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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:97





1. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能够友好、耐心地与读者交流。

2. 熟悉图书分类和编目系统,了解图书检索流程。

3. 具备基本的计算机技能,能熟练操作图书馆管理系统。

4. 注重细节,有条理地执行任务,确保图书资料的准确无误。

5. 尊重图书馆规则,能维护图书馆的安静和整洁环境。

6. 有团队合作精神,能与同事协调配合完成工作。



1. 图书借阅与归还:处理读者的图书借阅、续借和归还,确保手续完整,记录准确。

2. 图书管理:参与图书的分类、上架、盘点,保持图书排列有序。

3. 档案维护:更新读者信息,管理图书借阅记录,及时处理逾期未还情况。

4. 环境维护:保持图书馆的清洁,维护阅读区域的舒适性。

5. 用户咨询:解答读者关于图书查找、使用等问题,提供参考咨询服务。

6. 活动协助:参与组织各类图书馆活动,如阅读推广、讲座等。

7. 技术支持:协助解决读者在使用电子资源和图书馆系统时遇到的问题。


1. 日常服务:提供前台接待,处理读者需求,解答疑问。

2. 图书处理:新进图书的分类、贴标、录入系统等准备工作。

3. 数据管理:更新图书数据库,定期进行图书统计分析。

4. 环境优化:整理书架,保持阅读空间整洁,调整阅读环境照明。

5. 文化活动:协助策划和执行文化活动,如阅读俱乐部、作家见面会等。

6. 应急处理:应对突发状况,如图书损坏、丢失等情况,按照规定程序处理。

7. 用户教育:教授读者如何有效利用图书馆资源,提升他们的信息素养。



第1篇 图书馆助理岗位职责

图书馆助理 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校 职责描述:

key responsibilities:

assisting in registration and classification of new books in accordance with book category.

continuedly updating books and repairing used books.

assisting in the introduction of new books and e_changing reading review.

providing library skills tuition and activities for groups of children.

setting-up and maintaining the computerised library lending system and stock list up to date.

keeping the fiction and non-fiction lending library in a tidy state.

establishing and guiding the development of e-book collections.

organising displays of books to promote particular authors, topics of interest etc.

advising children on a suitable choice of book depending on their reading ability and interests.

assisting in organising reading events and paying attention to students’ reading situation.

selecting, acquiring, maintaining and withdrawing library stock, ensuring a balance between subjects and ability levels, working closely with appropriate teaching staff.

maintaining and renewing library wall displays and generally ensuring that the library has an inviting environment

supervising students and teachers to follow library policies and regulations.

supervising and training volunteers and student helpers.

working with the wider community, especially parents.

continuedly learning and enhancing professional skills.

other assigned work as requested by the teacher librarian.



education: bachelor’s degree

major: library science or related subject.

language: native chinese speaker and fluent in english, minimum cet-6.

support huili values.


outstanding communication in english and chinese.

have a qualification in librarianship and have had a minimum of one year working e_perience in a library.

familiar with procurement of books and reference materials, daily management such as classification, lending and consultation of books.

be hands-on with a strong sense of initiative and responsibility.

have a good eye for attractive displays in order to make the library a welcoming and inviting place.

be confident in the use of it.

be able to maintain the school’s code of confidentiality.

preferred aptitudes

international and bilingual school working e_perience is preferred.

cross-cultural working e_perience is preferred.

be an effective team member and at the same time be able to work to one’s own initiative.

enjoy working with children and be able to effectively manage groups, encouraging reading and enjoyment of literature detailed-oriented and disciplined in time management.

warm, helpful personality.

strong mind-set for continuous improvement to meet or e_ceed e_pectations.




  • 图书馆助理岗位职责
  • 图书馆助理岗位职责97人关注

    岗位职责是什么图书馆助理是图书馆日常运营中的重要角色,负责协助馆员执行各项服务和管理工作,确保图书馆的高效运作和优质服务。岗位职责要求1.具备良好的沟通技巧 ...[更多]
