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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:64



pre岗位,全称为preparation specialist,是一个在企业中扮演关键角色的职位,主要负责为公司的各项活动、项目或业务的执行做好前期准备和规划工作。这个岗位的核心在于确保所有准备工作有序进行,为后续的实施阶段打下坚实的基础。


1. 专业知识:具备相关领域的专业知识,理解业务流程和项目管理的基本原理。

2. 计划能力:具备出色的计划和组织能力,能够制定详细的工作计划,并对可能出现的问题进行预判。

3. 沟通技巧:良好的沟通能力,能有效协调内部资源,与各部门保持顺畅的信息交流。

4. 细节关注:注重细节,对工作中的每一个环节都能做到严谨细致,确保无遗漏。

5. 适应性:能适应快节奏的工作环境,灵活应对变化,及时调整计划。

6. 团队合作:具备良好的团队协作精神,能够与团队成员共同完成任务。


pre岗位的日常工作包括但不限于: - 分析项目需求,制定全面的准备工作方案,包括时间表、任务分配和资源调配。 - 协调各部门,确保所需材料、设备和人员在预定时间内到位。 - 检查和验证准备工作,确保符合标准和规范,消除潜在风险。 - 沟通和汇报项目进度,及时解决筹备过程中遇到的问题。 - 与项目负责人紧密合作,理解其期望和目标,以确保准备工作与项目目标一致。


1. 文档管理:整理和维护项目相关的文件资料,确保信息准确无误。

2. 风险评估:识别并评估可能影响项目进程的风险因素,制定预防措施。

3. 预算控制:参与项目预算的编制和监控,确保预备工作的成本效益。

4. 培训与指导:为团队成员提供必要的培训和指导,提升整个团队的准备效率。

5. 质量保证:设立质量标准,检查准备工作是否达标,确保项目启动时万无一失。

6. 后期反馈:项目结束后,进行回顾分析,总结经验教训,为未来的准备工作提供参考。



第1篇 wordpress工程师岗位职责








3、 能熟练阅读英文文档者

第2篇 pre_ecutive岗位职责

researcher/ associate consultant •conduct job analysis and search strategy planning;

•talent search and assessment, best fulfill client needs on schedule and quality;

•efficiently deliver service in order to achieve financial objectives;

•responsible for delivery quality and drive client satisfaction by providing insightful consulting services;

•build and maintain ongoing relationships with both candidates and clients.

•conduct job analysis and search strategy planning;

•talent search and assessment, best fulfill client needs on schedule and quality;

•efficiently deliver service in order to achieve financial objectives;

•responsible for delivery quality and drive client satisfaction by providing insightful consulting services;

•build and maintain ongoing relationships with both candidates and clients.

第3篇 alie_press专员岗位职责

alie_press运营专员 深圳杨杋科技有限公司 珠海杨杋科技有限公司,深圳杨杋科技有限公司,杨杋 岗位职责:


















第4篇 java presales engineer职位描述与岗位职责任职要求



looking for technical e_pert with e_perience of oracle or competitor security product portfolio, preferably in an enterprise consulting/implementation role implementing or developing identity and access management solution and paas services.

•this is a truly international and high profile, technical role where you will be working hands-on with oracles newest technology products

•requires e_perience as it security technician, javascript/mobile developer and/or paas services, preferably with e_posure to identity management, access management and/or directory services

•great communicator in english (this role requires daily collaboration with european team members and customers);

•passionate about technology, proactive, creative and innovative. you make things work!

•driven by product mastery and can be relied upon to e_plain comple_ technical concepts in simple terms

•java programming or systems administration background and ideally e_perience of oracle idcs and oracle (or sun) identity and access management solutions (access manager, identity manager) or similar competitive products such as openam, ca identity manager

•performing presentations and demonstrations of the software solutions to prospects and clients

•interact with product development about new releases and new functionality

•provide technical responses to requests for information and proposals

•requires to build and deliver demonstrations based on technical e_pertise of the product and a clear understanding of the customer´s business needs on oracle identity & access management

•preparing and conducting product workshops and/or proof of concepts


1.at least 3 years or above working e_perience

2.fluent english

3.at least 1 year development skills on either java or javascript

4.hands on skills on software/system configuration or troubleshooting.

5.good communication

第5篇 data solution architect (technical presales)职位描述与岗位职责任职要求



providing oracle bi solution to support the volumn cloud business in mainland china.


•5+ years of proven e_perience in design and development of data warehouse solutions, etl, software development and system integration projects.

•data migration in large and comple_ environments

•a technical, hands-on role for enterprise data warehousing and data integration initiatives.

•good e_perience in data modeling and data architecture.

•strong understanding of dw concepts / design and implementation.

•understanding of conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling.

•good understanding of service oriented architectures , application frameworks and system integration methods.

•e_perience of full lifecycle development projects.

•development e_perience with oracle database technologies, strong pl / sql skills.

•building of operational data stores ( ods ), data marts, enterprise data business and technical metadata management.

•data analysis and data model development ( i.e. logical and physical models )

•working knowledge of data quality management practices using commercially available tools.

•familiarity with data governance concepts and processes.

•enterprise data integration e_perience in leading eai / etl tools and olap tools.

•familiarity with master data management concepts.

•business intelligence e_pertise and technical skills to successfully deliver solutions.

•good communication skills and technical documentation)

•ability to organize prioritizes work, meet deadlines and work independently.

•ability to handle multiple projects and activities in a timely, organized manner

第6篇 alie_press销售岗位职责

alie_press速卖通销售/运营 赛维网络 深圳市赛维网络科技有限公司,赛维,赛维网络,赛维网络科技,赛维 岗位职责:







1、大专以上学历, 英语过四级,有速卖通平台相关经验,熟悉平台政策和规定,并能运用于店铺日常经营当中,最大程度地维护账号安全和公司利益;


3、执行力强, 有冲劲。

第7篇 java - paas presales consultant职位描述与岗位职责任职要求






- 3年以上java开发经验,熟悉主流框架;

- 熟悉oracle数据库为佳;

- 精通英语或韩语;

- 优秀的沟通能力。

第8篇 pre_ecutive岗位职责pre_ecutive职责任职要求


researcher responsibilities:

· understand clients job description and requirements; 理解和分析客户公司职位职责与需求

· conduct the market search and the mapping of potential candidates through different channels; 行业市场信息及潜在候选人搜集

· select suitable cv and contact candidates; 候选人简历筛选及候选人联络

· arrange and participate the interview with consultant. 候选人面试安排,与顾问一同参与面试


someone curious and proactive,

positive, self-motivated, and eager to learn,

problem-solving oriented and good in communication,

good in english,

undergraduate or graduate student (economy/management/psychology/hr specialities will be a plus). responsibilities:

· understand clients job description and requirements; 理解和分析客户公司职位职责与需求

· conduct the market search and the mapping of potential candidates through different channels; 行业市场信息及潜在候选人搜集

· select suitable cv and contact candidates; 候选人简历筛选及候选人联络

· arrange and participate the interview with consultant. 候选人面试安排,与顾问一同参与面试


someone curious and proactive,

positive, self-motivated, and eager to learn,

problem-solving oriented and good in communication,

good in english,

undergraduate or graduate student (economy/management/psychology/hr specialities will be a plus).

第9篇 salesrepresentative销售代表岗位职责


responsible for sales and promote company products and brand inassigned area, complete sales target.


university graduate in international trade or business related discipline

min. of 2 to 3 years sales e_perience in import and e_port business

e_posure in working in multi-national companies is advantages

e_cellent oral and written english

mature and good negotiation skill

aggressive and hardworking personnel with clear career objectives

able to meet deadlines under pressure

able to work and travel domestically and internationally

第10篇 金融业务咨询顾问(prefer对公方向)岗位职责要求














第11篇 售前技术总监 presales lead职位描述与岗位职责任职要求


location: 深圳or香港

job description

•lead & support design thinking workshops to promote new and innovative solutions for customers and prospects.

•participate in client meetings, and conduct diagnostics to assess crm capabilities

•case development, process redesign, and organizational transformation.

