- 目录
1. 精通国际贸易规则与法规,具备扎实的海商法基础。
2. 熟练掌握海运单证流程,包括订舱、报关、制单、结汇等环节。
3. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能有效协调船公司、货代、海关等相关方。
4. 熟练使用相关办公软件及物流系统,如sap、oracle等。
5. 具备高度的责任心和时间管理能力,能在紧张的工作环境中保证单证准确无误。
1. 单证制作:根据货物信息、贸易条款和客户要求,准确无误地制作和审核海运单证。
2. 订舱安排:与船公司协调,预订合适的舱位,确保货物按时出运。
3. 报关处理:准备并提交必要的报关文件,协助货物顺利通关。
4. 文件管理:整理、归档各类单证,便于查询和追溯。
5. 关系维护:与货代、海关、检验检疫等部门建立良好关系,提高工作效率。
6. 风险控制:识别潜在风险,制定应急预案,降低物流风险。
7. 成本控制:分析物流成本,寻找降低成本的途径,提升企业竞争力。
8. 数据分析:收集、分析海运数据,为企业的物流决策提供依据。
9. 培训指导:为内部员工提供单证知识培训,提升团队整体能力。
10. 沟通协调:作为内外部沟通的桥梁,确保信息畅通,解决单证处理中出现的问题。
第1篇 海运单证岗位职责
海运单证 m+r 华隆瑞锋国际货运(上海)有限公司,m+r,spedag,华隆,华隆瑞锋,华隆瑞锋 summary:
responsible for daily documentations for seafreight e_port.
primary responsibilities:
1. review the job file of shipment when taking over from op.
2. processing data progressively and timely in the system and ensure system data integrity.
3. confirm the filing (e.g.:ams, ens, aci and ens) according to the regulations of destinations before cut off time.
4. check the hb/l draft & invoice with shipper within 2 days before vessel departure, and revise the data accordingly.
5. check for on-board status and track the container until shipped on board and vessel departure.
6. issue b/l & invoice to shipper after sailing.
7. arrange for posting or tele_ releasing hb/l to shipper once the payment is settled and the guarantee letter from shipper is well received.
8. prepare documents for pre-alert and the relevant shipping docs.
9. check job file with op in due time, and pass the file to manager for job closing within 7 days after etd.
10. proper paperwork archiving.
11. ensure proper and timely follow-up in case of irregularities.
addintional responsibilities:
to take up additional tasks as assigned.
back up for other team members when necessary.
knowledge and skill requirements:
1. college degree or above.
2. minimum one-two years documentation / operation e_perience in forwarding industry.
3. fluent in written english.
4. familiar with the procedure of seafreight e_port operation and forwarding related knowledge.
5. good interpersonal and communication skill.
6. good team spirit, strong sense of responsibility and good work under pressure.
7. good sense of customer service.
8. working e_perience in international forwarding company is preferred.
第2篇 海运单证操作岗位职责
海运单证/操作 日邮物流(中国)有限公司 日邮物流(中国)有限公司,yusen logistics,日邮 工作职责:
1. booking: receive booking instruction from cs, and make booking sheet in accordance with shipping orders details, send booking sheet to carrier or forwarder in order to notice the carrier or forwarder to leave the vessel space for cs
根据客服要求, 对货物进行订舱、制作订舱单保持订舱单与装货单一致、将订舱单交与承运人/货代,以便其跟进船舱情况;
2. confirmation: confirm the vessel space in time. contact with them to get the space & vessel name, b/l no. and lcl warehouse notice. prepare/pass the d/r or the warehouse notice to cs in order to cooperate the custom clearance and provide convenience to operation biz.
及时确认船舱现况, 实时确认舱位,船名,提单号等信息,准备存单或仓库公告交与客服,以便清关以及为操作部门提供便捷;
3. fi_ on manifest: finish booking from the carrier; fi_ on the manifest in time in order to feedback the cs the information. ensure truck team get the eir. offer the customs manifest to clear.
完成承运人等的订舱操作,及时确认载货单, 及时将信息反馈给客服,确保运输车队得到eir, 提供报关清关;
4. b/l confirmation: set esi, ams, afr, ens isf cut time to cs, and receive them with cs and carrier. get the accurate information from the cs. notice the carrier correct data in order to keep it the same as the manifest.
为客服设置esi, ams, afr, ens isf 截止时间, 并获得以上信息。在客服处得到精确数据, 通知承运人修正数据确保与载货单一致;
5. ams, afr, isf filling & checking: receive ams, afr, isf information from cs, filling into relative system in time. meanwhile, check ams, afr status accordingly.
收集ams, afr, isf 信息, 实时完成相关系统填报,同时检查ams,afr的状态;
6. b/l issuing: issue the house bill of lading for cs after the vessel leave lading port in order to prove the cargo leave the lading port safely. pass the bill of lading to cs. and take mbl from carrier or forwarder once ap finished.
船舶离开装货港后交与客服提货单以便确保货物安全离开装货港,交给客服提货单,一旦完成ap后, 从承运人/货代拿到mbl;
7. communication: communicate with carrier and forwarder to solve any paro_ysmal matter. keep good touch with carrier, cs and customer in order to offer best service.
与承运人和货代沟通并处理解决应急事件. 与承运人, 客服, 顾客进行良好沟通为了提供最好的服务;
8. others: accept and fulfill the necessary tasks as assigned by the team leader in order to support team’s work.
其他: 完成上级安排的其他工作.
1. college degree, 1-2-year e_port booking & documentation working e_perience in forwarding/logistics industry preferred.
大专及以上学历, 1-2年以上在货代公司或物流公司的工作经验;
2. efficiency at english typing, normal computer skill
高效的打字能力, 熟练操作办公软件
3. well cooperation in the team work
4. carefulness & agility
细致 & 敏捷
第3篇 海运单证员岗位职责
海运单证员 上海东西国际物流有限公司 上海东西国际物流有限公司 职责描述: