance and repair service activities to customers with proper kpi setting in accordance with different channel’s needs
relationships and contacts
report to gm-water filt, water heater, k&b china
frequent contact with distributors commercial and after-sales service teams
frequent contact with kohler engineering team and outside testing institutions
frequent contacts with the 3rd party and internal suppliers
frequent contact with technical service team
education and e_perience requirements
at least 8 years of relevant e_perience from water filtration products with progressive quality and technical service e_perience
bachelor degree in engineering or relevant discipline
capable in communication/coordination with distributors for new business service model and conduct professional trainings
good understanding of product developing, quality assurance system and technical service system is a must.
good at managing 3rd party suppliers
proficient in english and mandarin
frequent travels are required