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更新时间:2024-11-20 查看人数:52





1. 持有相关专业学位,如物理学、应用物理学或医学物理等相关背景。

2. 熟练掌握医学物理的基本理论和实践技能,包括放射治疗计划设计、剂量计算等。

3. 具备良好的计算机技能,能操作和维护复杂的医疗设备。

4. 精通相关法规和标准,确保医疗服务的合规性。

5. 优秀的沟通能力,能够与医生、护士和其他医疗团队成员有效协作。





1. 设备管理:负责放射治疗设备和医学影像设备的日常维护、校准和故障排除。

2. 治疗计划设计:根据患者病情,运用专业知识制定个性化治疗方案,包括剂量分布和治疗时间表。

3. 质量控制:实施定期的质量保证测试,确保设备性能符合标准,降低误差风险。

4. 技术研发:关注医学物理领域的最新进展,评估并引入新技术,提升诊疗效果。

5. 教育培训:为医疗团队提供设备操作、安全规范等方面的培训。

6. 法规遵守:熟悉并遵守相关医疗法规和行业标准,确保服务合规。

7. 危机应对:在设备故障或异常情况发生时,迅速响应,提供解决方案,保障医疗服务的连续性。



第1篇 高级地球物理师岗位职责任职要求



1. 负责相关技术研发,软件开发等研究性工作;

2. 负责工程项目的相关技术支持;

3. 负责项目可行性调查,可研、初步评估等工作。

4. 负责可研项目结题,验收,报告和科研论文撰写


1. 硕士或博士研究生:数学、地球物理,岩土工程等专业;3年及以上相关专业科研工作经验者优先考虑;

2. 熟悉地震(面波技术)及相关勘察技术,具有数据处理、解释以及报告编写能力;

3. 熟练掌握一门计算机语言:matlab, c, c++,fortran or python;

4. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,工作态度主动积极,有专研精神,善于思考,事业心强,能吃苦。

第2篇 物理师岗位职责

物理师 1、本科以上学历,1年以上医院物理师工作经验;


3、有良好的沟通表达能力。 1、本科以上学历,1年以上医院物理师工作经验;



第3篇 高级地球物理师岗位职责











第4篇 物理师岗位职责任职要求








第5篇 物理师工作岗位职责要求







第6篇 放疗物理师岗位职责

放疗物理师 华策 上海华策医院管理有限公司,华策,华策医院,华策资本,华策 工作职责



3、 积极配合放疗专家、医生等开展治疗工作;



1、 医学物理、生物医学工程等相关专业,本科以上学历;




第7篇 医学物理师岗位职责

放疗技师(junior rad onc therapist) essential tasks岗位职责:

1, radiation therapists perform a wide variety of technical therapeutic procedures by the application of ionizing radiation from radioactive materials or linear accelerator to treat benign or malignant diseases per radiation oncologist prescription;

2, 放疗技师通过应用放射性物质或直线加速器的电离辐射执行各种技术治疗程序,根据放射肿瘤医师的处方来治疗良性或恶性肿瘤

3, work closely with radiation oncologists and medical physicist to discuss the treatment plan and perform simulation, selecting immobilization and/or support devices for patient treatment;

4, 与放射肿瘤医师和医学物理师紧密合作,讨论治疗方案并进行模拟,为患者治疗选择制动和/或提供设备支持

5, confirm treatment plan is calculated per prescription and confirm that machine treatment parameters and accessories recorded is correct, prior to the first treatment;

6, 在首次治疗之前确认每个处方的治疗方案,确认机器治疗参数和配件记录准确无误

7, demonstrate competence in all treatment modalities offered at the center;

8, 在肿瘤中心提供的所有治疗方法中表现出专业能力

9, educate and reassure patient and family members by answering questions regarding treatment, treatment reactions and post-treatment care;

