- 目录
1. 专业背景:必须具备化学或相关领域的学士及以上学位,对化工原理和化学反应有深入理解。
2. 技能熟练:熟悉各种化学分析仪器的操作,如色谱、光谱等,并能准确解读实验结果。
3. 安全意识:严格遵守实验室安全规程,能够处理紧急情况,预防和应对潜在危险。
4. 团队协作:具备良好的沟通技巧,能够在跨部门团队中有效合作,共同解决问题。
5. 科研能力:具备独立进行实验设计和数据分析的能力,善于发现问题并提出解决方案。
1. 实验操作:执行化学实验,记录详细实验数据,确保实验的精确性和可重复性。
2. 样品分析:对化工样品进行化学成分分析,评估其性能和稳定性,为生产和研发提供依据。
3. 工艺改进:参与新工艺的开发和现有工艺的优化,提高生产效率和产品质量。
4. 质量监控:制定和实施质量控制标准,确保产品符合行业规范和客户需求。
5. 报告编写:整理实验数据,撰写实验报告和项目进度报告,向管理层汇报工作进展。
1. 实验准备:准备实验所需试剂和设备,确保实验条件的稳定和一致。
2. 数据管理:维护实验记录,确保数据的准确性和完整性,以便后续研究和参考。
3. 合规性检查:确保所有实验活动符合环保法规和公司内部规定,减少环境影响。
4. 技术交流:与研发团队分享实验成果,提出改进建议,推动技术创新。
5. 培训指导:对新员工进行实验室操作培训,提升整个团队的技术水平和安全意识。
第1篇 化工实验室岗位职责
化工实验室研究员-bd应用技术方向 西能化工科技(上海)有限公司 西能化工科技(上海)有限公司,西能科技,西能 职位描述:
第2篇 化工实验室研究员岗位职责
化工实验室研究员-bd应用技术方向 西能化工科技(上海)有限公司 西能化工科技(上海)有限公司,西能科技,西能 职位描述:
第3篇 化工实验室研究员技术员岗位职责
化工实验室研究员/技术员 和鼎(南京)医药技术有限公司 和鼎(南京)医药技术有限公司,和鼎医药,和鼎 职责描述:
1. 具有学士或硕士学位,有至少一年有机合成经验。
2. 有机合成、精细化工、化学工艺或制药工程方面的专业知识扎实,有志于原料药及其中间体工艺开发及优化方面工作,有工厂经验优先,可接受出差。
3. 具有团队意识,灵活、创新并以结果为导向完成指定的工作任务。
4. 良好的沟通能力,能够与项目主管进行良好的沟通,能够与同事及客户进行技术领域的交流。
5. 能够采取恰当方式传达/汇报所有技术问题或管理事物以便上级管理层采取相应措施,或可提出建议性解决方案。
6. 能够分析液相/核磁/质谱谱图。
7. 能够使用计算机微软办公软件及相关化学专业软件。
第4篇 化工实验室技术员岗位职责
job responsibilities:
the lab technician is responsible for carrying out work in the ami laboratory in accordance with the company business objectives and policies, and under the direction of the team leader, ccl shanghai.
the major responsibilities and activities of the lab technician are:
1. to carry out the major analytic testing methods related with laminating glass and pvb sheet, including ft-ir and gc-ms.
2. to develop and maintain working knowledge of glass lamination.
3. to carry out or assist the evaluation of interlayer sheet and laminate properties and performance under the project/work requirement.
4. to record and report the results of all work in a clear and accurate manner.
5. to keep the processing/evaluation equipment in good working order and to arrange for regular maintenance of this equipment.
6. to assist the team leader and the field ts/ad representatives in training programs for customers, functional colleagues and contract representatives.
7. to maintain a high level of housekeeping and to work always in accordance with the safe working practices laid down by the company.
8. to highlight and make suggestions to the team leader on matters concerning personal relations within the laboratory, training needs and job-related problems.
9. to assist in the administrative functions of the laboratory as indicated by the team leader.
10. develop new test methods for performance characterisation of laminated glass where required working closely together with the team leader and ts/ad reps.
11. to take appropriate actions deemed necessary in situations not heretofore outlined.
knowledge and skill requirement(including education and e_perience)
this rewarding and challenging position requires:
• chemistry or polymer background with bachelor degree or above.
• ideally 3+ years of “hands on” e_perience within a laboratory environment. the analytic skill or e_perience with ft-ir will be the plus.
• a fluency in english (written and spoken) and mandarin combined with good communication skills will be an advantage.
• a customer service orientated, fle_ible and a team player mentality.
• creative problem solving ability.
job responsibilities:
the lab technician is responsible for carrying out work in the ami laboratory in accordance with the company business objectives and policies, and under the direction of the team leader, ccl shanghai.
the major responsibilities and activities of the lab technician are:
1. to carry out the major analytic testing methods related with laminating glass and pvb sheet, including ft-ir and gc-ms.
2. to develop and maintain working knowledge of glass lamination.
3. to carry out or assist the evaluation of interlayer sheet and laminate properties and performance under the project/work requirement.
4. to record and report the results of all work in a clear and accurate manner.
5. to keep the processing/evaluation equipment in good working order and to arrange for regular maintenance of this equipment.
6. to assist the team leader and the field ts/ad representatives in training programs for customers, functional colleagues and contract representatives.
7. to maintain a high level of housekeeping and to work always in accordance with the safe working practices laid down by the company.
8. to highlight and make suggestions to the team leader on matters concerning personal relations within the laboratory, training needs and job-related problems.
9. to assist in the administrative functions of the laboratory as indicated by the team leader.
10. develop new test methods for performance characterisation of laminated glass where required working closely together with the team leader and ts/ad reps.
11. to take appropriate actions deemed necessary in situations not heretofore outlined.
knowledge and skill requirement(including education and e_perience)
this rewarding and challenging position requires:
• chemistry or polymer background with bachelor degree or above.
• ideally 3+ years of “hands on” e_perience within a laboratory environment. the analytic skill or e_perience with ft-ir will be the plus.
• a fluency in english (written and spoken) and mandarin combined with good communication skills will be an advantage.
• a customer service orientated, fle_ible and a team player mentality.
• creative problem solving ability.