•translate client’s vision into concrete requirements

•develop implementation plans

•partner with internal and e_ternal stakeholders on solution design and strategy

•deliver results, insights and recommendations to clients, in an organized and succinct presentation

•support business development activities including proposal development, proof of concept and other pursuit activities

•develop close relationships with sales teams in order to promote effective sales methodologies

•participate in demo system design and planning. participate in new project release input.

•serve as a champion for or participate as a leader in solution hubs and provide knowledge transfer to colleagues as needed.


•bachelor’s degree from an accredited university;

•8+ years working e_perience in big data/ai marketing of it solution industry.

•5+ years of solution specialist e_perience in areas appropriate to the job

•strong knowledge in fintech solutions;

•e_pert knowledge/e_pertise on end to end processes/solution matching

•strong problem solving; takes initiative; team player

•e_cellent written and oral presentation skills

•fluent english skills

第12篇 二手车评估师 pre owned car evaluator岗位职责描述岗位要求





1. 对车辆进行检测,检查车辆的各项证件并对车辆的综合状况进行评估;

2. 根据车况确定二手车大致的收购/销售价格;

3. 预估车辆所需整备项目、估算整备成本;

4. 置换客户的接待、洽谈;

5. 与第三方沟通,跟进退牌进度等后续事宜 ;

6. 统计置换评估、成交数据;


1. 3年以上二手车行业经验,了解当地二手车行情以及交易、过户手续办理等相关流程、法规、政策;

2. 掌握二手车评估鉴定流程及操作方法,对车辆评估定价具有敏锐洞察力;

3. 了解汽车基础知识,取得二手车鉴定评估师资格证书的优先;

4. 具备良好地亲和力、服务意识、总结分析及判断力、敬业精神;

5. 工作积极主动,具有较强的应变能力、沟通能力和一定的谈判能力;

6. 熟练使用常规办公软件;

7. 持有有效汽车驾驶c证或以上,驾驶技术熟练;

8. 遵守劳动纪律,服从公司章程。

第13篇 business precess e_pert-sap系统岗位职责描述岗位要求







_ participation in it or business driven projects as a team member or project manager

_ e_ecute information analysis to improve processes or to propose solutions for current problems

_ initiate process improvement project by analysing and identifying in the use of it applications.

_ implement process improvements in the companys organisation primarily based on (standard) it applications/tools improvements can be also based on new procedures. seek alignment with business process owners.

_ issue, judge and implement change request for current it applications.

_ plan and coordinate tests of new releases of it applications to secure uninterrupted operations of the systems

_ e_ecute control of business blueprint and business processes by reviews in all departments all over the world.

_ propose new companys standards and improvements. participates in improvements projects.

_ secure maintenance of up-to-date generic training material, process documentation, process descriptions and procedures of it applications vis edms.

_ steer, educate, train and evaluate key users. organise key user meetings in the organisational unit of the home base on request/behalf of the it director

_ secure it security aspects of it applications

_ issue improvements of dsp standards it applications to the relevant (dsp) departments

_ secure maintenance and support of the relevant dsp it applications in line with cgmp

_ comply with cgmp as meant by ich q7 and where appropriate gamp5 as defined in the companys policies and isops. ensure embedding of validation in the total dsp it approach, thinking and acting.

_ comply to the company she&q and security regulations, signal unsafe situations, (near) incidents, environmental, quality and security risks, stop proceedings when serious violations of the regulations occur and report these. address other to comply with the regulation to prevent unsafe behaviour.


_ bachelor degree or above, major in computer/it or related

_ fluent in english

_ in-depth knowledge of the various business concepts and processes

_ application knowledge regarding the assigned it applications

_ knowledge of various standard it applications

_ good documentation and communication skills, proactive

_ knowledge of the microsoft office (word, e_cel, power point)

_ e_perienced in change management and design of new processed in an international environment (>3 years)

_ high level sap knowledge configuration pp qm (integrated with wm ptp and sd)

_ e_perience in co-operation with different of organization and different hierarchy levels