10, 通过回答患者及家属有关治疗、治疗反应和治疗后护理方面的问题提供患者教育和消除患者和家属的疑虑

11, ensure that department safety policies and emergency procedures are followed;

12, 确保遵守部门安全政策和应急程序;

13, document accurately and timely the treatment delivered to patients;

14, 准确及时地记录为患者提供的医疗服务

15, comply with regulatory requirements;

16, 符合法规要求

17, demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of computer applications and systems related to radiation therapy;

18, 清楚了解放射治疗相关的电脑应用和系统

19, monitor patient closely throughout treatment process and report to clinicians if patient’s status changes;

20, 密切监测患者治疗过程,患者病情出现任何变化及时汇报给临床医师

21, ensure proper care in the use and maintenance of equipment and supplies;

22, 确保设备和物品在使用和维护过程中得到适当的保养

23, promote continuous improvement of workplace safety and environmental practices.

24, 持续改进工作安全和环保操作

25, actively communicate with patient for treatment update to ensure flow efficiency and patient satisfaction.

26, 就治疗情况与患者主动沟通,确保高效、沟通顺畅,患者满意度高

27, perform general office duties such as delivering and retrieving patient records, recording procedure codes for billing purposes, typing forms, and scheduling patients.

28, 完成日常办公工作,如提供和检索患者病历记录,记录患者相关信息和代码方便结账、制定/填写表格、安排患者预约就诊

29, perform other duties as assigned

30. 积极完成主管分配的其他工作任务

knowledge, skills, and abilities知识与技能:

1, patient centric and empathetic

2, 以患者为中心,有同理心

3, advocate for patient privacy, dignity and safety.

4, 注重保护患者隐私、尊严和安全

5, demonstrate responsibility and accountability within the scope of this position

6, 认真履行工作职责

7, identify and utilize the resources that are available for patients and families

8, 能够为患者及家属找到相关资源并善于利用资源

9, seek and value collegial relationship with other disciplines

10, 主动建立、注重与其他医疗工作人员的良好工作关系

11, respect others’ values and suspend judgments

12, 尊重他人价值观,不随意论断

13, teamwork – demonstrates individual commitment to cooperation and collaboration among staff.

14, 注重团队协作 – 在与其他员工的配合和合作中发挥个人价值

15, time and attendance – observes time and attendance standards

16, 按时考勤 – 遵守上下班时间和考勤规定

17, project an image of professionalism in communication, appearance and conduct.

18, 在言谈举止和穿着外貌上体现专业素养

19, maintain a working knowledge of departmental standard operating procedures, including the use of specialized instrumentation, quality control requirements and preventive maintenance.

20, 了解本部门工作中操作流程的规定,包括专用仪器的使用、质量控制要求和预防维护

education, e_perience, and licenses/certifications教育背景、履历证书:

1, bachelor degree or above

2, 本科及以上学历

3, valid local license / certificate to practice as a radiation therapist in shanghai

4, 持上海地区放疗技师的有效工作证件/执照

5, minimum 2 years of clinical e_perience in a reputable radiation oncology department

6, 至少两年肿瘤放射科的临床工作经验

7, basic life support certification

8, 基础生命支持认证

9, fluent in mandarin (speaking, reading and writing). english language ability preferred but not required

10. 流利的普通话(读说写) 。英语流利更佳,非硬性要求。 essential tasks岗位职责:

1, radiation therapists perform a wide variety of technical therapeutic procedures by the application of ionizing radiation from radioactive materials or linear accelerator to treat benign or malignant diseases per radiation oncologist prescription;

2, 放疗技师通过应用放射性物质或直线加速器的电离辐射执行各种技术治疗程序,根据放射肿瘤医师的处方来治疗良性或恶性肿瘤

3, work closely with radiation oncologists and medical physicist to discuss the treatment plan and perform simulation, selecting immobilization and/or support devices for patient treatment;

