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更新时间:2024-05-18 查看人数:66





1. 具备出色的组织和计划能力,能有效分解项目目标,制定详细的工作计划。

2. 熟悉项目管理流程,了解项目生命周期的各个阶段,能灵活应对各种突发情况。

3. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能够有效地与团队成员、部门领导及外部合作伙伴沟通协调。

4. 精通项目管理软件,如microsoft project,用于跟踪项目进度和资源分配。

5. 具备一定的财务知识,能理解和分析项目预算,控制成本并确保经济效益。


项目办公岗位的日常工作涉及多方面,包括但不限于: - 制定项目计划,设定里程碑,确保项目按期完成。 - 监控项目进度,及时识别并解决可能影响项目进度的风险和问题。 - 协调内部资源,合理分配任务,确保团队高效协作。 - 维护项目文档,记录项目变更,确保信息的准确性和完整性。 - 定期汇报项目状态,向管理层提供决策依据。 - 与供应商、客户和其他利益相关者建立并保持良好的工作关系。


1. 项目启动:参与项目启动会议,明确项目目标,确定项目团队和角色分工。

2. 项目规划:制定详细的项目计划,包括工作分解结构(wbs)、时间表和预算。

3. 执行与监控:跟踪项目执行情况,定期进行项目审计,确保项目符合预定的质量标准。

4. 变更管理:处理项目中出现的需求变更,评估其影响,更新项目计划。

5. 风险管理:识别潜在风险,制定应对策略,减少项目延误或超支的可能性。

6. 沟通协调:定期召开项目会议,报告项目进展,解决团队冲突,维护团队士气。

7. 项目收尾:确保项目顺利完成,进行项目回顾,总结经验教训,为未来的项目提供参考。



第1篇 项目办公室管理岗位职责

项目管理办公室 / pmo [global finance & planning]

1. analysis and reporting of plan and forecast numbers in gpdm;

2. monitor resource and vendor spending under the it cost control governance process, with tracking against financial target. review and facilitate the ongoing finance activities to ensure the spending and it recovery are at the right level;

3. assist it planning & finance manager in generating and e_plaining customer bills;

4. assist regional business manager to monitor the departmental profit & loss (direct cost) to ensure the overall department is on the right track to operate / develop;

5. analysis on the mi output and e_plain the uptrend or downtrend for any cost spend, customer charging forecasting;

6. coordinate yearly planning

[resource and talent management]

1. drive and implement the recruitment strategy regionally;

2. actively manage the resource pipeline based on the supply and demand;

3. track the recruitment process and fi_ in case any deficiency;

4. support the initiatives of people agenda globally and regionally like people motivation, center upskilling, etc.

[communications & reporting]

1. facilitate the communications within the department and maintain proper communication with various parties (e.g., regional and global it coo), for adherence to global practice, and regional status update.

2. produce mi measuring performance against departmental objectives;

3. develop the valuable mi to assist with e_ecutive and management decision making;

4. e_tract and analyze data from various sources to prepare, present and report various management information reports from time to time;

5. drive and support various it transformation initiatives (eg agile delivery, devops, business/it co-location).

[project management]

ownership of regionally specific projects as required.

[qualification requirement]

1. bachelor degree

2. good communication and interpersonal skills

3. have analysis and problem solving skills

4. good written and verbal communication skills.

5. ability to understand customer requirements and concerns and ensure results meet their e_pectations

6. delivery-focused with ability to pay attention to detail and ensure tasks are completed on time and to the required levels of quality

7. ability to prioritize workload effectively in line with business priorities

8. willingness to own work and problems and see through to completion and to resolve issues with limited assistance

9. ability to contribute to a larger team; and a fle_ible approach to working hours and responsibilities.

10. e_perience of programme/project reporting to senior management

11. have some financial management / financial data analysis e_perience

12. familiarity with ms word, ms e_cel, ms powerpoint, visio

13. have both a teamwork and self-starter approach

14. ability and commitment to deliver to tight deadlines

15. creative and problem solving mentality

16. aptitude towards system/business analysis




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