- 目录
1. 深厚的技术背景:售前架构师需精通多种it技术和架构,包括云计算、网络、数据库、安全等领域。
2. 强烈的商业意识:需要理解客户业务模式,能够将技术与商业目标相结合,提供具有竞争力的解决方案。
3. 出色的沟通能力:能够清晰、准确地向非技术人员解释复杂的技术概念,赢得客户的信任和理解。
4. 解决问题的能力:面对挑战时,能迅速分析问题,提出创新且可行的解决方案。
5. 团队协作精神:与销售团队、产品团队及其他部门紧密合作,共同推动销售进程。
1. 需求分析:深入理解客户业务需求,识别关键的技术挑战和机遇。
2. 方案设计:制定详细的技术架构方案,包括系统架构图、流程图和技术规格说明。
3. 技术演示:向客户展示解决方案的功能和优势,解答技术疑问。
4. 协同销售:与销售团队合作,准备提案和标书,参与商务谈判。
5. 竞争分析:研究市场上的竞争对手,对比分析自家解决方案的竞争优势。
6. 培训和支持:为内部团队和合作伙伴提供技术支持,确保他们能够理解和推广解决方案。
7. 后期跟进:在销售成功后,协助实施团队进行项目交接,确保顺利过渡到实施阶段。
第1篇 售前架构师岗位职责
售前架构师 serve as a key technical member of the business development team in helping to ensure customer success in building applications and services on the cloud platform.
• scope each customer engagement, with attention towards clear and well-defined objectives and success criteria.
• own each technical engagement, and help ensure a timely and successful delivery of value.
• capture and share best-practice knowledge amongst the solution architect community.
• understand the cloud market segments, customer base, and industry verticals. serve as a key technical member of the business development team in helping to ensure customer success in building applications and services on the cloud platform.
• scope each customer engagement, with attention towards clear and well-defined objectives and success criteria.
• own each technical engagement, and help ensure a timely and successful delivery of value.
• capture and share best-practice knowledge amongst the solution architect community.
• understand the cloud market segments, customer base, and industry verticals.