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更新时间:2024-05-17 查看人数:49





1. 拥有物流管理或相关领域的学士学位,以及相关的专业资格认证。

2. 熟悉供应链管理原理,包括采购、库存控制、运输和配送。

3. 具备优秀的组织和计划能力,能够处理多任务并优先排序。

4. 强烈的分析能力,能通过数据分析优化物流过程。

5. 良好的沟通技巧,能与供应商、客户和内部团队有效合作。

6. 熟练掌握物流软件和办公自动化工具。

7. 能适应快节奏的工作环境,灵活应对变化。



1. 设计和实施物流策略,以提高供应链效率。

2. 监控库存水平,确保库存充足但不过剩,避免资金占用。

3. 协调运输和配送,确保按时交付,减少延迟和损失。

4. 分析物流成本,寻找节省成本的机会,如优化运输路线或改进包装。

5. 与供应商建立和维护良好关系,确保供应稳定和质量可靠。

6. 处理物流问题,如货物损坏、丢失或延误,提供解决方案。

7. 定期评估物流绩效,识别改进点,并推动持续改进。

8. 参与采购决策,评估供应商的物流能力。



1. 物流合同的谈判和管理,确保条款公平且符合公司利益。

2. 制定应急计划,以应对供应链中断或其他突发情况。

3. 与销售、生产等部门协作,预测需求,规划合理的库存策略。

4. 了解和遵守相关法规,确保物流活动合规进行。

5. 不断跟踪物流行业的最新趋势和技术,以提升公司的物流管理水平。

6. 培训和指导团队成员,提高整个物流团队的专业能力。



第1篇 采购物流师岗位职责

job title: technical procurement engineer - logistics/采购工程师-物流

location: shanghai

key job responsibilities/主要职责 ( include ehss responsibilities)

-responsible for yearly contract bidding, negotiation and renew.

-daily inquiry including market inquiry and spot quotation;

-sourcing new suppliers, do prequalification and participate in on-site audit as per new requests or new projects;

-system maintain including release po, price maintain and vender master data maintain.

-market intelligence collection and update.

-supplier complaint management;

-collecting monthly billing from each supplier for data collection and analysis.

-logistics procurement monthly reporting;

- participate in monthly/quarterly supplier performance review meeting

-organize and participate in half-year or yearly supplier on-site audit.

-handling logistics bidding according to bidding process

-support any new demand from supply chain

>; system tools handling

-slc (supplier yearly evaluation)

-on-line bidding

-sap complaint management

-gpa (global process approval)


required qualification/必备条件(education, language, e_pertise, functional competencies)

1. bachelor degree or above, logistics, procurement, or supply chain background is preferred

2. at least 3 years working e_perience in multi-national company with team spirit

3. fluent written and oral english

4. good communication

5. strong willing to learn

第2篇 物流师岗位职责

job title: technical procurement engineer - logistics/采购工程师-物流

location: shanghai

key job responsibilities/主要职责 ( include ehss responsibilities)

-responsible for yearly contract bidding, negotiation and renew.

-daily inquiry including market inquiry and spot quotation;

-sourcing new suppliers, do prequalification and participate in on-site audit as per new requests or new projects;

-system maintain including release po, price maintain and vender master data maintain.

-market intelligence collection and update.

-supplier complaint management;

-collecting monthly billing from each supplier for data collection and analysis.

-logistics procurement monthly reporting;

- participate in monthly/quarterly supplier performance review meeting

-organize and participate in half-year or yearly supplier on-site audit.

-handling logistics bidding according to bidding process

-support any new demand from supply chain

>; system tools handling

-slc (supplier yearly evaluation)

-on-line bidding

-sap complaint management

-gpa (global process approval)


required qualification/必备条件(education, language, e_pertise, functional competencies)

1. bachelor degree or above, logistics, procurement, or supply chain background is preferred

2. at least 3 years working e_perience in multi-national company with team spirit

3. fluent written and oral english

4. good communication

5. strong willing to learn




  • 物流师岗位职责汇编(2篇)
  • 物流师岗位职责汇编(2篇)49人关注

    岗位职责是什么物流师是供应链管理中的关键角色,负责协调和优化物流流程,确保货物从生产地到目的地的顺畅流动。他们致力于提高效率,降低成本,同时保证服务质量,以满足 ...[更多]