_ system validation e_perience

_ operational process e_pertise

_ sound project management skills and e_perience




to apply online please click the apply button below. for a confidential discussion about this role please contact morgan cui on +86 10 5969 0537


bachelor degree or above

fluent in english

high level sap knowledge configuration pp qm (integrated with wm ptp and sd)

system validation e_perience

knowledge of dcp configuration sap ibp

第14篇 preload工程师岗位职责













第15篇 外贸英语客服(ebay/alie_press/amazon)岗位职责职位要求






















联系电话:0755-89377567/13068781229(微信) shmily






第16篇 beijing service representative岗位职责描述岗位要求


job purpose:

the senior service representative will be a professional and an e_pert in the service operation. you will be recognised by the provision of a totally professional service to a variety of customers, in support of a range of engines and/or assortment of aircraft types.

you will be the primary interface on all aspects of the business including technical issues, provision of spares, warranty claims and preparation of business contracts.

key accountabilities (but not limited to):

to manage the in service customer relationship with major customer account

drive customer satisfaction / compliant targets and delivery, including proactive management of issues to resolution

support team leader/line manager to create business review meeting pack; conduct regular technical review, totalcare review and working together team

rollover campgain coordination plans with both intenral and e_tenal customers

identify possible ways to improve the service support activity, promoting such ideas with the team leader/line manager

provide customer input on business forecasts, fleet plans and shop visit plans

identify sales and service opportunities

be capable of undertaking the most difficult of postings often at short notice

support other service rep when needed

back up customer commercial representative for debt collection


base technical or business qualification

at least 2 years technical and operational support e_perience in the aerospace sector

good english spoken and written skills

it proficient


previous service representative e_perience stronly preferred

engineering degree

people / team management e_perience

e_perience working within an international company

第17篇 businessrepresentative销售代表岗位职责

basic purpose of this position:

this will include implementing the sales plan designed to achieve established sales and financial goals; calling on prospective and current company customers; involving technical personnel to resolve customers’ issues and problems as needed; may participate in the establishment of sales targets and design of the territory’s sales plan; and controlling sales e_penses.

essential duties and responsibilities:

the incumbent will also be responsible for, but not limited to the following duties:

- normally receives no instruction on routine work; general instructions on new assignments

- follows standard practices and procedures in analyzing situations or data from which answers can be readily obtained

- achieves the sales target for responsible area

- develops and e_plore business opportunities in different market segment in the territory

- develops relationships with key accounts and general customers

- attends seminars, e_hibitions and demonstrations by close work with marketing team within the territory in order to promote company’s business

- calls on prospective and current company customers

- involves technical personnel to resolve customers issues and problems as needed

- works reliably with team member to resolve problems and achieve goals

- provides quality assurance for adherence to technical standards

- adheres to policies and procedures

this description is a summary of principle responsibilities and is not intended to include all duties may be assigned.

working relationships and contacts:

- e_ternal contacts for this position include hospital, laboratory, and university.

- internal contacts include all marketing and cts department related people.

supervision received and given:

the incumbent of this position is responsible for his/her own work. only new work is reviewed before issue, all other work is handled independently, reporting status to managers/supervisor. some work requires analysis and use of initiative and independent judgment, but most assignments are specific and well defined.

essential qualifications:

education & skills:

- a university graduate in science and preferably in medical laboratory technology

- able to read and write english

- good computer skills

working e_perience:

- a minimum of two years’ e_perience in selling is a plus

- previous e_perience in diagnostic industry is preferred

functional competencies:

- obtains required learning and additional e_pertise to e_pand repertoire of skills

- uses logical methodology in analyses

- prioritizes assigned work assuring milestones are achieved

- recognizes and leverages opportunities to enhance own performance

- seeks challenging job assignments to continue learning

- focuses energy on meeting key targets to achieve quality results

- serves as a resource for work unit

- understands comple_ technical and non-technical documentation

- effectively communicates with e_ternal contacts to ensure positive outcomes

- acknowledges and addresses issues honestly and without judgment

- learns to analyze business processes and customer requirements

- works reliably with team members to resolve problems and achieve goals

- shows respect for all team members

- uses understanding of the customers needs and e_pectations to identify and suggest ideas or enhancements

- searches for ways to increase customer satisfaction

- prioritizes assigned work assuring milestones are achieved

- good communication, presentation, interpersonal and negotiation skills

- strong motivation and initiative in making progress, goal oriented

- be able to work under pressure, self-controlled

travel requirements:

this position may require business traveling in a frequent situation.

work environment:

this position functions in a general office environment.

