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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:32





1. 拥有深厚的经济学理论基础,熟悉宏观经济政策和微观经济运作。

2. 精通财务分析、成本控制和风险管理,具备良好的数据解读能力。

3. 具备优秀的战略思维,能够从宏观层面把握行业动态和市场机会。

4. 强烈的责任心和决策能力,能在压力下独立完成高质量的工作。

5. 出色的沟通技巧,能有效地与各部门及高层管理层进行合作与汇报。



1. 收集和分析国内外经济数据,预测市场趋势,为公司战略制定提供依据。

2. 参与编制和审查预算,评估投资项目,确保财务稳健和经济效益最大化。

3. 对企业运营状况进行深度分析,提出改进建议,提高运营效率。

4. 协助制定和调整价格策略,优化成本结构,提升企业竞争力。

5. 参与重大合同的谈判,评估合同经济风险,确保交易的经济合理性。

6. 关注政策变化,分析其对企业的影响,提出应对措施。

7. 建立和维护经济模型,为决策提供定量支持。

8. 定期向管理层报告经济状况和市场分析,为高层决策提供参考。


1. 经济研究与报告:撰写定期经济报告,涵盖全球和本地市场的经济状况、行业趋势和政策影响。

2. 决策支持:参与战略规划会议,提供经济分析和预测,协助制定长期和短期业务目标。

3. 风险管理:识别潜在的经济风险,建立预警机制,制定风险缓解策略。

4. 财务咨询:为各部门提供经济和财务咨询服务,确保经济决策的正确性和效益性。

5. 项目评估:参与新项目或投资的经济效益评估,提供经济可行性的专业意见。

6. 内部培训:分享经济知识,提升团队的经济理解和应用能力。



第1篇 高级经济师岗位职责








第2篇 高级经济师/ senior economist岗位职责要求


job description:

- prepare economic/property market/financial market outlook and track mega trend for senior management and board members

- support senior management’s strategic influencing by preparation of speeches, presentation materials and provision of timely, accurate and relevant market information.

- regularly touch base with consulting firms (i.e. mckinsey, pwc), consumer goods companies (i.e. ikea, nike), grade a office tenants to obtain reports, consumer insights timely, and understand their working space trends.

- deep dive in chinese consumers’ behaviors, including impact of technology on consumer habits, spending patterns, way of life, residential requirements etc. compare chinese and developed countries’ consumers and identify the potential common trends and differences. e_amine how to leverage these insights to allocate our resources, acquire land, design our residential or commercial products and operate them in the future.

- undertake property sector research to support formulation of vision plan.

- contribute to weekly information sharing meeting to facilitate cross-fertilization of market news and knowledge, keeping department members abreast on market intelligence.

- complete other jobs assigned by supervisor.

- provide training or orientation to department internship or new hirer.

job requirements:

- bachelor degree or above majoring in economics, business studies or relevant discipline;

- relevant e_perience in retail and office property research and business development;

- e_perience in market research and project feasibility analysis;

- proficiency in written and oral communication, both in the dominant language(s) of their particular location and in english;

- proficient user of word, powerpoint, e_cel and refined knowledge of computer tools;

- active sense of business awareness;

- good communication, planning/organization, inter-personal skills;

- ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

第3篇 高级经济师岗位职责任职要求


高级经济师/ senior economist 瑞安管理(上海)有限公司 瑞安管理(上海)有限公司 job description:

- prepare economic/property market/financial market outlook and track mega trend for senior management and board members

- support senior management’s strategic influencing by preparation of speeches, presentation materials and provision of timely, accurate and relevant market information.

- regularly touch base with consulting firms (i.e. mckinsey, pwc), consumer goods companies (i.e. ikea, nike), grade a office tenants to obtain reports, consumer insights timely, and understand their working space trends.

- deep dive in chinese consumers’ behaviors, including impact of technology on consumer habits, spending patterns, way of life, residential requirements etc. compare chinese and developed countries’ consumers and identify the potential common trends and differences. e_amine how to leverage these insights to allocate our resources, acquire land, design our residential or commercial products and operate them in the future.

- undertake property sector research to support formulation of vision plan.

- contribute to weekly information sharing meeting to facilitate cross-fertilization of market news and knowledge, keeping department members abreast on market intelligence.

- complete other jobs assigned by supervisor.

- provide training or orientation to department internship or new hirer.

job requirements:

- bachelor degree or above majoring in economics, business studies or relevant discipline;

- relevant e_perience in retail and office property research and business development;

- e_perience in market research and project feasibility analysis;

- proficiency in written and oral communication, both in the dominant language(s) of their particular location and in english;

- proficient user of word, powerpoint, e_cel and refined knowledge of computer tools;

- active sense of business awareness;

- good communication, planning/organization, inter-personal skills;

- ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.





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