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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:50





1. 熟悉各种通信介质,如光纤、双绞线等,了解其性能和适用场景。

2. 掌握综合布线标准和规范,如eia/tia-568、iso/iec 11801等。

3. 具备一定的项目管理能力,能够规划和协调布线工程的进度和资源。

4. 能够进行现场勘查,评估布线需求,设计合理的布线方案。

5. 拥有良好的问题解决技巧,能快速定位并修复网络故障。

6. 持有相关认证,如ccna、cct等,以证明专业技能和知识水平。



1. 设计布线系统:根据建筑物的结构和用户需求,规划出最佳的布线路径和布局,确保信号传输的质量和效率。

2. 安装和测试:安装网络设备,如配线架、信息插座、跳线等,并进行功能测试,确保每个端口都能正常工作。

3. 维护和更新:定期检查布线系统的运行状态,及时处理故障,同时跟踪新的技术发展,适时进行系统升级。

4. 文档记录:整理并更新布线图和相关文档,以便日后维护和故障排查。

5. 协调合作:与建筑承包商、内部it团队和其他相关方沟通协作,确保布线工程顺利进行。


1. 技术实施:执行布线工程的详细步骤,包括电缆铺设、端接、标签标记等。

2. 质量控制:确保所有布线符合行业标准,通过测试工具验证信号质量和传输速度。

3. 安全合规:遵守电气安全规定,确保布线系统的安全性,避免电磁干扰。

4. 客户沟通:理解用户需求,提供技术支持,解答关于布线系统的疑问。

5. 持续学习:跟进最新技术和市场趋势,提升个人专业技能,优化布线解决方案。



第1篇 综合布线岗位职责

综合布线销售 英文能简单读写即可




duties and responsibilities:

? be responsible for product promotion, channel development & maintenance for long term business, controlling and implementing medium or large projects of commscope products in resigned region.

? resolve customer complaints:

? investigate problems and develop solutions.

? make recommendations to improve customer relations.

? conduct and/or participate in sales promotions, seminars, and trade shows.

? maintain professional and technical knowledge.

? use sf manage and address opportunities within assigned territory.

? develop relationships and maintain/increase account share at e_isting accounts.

? develop and e_ecute territory sales plan for assigned territory and maintain accurate forecast of projected territory sales.

? work closely with partners or directly manage to win medium or large projects.

? e_ceed or meet sales target in the assigned accounts.

? perform other duties as assigned.

job requirement:

? holding with diploma in related industry with 5-8 years of related e_perience or bachelors degree in related industry and 2-5 years of related e_perience

? e_cellent communications skills

? proficient in assessing customer needs.

? must be proactive, motivates and organized

? able to articulate the overall commscope and each solution value propositions

success matri_:

? local attainment of territory pos revenue targets

? solution mi_ within territory

? full implementation in program/project


? collaborates

? communicates effectively

? manages comple_ity/conflict

? customer focus 英文能简单读写即可




duties and responsibilities:

? be responsible for product promotion, channel development & maintenance for long term business, controlling and implementing medium or large projects of commscope products in resigned region.

? resolve customer complaints:

? investigate problems and develop solutions.

? make recommendations to improve customer relations.

? conduct and/or participate in sales promotions, seminars, and trade shows.

? maintain professional and technical knowledge.

? use sf manage and address opportunities within assigned territory.

? develop relationships and maintain/increase account share at e_isting accounts.

? develop and e_ecute territory sales plan for assigned territory and maintain accurate forecast of projected territory sales.

? work closely with partners or directly manage to win medium or large projects.

? e_ceed or meet sales target in the assigned accounts.

? perform other duties as assigned.

job requirement:

? holding with diploma in related industry with 5-8 years of related e_perience or bachelors degree in related industry and 2-5 years of related e_perience

? e_cellent communications skills

? proficient in assessing customer needs.

? must be proactive, motivates and organized

? able to articulate the overall commscope and each solution value propositions

success matri_:

? local attainment of territory pos revenue targets

? solution mi_ within territory

? full implementation in program/project


? collaborates

? communicates effectively

? manages comple_ity/conflict

? customer focus

第2篇 综合布线销售经理岗位职责

1、负责贯彻落实公司的营销策略 、政策和计划;





6、负责销售计划 的分解、落实,并进行跟踪与评估。

第3篇 综合布线产品岗位职责

综合布线产品经理 兆龙线缆 浙江兆龙互连科技股份有限公司,兆龙互连科技,兆龙线缆,兆龙








第4篇 综合布线电工岗位职责








第5篇 综合布线销售岗位职责

综合布线销售 英文能简单读写即可




duties and responsibilities:

? be responsible for product promotion, channel development & maintenance for long term business, controlling and implementing medium or large projects of commscope products in resigned region.

? resolve customer complaints:

? investigate problems and develop solutions.

? make recommendations to improve customer relations.

? conduct and/or participate in sales promotions, seminars, and trade shows.

? maintain professional and technical knowledge.

? use sf manage and address opportunities within assigned territory.

? develop relationships and maintain/increase account share at e_isting accounts.

? develop and e_ecute territory sales plan for assigned territory and maintain accurate forecast of projected territory sales.

? work closely with partners or directly manage to win medium or large projects.

? e_ceed or meet sales target in the assigned accounts.

? perform other duties as assigned.

job requirement:

? holding with diploma in related industry with 5-8 years of related e_perience or bachelors degree in related industry and 2-5 years of related e_perience

? e_cellent communications skills

? proficient in assessing customer needs.

? must be proactive, motivates and organized

? able to articulate the overall commscope and each solution value propositions

success matri_:

? local attainment of territory pos revenue targets

? solution mi_ within territory

? full implementation in program/project


? collaborates

? communicates effectively

? manages comple_ity/conflict

? customer focus 英文能简单读写即可




duties and responsibilities:

? be responsible for product promotion, channel development & maintenance for long term business, controlling and implementing medium or large projects of commscope products in resigned region.

? resolve customer complaints:

? investigate problems and develop solutions.

? make recommendations to improve customer relations.

? conduct and/or participate in sales promotions, seminars, and trade shows.

? maintain professional and technical knowledge.

? use sf manage and address opportunities within assigned territory.

? develop relationships and maintain/increase account share at e_isting accounts.

? develop and e_ecute territory sales plan for assigned territory and maintain accurate forecast of projected territory sales.

? work closely with partners or directly manage to win medium or large projects.

? e_ceed or meet sales target in the assigned accounts.

? perform other duties as assigned.

job requirement:

? holding with diploma in related industry with 5-8 years of related e_perience or bachelors degree in related industry and 2-5 years of related e_perience

? e_cellent communications skills

? proficient in assessing customer needs.

? must be proactive, motivates and organized

? able to articulate the overall commscope and each solution value propositions

success matri_:

? local attainment of territory pos revenue targets

? solution mi_ within territory

? full implementation in program/project


? collaborates

? communicates effectively

? manages comple_ity/conflict

? customer focus




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  • 综合布线岗位职责12篇51人关注

    岗位职责是什么综合布线岗位,是信息技术领域中一个关键的工程技术角色,主要负责设计、实施和维护建筑物或园区内的通信网络基础设施。这个岗位的工作涉及到网络设备 ...[更多]

  • 综合布线岗位职责汇编(5篇)
  • 综合布线岗位职责汇编(5篇)50人关注

    岗位职责是什么综合布线岗位,是信息技术领域中一个关键的工程技术角色,主要负责设计、实施和维护建筑物或园区内的通信网络基础设施。这个岗位的工作涉及到网络设备 ...[更多]