第18篇 category manager(compressor )岗位职责描述岗位要求



_ work together with the worlds innovators to design and manufacture electronics.

_ career path that goes beyond job description walls, e_tending globally

client details

_ my client are a global leading business who are specialists in the industry

_ operate on a global scale, serving customers around the world. operate on a global scale, serving customers around the world


_ lead global category management, establish global category strategy, responsible for the global spend, drive best country sourcing and deliver consistent profitability beyond target budget.

_ develop, champion, and ensure implementation of ideas that will optimise total cost of ownership year-over-year for assigned spend categories according to group guidelines.

_ track forecast-ed vs actual savings for the assigned categories and be responsible for communicating performance against these measures and their potential budgetary impact.

_ serves as project manager for initiatives and roll outs. coordinates cross-functionally to collect data, obtain feedback and drive project time lines.

_ maintains a strong customer service orientation. troubleshoots issues and provides prompt resolution to questions and requests.

_ initiates, develops and maintains company-wide policies and ensures compliance in all aspects of procedures.



_ 5+ years working e_perience of successful category management and purchasing within a global environment, with mechanical or chemical engineering educational background. ba or equivalent advanced training preferable.

_ professional acknowledgement on compressor product , familar with design, technical, also marketing status

_ strong financial and business acumen and ability to understand and define most critical issues and develop methodologies for collecting and analyzing relevant data (make vs. buy, dtc, tco, npv etc.)

_ able to understand the impact of business decisions and identify e_posures to risk. capable of identifying challenges and opportunities and communicating to the business

_ ability to develop actionable recommendations and implementation plans

job offer

global team player, fully developed your career and good branding company for the good salary

第19篇 service representative, taipei岗位职责描述岗位要求



the service representative will be a professional and an e_pert in the service operation. you will be recognised by the provision of a totally professional service to a variety of customers, in support of a range of engines and/or assortment of aircraft types.

you will be the primary interface on all aspects of the business including technical issues, provision of spares, warranty claims and preparation of business contracts.

key accountabilities (but not limited to):

to manage the in service customer relationship with major customer account

drive customer satisfaction / compliant targets and delivery, including proactive management of issues to resolution

support team leader/line manager to create business review meeting pack; conduct regular technical review, totalcare review and working together team

rollover campgain coordination plans with both intenral and e_tenal customers

identify possible ways to improve the service support activity, promoting such ideas with the team leader/line manager

provide customer input on business forecasts, fleet plans and shop visit plans

identify sales and service opportunities

be capable of undertaking the most difficult of postings often at short notice

back up customer commercial representative for debt collection


base technical or business qualification

at least 2 years technical and operational support e_perience in the aerospace sector

good english spoken and written skills

it proficient


previous service representative e_perience strongly preferred

engineering degree

people / team management e_perience

e_perience working within an international company


第20篇 售前咨询顾问pre-sales consultant岗位职责要求



1.support edenred china ka business development pre-sales consulting

2.attend pre-sales client meetings

3.client business audit

4.client requirement analysis

5.customized proposal design of edenred services (crm consulting, system, crm campaign and program operation, etc.)

6.ensure cooperation with other internal teams to design quality of proposals

7.bidding document preparation

8.crm / prm industry study

9.proposal presentation


1.university or above;

2.2 years’ e_periences in crm industry

3.2 years’ e_perience of pre sales consultant and proposal designing

4.familiar with crm consulting / system / operation programs

5.e_cellent power point skill is a must

6.emphasizing details, pursuing perfect

7.smart and innovative thinking

8.strong sense of responsibilities

9.proficient english writing and speaking skill

10.good e_cel skill is a plus




  • pre岗位职责20篇
  • pre岗位职责20篇64人关注

    岗位职责是什么pre岗位,全称为preparationspecialist,是一个在企业中扮演关键角色的职位,主要负责为公司的各项活动、项目或业务的执行做好前期准备和规划工作。这个 ...[更多]
