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更新时间:2024-05-17 查看人数:50





1. 拥有深厚的电子工程理论基础和实践经验,熟悉各类电子元器件、电路设计及嵌入式系统。

2. 精通项目管理流程,能有效地制定项目计划,控制成本和时间表。

3. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能够与跨部门团队协作,包括设计、生产、质检和销售等部门。

4. 熟悉质量管理体系,如iso 9001等,确保产品符合行业标准和客户需求。

5. 具备危机管理能力,能迅速应对技术难题和生产中出现的问题。



1. 领导团队进行新产品开发,包括需求分析、方案设计、原型制作和测试验证。

2. 协调资源,确保项目按时完成,并在预算范围内达成目标。

3. 监督产品的生产过程,确保工艺流程的优化和产品质量的稳定。

4. 对接市场部门,了解客户需求,将市场反馈转化为产品改进方案。

5. 持续关注行业动态和技术发展,推动技术创新和产品升级。


1. 技术指导:为团队提供技术支持,解决设计和生产过程中遇到的技术问题。

2. 团队建设:招募、培训和激励工程师,构建高效、专业的研发团队。

3. 风险管理:识别潜在的技术风险,制定预防和应对策略。

4. 供应商管理:评估和选择合适的供应商,确保原材料质量和供应稳定性。

5. 客户关系:与客户保持良好关系,处理产品售后问题,提升客户满意度。

6. 法规遵从:确保产品符合国内外相关法规和行业规定。

7. 报告与呈现:定期向高层管理层汇报项目进度、预算状况和潜在问题。



第1篇 电子工程经理岗位职责

电子工程经理 demonstrated skills

1.very strong e_perience and knowledges on mcu equipped pcba and firmware development and qualification.

2.self-starter, ability to work independently, collaborates with teams, and in a lead role.

3.builds effective working relationships quickly in a cross-functional team environment.

4.communicates well at all levels of organization with strong written, verbal and data presentation skills.

5.fluent in written and spoken english and mandarin.

6.analytical with a high degree of problem solving skills and attention to detail.

7.well organized, manages time and projects effectively.

8.creative problem solver with demonstrated e_pertise in applied lean process improvement

9.skilled as a teacher and mentor to facilitate the effective transfer of knowledge.

10.cultural sensitivity between chinese, american and british associates and business entities.

relationships and contacts

supervisory relationships:

1.reports directly to: director smart home engineering, group

2.reports dotted line to:

organization relationships:

frequent contact with marketing, purchasing, supplier quality, manufacturing engineering and project management staff globally

education and e_perience requirements

electrical engineering bachelor’s degree and above.

minimum 8 years’ e_perience in electrical products engineering with e_posure to electronics hardware and firmware development.

minimum 2 years’ e_perience as a leader.

must possess e_pert knowledge in problem-solving, and supplier management. demonstrated skills

1.very strong e_perience and knowledges on mcu equipped pcba and firmware development and qualification.

2.self-starter, ability to work independently, collaborates with teams, and in a lead role.

3.builds effective working relationships quickly in a cross-functional team environment.

4.communicates well at all levels of organization with strong written, verbal and data presentation skills.

5.fluent in written and spoken english and mandarin.

6.analytical with a high degree of problem solving skills and attention to detail.

7.well organized, manages time and projects effectively.

8.creative problem solver with demonstrated e_pertise in applied lean process improvement

9.skilled as a teacher and mentor to facilitate the effective transfer of knowledge.

10.cultural sensitivity between chinese, american and british associates and business entities.

relationships and contacts

supervisory relationships:

1.reports directly to: director smart home engineering, group

2.reports dotted line to:

organization relationships:

frequent contact with marketing, purchasing, supplier quality, manufacturing engineering and project management staff globally

education and e_perience requirements

electrical engineering bachelor’s degree and above.

minimum 8 years’ e_perience in electrical products engineering with e_posure to electronics hardware and firmware development.

minimum 2 years’ e_perience as a leader.

must possess e_pert knowledge in problem-solving, and supplier management.




  • 电子工程经理岗位职责
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