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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:22





1. 学术素养:具备扎实的学科基础知识,持续跟踪学科前沿动态,保持学术敏锐度。

2. 研究能力:具备独立开展科研项目的能力,包括设计实验、分析数据、撰写研究报告等。

3. 创新思维:鼓励提出创新性的研究思路,勇于挑战现有理论,推动科学进步。

4. 团队协作:能与团队成员有效沟通,共同完成项目任务,分享知识和经验。

5. 伦理意识:遵守科研道德规范,保证科研工作的公正性和诚信性。





1. 研究规划:制定并实施长期和短期的研究计划,确定研究目标和优先级。

2. 数据分析:运用统计学和其他工具,对实验数据进行深入分析,提炼有价值的信息。

3. 技术开发:研发新技术、新方法,以解决具体科研问题或提升研究效率。

4. 论文撰写:撰写高质量的科研论文,提交至国内外知名期刊,争取发表。

5. 学术交流:参加研讨会、论坛等活动,与同行交流思想,拓宽视野。

6. 培养新人:指导研究生或实习生,传授科研技能,培养新一代科研人才。

7. 科普推广:将专业知识转化为易于理解的形式,向公众传播科学知识。

8. 项目合作:与其他科研机构或企业合作,共同推进跨学科或产业化的研究项目。



第1篇 科研人员岗位职责

电动汽车科研人员 1、electrical engineer

r&d related to power electronics converter and inverter (e-motor drive system) for electric vehicle (including hev)


research and development converter and inverter (motor drive system) for ev/hev

research in technology fields related to ev/hev inverter applications, especially identify new technology trends and emerging technologies in china

develop power electronics circuit including control system, driver and high voltage/power with advanced topology and control method to meet research project target and delivery timing

engineering sample build, electronics functional test and report.


phd or ms degree in power electronics and motor drive (or equivalent) from a top class engineering university (china and abroad)

2+ years e_perience r&d e_perience in converter, inverter or motor drive system, with e_perience in ev/hev components design especially in automotive industry is a plus.

knowledge and know-how in converter (pfc, buck/boost, etc.) , single phase and/or three phase inverter, magnetic and thermal design in any of the following fields: ev/phev inverter, dcdc, on board charger, switching mode power supply (smps), variable frequency drives (vfd), uninterruptible power supplies (ups), active rectifiers/filters…

strong capability on lv/hv circuit board schematic design and pcb layout, electronics/magnetic simulation, power loss and thermal performance evaluation.

understanding of power moding and operation environment to automotive electronics components

strong interpersonal and communications skills

fluency in english is a must, korean is a plus

1、electrical engineer

r&d related to power electronics converter and inverter (e-motor drive system) for electric vehicle (including hev)


research and development converter and inverter (motor drive system) for ev/hev

research in technology fields related to ev/hev inverter applications, especially identify new technology trends and emerging technologies in china

develop power electronics circuit including control system, driver and high voltage/power with advanced topology and control method to meet research project target and delivery timing

engineering sample build, electronics functional test and report.


phd or ms degree in power electronics and motor drive (or equivalent) from a top class engineering university (china and abroad)

2+ years e_perience r&d e_perience in converter, inverter or motor drive system, with e_perience in ev/hev components design especially in automotive industry is a plus.

knowledge and know-how in converter (pfc, buck/boost, etc.) , single phase and/or three phase inverter, magnetic and thermal design in any of the following fields: ev/phev inverter, dcdc, on board charger, switching mode power supply (smps), variable frequency drives (vfd), uninterruptible power supplies (ups), active rectifiers/filters…

strong capability on lv/hv circuit board schematic design and pcb layout, electronics/magnetic simulation, power loss and thermal performance evaluation.

understanding of power moding and operation environment to automotive electronics components

strong interpersonal and communications skills

fluency in english is a must, korean is a plus




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