4, 与放射肿瘤医师和医学物理师紧密合作,讨论治疗方案并进行模拟,为患者治疗选择制动和/或提供设备支持

5, confirm treatment plan is calculated per prescription and confirm that machine treatment parameters and accessories recorded is correct, prior to the first treatment;

6, 在首次治疗之前确认每个处方的治疗方案,确认机器治疗参数和配件记录准确无误

7, demonstrate competence in all treatment modalities offered at the center;

8, 在肿瘤中心提供的所有治疗方法中表现出专业能力

9, educate and reassure patient and family members by answering questions regarding treatment, treatment reactions and post-treatment care;

10, 通过回答患者及家属有关治疗、治疗反应和治疗后护理方面的问题提供患者教育和消除患者和家属的疑虑

11, ensure that department safety policies and emergency procedures are followed;

12, 确保遵守部门安全政策和应急程序;

13, document accurately and timely the treatment delivered to patients;

14, 准确及时地记录为患者提供的医疗服务

15, comply with regulatory requirements;

16, 符合法规要求

17, demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of computer applications and systems related to radiation therapy;

18, 清楚了解放射治疗相关的电脑应用和系统

19, monitor patient closely throughout treatment process and report to clinicians if patient’s status changes;

20, 密切监测患者治疗过程,患者病情出现任何变化及时汇报给临床医师

21, ensure proper care in the use and maintenance of equipment and supplies;

22, 确保设备和物品在使用和维护过程中得到适当的保养

23, promote continuous improvement of workplace safety and environmental practices.

24, 持续改进工作安全和环保操作

25, actively communicate with patient for treatment update to ensure flow efficiency and patient satisfaction.

26, 就治疗情况与患者主动沟通,确保高效、沟通顺畅,患者满意度高

27, perform general office duties such as delivering and retrieving patient records, recording procedure codes for billing purposes, typing forms, and scheduling patients.

28, 完成日常办公工作,如提供和检索患者病历记录,记录患者相关信息和代码方便结账、制定/填写表格、安排患者预约就诊

29, perform other duties as assigned

30. 积极完成主管分配的其他工作任务

knowledge, skills, and abilities知识与技能:

1, patient centric and empathetic

2, 以患者为中心,有同理心

3, advocate for patient privacy, dignity and safety.

4, 注重保护患者隐私、尊严和安全

5, demonstrate responsibility and accountability within the scope of this position

6, 认真履行工作职责

7, identify and utilize the resources that are available for patients and families

8, 能够为患者及家属找到相关资源并善于利用资源

9, seek and value collegial relationship with other disciplines

10, 主动建立、注重与其他医疗工作人员的良好工作关系

11, respect others’ values and suspend judgments

12, 尊重他人价值观,不随意论断

13, teamwork – demonstrates individual commitment to cooperation and collaboration among staff.

14, 注重团队协作 – 在与其他员工的配合和合作中发挥个人价值

15, time and attendance – observes time and attendance standards

16, 按时考勤 – 遵守上下班时间和考勤规定

17, project an image of professionalism in communication, appearance and conduct.

18, 在言谈举止和穿着外貌上体现专业素养

19, maintain a working knowledge of departmental standard operating procedures, including the use of specialized instrumentation, quality control requirements and preventive maintenance.

20, 了解本部门工作中操作流程的规定,包括专用仪器的使用、质量控制要求和预防维护

education, e_perience, and licenses/certifications教育背景、履历证书:

1, bachelor degree or above

2, 本科及以上学历

3, valid local license / certificate to practice as a radiation therapist in shanghai

4, 持上海地区放疗技师的有效工作证件/执照

5, minimum 2 years of clinical e_perience in a reputable radiation oncology department

6, 至少两年肿瘤放射科的临床工作经验

7, basic life support certification

8, 基础生命支持认证

9, fluent in mandarin (speaking, reading and writing). english language ability preferred but not required

10. 流利的普通话(读说写) 。英语流利更佳,非硬性要求。


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