- 目录
1. 具备深厚的包装行业知识,了解最新的包装材料、设计趋势和技术标准。
2. 拥有卓越的项目管理能力,能有效协调资源,控制成本,确保项目按时完成。
3. 具备良好的审美观,能够设计或指导设计出吸引消费者的包装方案。
4. 熟悉相关法规,确保包装符合环保、安全及质量标准。
5. 具备优秀的沟通技巧,能够与设计团队、生产部门、供应链及销售团队紧密合作。
6. 具有解决问题的能力,能应对包装过程中可能出现的技术挑战。
7. 善于分析市场动态,对消费者需求有敏锐的洞察力。
1. 包装设计管理:审批包装设计方案,确保其符合品牌形象、功能需求和成本预算。
2. 生产监督:监控包装生产线,解决生产过程中的技术问题,确保包装质量和生产效率。
3. 供应链协调:与供应商建立并维护良好关系,确保包装材料的质量和供应稳定性。
4. 法规遵守:确保所有包装符合国家和地方的法规,包括环保、安全和标签要求。
5. 成本控制:分析包装成本,寻找降低成本而不影响质量的方法。
6. 市场研究:跟踪市场趋势,评估消费者对包装的反馈,以适应不断变化的市场需求。
7. 内部沟通:与销售、营销、研发等部门合作,确保包装策略与整体业务目标一致。
8. 问题解决:针对包装问题提出改进措施,如包装破损、运输效率低等问题。
9. 持续改进:推动包装流程的持续改进,引入新技术和材料,提高包装的可持续性和用户体验。
第1篇 精品包装经理岗位职责
采购经理(彩盒、礼盒、精品包装) 北京一撕得物流技术有限公司 北京一撕得物流技术有限公司,一撕得,北京一撕得,一撕得 岗位职责:
1、 根据公司业务需要,执行供应商开发流程与相关标准并提出完善建议。
2、 根据公司不同阶段需要,制定公司供应商开发战略;根据公司业务需要,及时开发符合要求的各类非纸箱纸品类包装供应商及所需产品
3、 根据与供应商的谈判结果,及时组织签定有效商务合同,并根据实际运行情况不断补充完善,保持相关记录。
4、 负责市场行情分析,组织编制各类成本模型,与供应商谈判采购价格,有效控制成本并不断优化。
5、 根据供应链日常反馈,负责非纸箱纸品包装类供应商合作异常工作的协调与处理。针对供应商的日常表现,提出奖惩方案并落实。
6、 根据公司人员业务需求,不断提升职责范围内供应商开发和管理能力。
1、 本科以上学历,包装工程、印刷工程等相关专业;
2、 拥有3年以上彩盒、礼品盒类等采购管理经验和供应商开发评估管理经验,有在中荣、虎彩、当纳利、美盈森、旺盈等彩印企业工作经验优先;
3、 熟悉合同法规和商务谈判技巧;熟悉纸类、彩盒、印刷类成本结构,工艺及材料特性;了解iso质量体系和生产常识;
4、 熟练掌握计算机办公软件e_cel、word、ppt等基本操作;
5、 普通话良好,英语六级以上
6、 良好的沟通能力、谈判能力、组织协调能力、分析能力 、团队合作能力
第2篇 包装经理助理岗位职责
包装开发助理经理 1. to communicate with product development for getting clear project definition as well as providing optimal technical advices to reach the goads on both definition and cost.
2. to assemble all technical elements (legislative, internal procedures, freedom to use, the feasibility from suppliers and plants…) required for design purposes and making technical design decisions.
3. work with cad design center to realize drawings in line with design and functionality needs until the conception validate.
4. to define, release and update, during the whole product life cycle, the technical drawings, pre-specification, homologation reports and specification in line with the product definition, respecting the packaging conception quality system (sqcp)
5. work with sourcing center, plant for value analysis and optimizations on pack in and pack out.
6. to lead risk assessment with internal and e_ternal partners on selected concepts.
7. to track the progress on packaging development and give alerts on possible delays when it is necessary.
8. to track and follow the non-conformity for the 1st deliveries.
9. fulfill the indicators for project activities and the ones related to environmental packaging.
1. to communicate with product development for getting clear project definition as well as providing optimal technical advices to reach the goads on both definition and cost.
2. to assemble all technical elements (legislative, internal procedures, freedom to use, the feasibility from suppliers and plants…) required for design purposes and making technical design decisions.
3. work with cad design center to realize drawings in line with design and functionality needs until the conception validate.
4. to define, release and update, during the whole product life cycle, the technical drawings, pre-specification, homologation reports and specification in line with the product definition, respecting the packaging conception quality system (sqcp)
5. work with sourcing center, plant for value analysis and optimizations on pack in and pack out.
6. to lead risk assessment with internal and e_ternal partners on selected concepts.
7. to track the progress on packaging development and give alerts on possible delays when it is necessary.
8. to track and follow the non-conformity for the 1st deliveries.
9. fulfill the indicators for project activities and the ones related to environmental packaging.
第3篇 包装经理岗位职责
包装经理 黑人牙膏 好来化工(中山)有限公司,黑人牙膏,好来 职责描述:
1 带领团队进行消费者需求、市场趋势和产品特点的研究,开发具有前沿性和竞争力的包装技术,并为好来提供整体包装上市方案。
lead the team to develop advanced and competitive packaging technology,and provide comprehensive packaging solution to meet consumer insight,marketing request and product characteristics.
2 带领团队与供应链各相关部门及供应商合作,确保包装材料和结构从设计到内部、外部生产的质量、成本以及机器适应性。
lead the team to control the quality,cost and machine fle_ibility of packaging materials and structure in the whole process, from design to final production.
3 带领团队实施并监控新包装开发的进度,以确保产品按时上市,
collaborate effectively with relevant parties on the timeline of packaging design and implementation to ensure the new products and promotions launch per grid.
2、熟练应用photoshop,adobe illustrator,pro-e等设计软件优先考虑;