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更新时间:2024-05-19 查看人数:33





1. 具备良好的市场洞察力,能准确把握行业动态和供应商发展趋势。

2. 熟悉采购流程和供应链管理,了解相关法律法规。

3. 拥有优秀的谈判技巧和沟通能力,能够建立和维护良好的供应商关系。

4. 能够进行深入的供应商分析和评估,包括质量、价格、交货期、服务能力等方面。

5. 具备一定的财务知识,能进行成本分析和合同条款谈判。

6. 强烈的责任心和职业道德,保证公平公正的采购行为。



1. 供应商搜寻与筛选:广泛搜集市场信息,发掘潜在供应商,通过初步评估筛选出符合企业需求的合作伙伴。

2. 供应商评估与认证:制定详细的评估标准,对候选供应商进行全面审查,包括质量体系、生产能力、财务状况等。

3. 商务谈判与合同签订:与供应商进行价格、付款条件、交货期等方面的谈判,确保合同条款对企业有利。

4. 供应商关系管理:定期与供应商进行沟通,监控其性能表现,及时解决合作中出现的问题。

5. 风险控制:识别和管理供应链风险,如供应中断、价格波动等,制定应对策略。

6. 持续改进:推动供应商提升服务质量,优化采购成本,确保供应链的稳定性和效率。


1. 市场研究:收集和分析行业数据,了解供应商市场动态,为公司采购决策提供依据。

2. 供应商数据库维护:更新和管理供应商信息,确保信息准确、全面。

3. 合同管理:跟踪合同执行情况,处理合同变更和续签事宜。

4. 绩效评估:定期对供应商进行绩效评估,提出改进建议和激励措施。

5. 问题解决:协调解决供应商与内部部门间的问题,确保供应链顺畅。

6. 培训与发展:参与内部培训,分享供应商管理知识,提升团队整体能力。



第1篇 采购供应商开发岗位职责任职要求


战略采购供应商开发经理铝矾土冶炼原燃料 战略采购供应商开发经理铝矾土冶炼原燃料



















职位发布在:北京、天津、河北。 战略采购供应商开发经理铝矾土冶炼原燃料





















第2篇 采购供应商开发经理岗位职责

供应商开发采购经理 职位描述:

1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.


1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.

第3篇 采购供应商开发岗位职责

供应商开发采购经理 职位描述:

1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.


1. overall management and development of local direct sourcing team, purchasing team enhancement of sourcing function, policy making fully compliant, talent education and training, ensure direct sourcing function working properly and efficiently.

2. responsible for evaluating all materials, with an emphasis on botanicals, to determine the best strategy to buy: e.g. direct from farmers, coops or large volume traders, while maintaining full tracebility. the goal is to lower the raw material costs for changsha wherever possible.

3. responsible for sourcing, substitution of raw materials and packaging materials for e_isting products, ensure consistent and persistent production.

4. vendor, supplier and strategic partner audit, selection, development and management. ensure the sustainability and reliability of supply.

5. contract terms and agreement negotiation with selected suppliers to ensure benefit of company and avoid potential risks.

6. set up goals of cost saving through localization and substitution, and implement the cost saving plan to make profit to the company.


1. collaboration with new products department, quality ,planning departments to ensure the target materials satisfactory

2. provide marketing, internal customers with direction, vision of potential or substitute products of good quality, including raw, packaging.

3. develop and maintain long-term, strategic cooperation partnership with vendors; negotiate contract terms with vendors in the drive of best cost saving.

4. ensure all the raw materials supplied by new suppliers should be audited and approved by the qa department. coordinate with qa to perform supplier audit.

5. set up selection and audit system for vendors, propose improvement suggestion to disqualified vendors in time or change unqualified vendors.

7. maintain vendor master list, items master list in oracle system, keep these parameter accurate

8. responsible for support so_ audit and internal audit and have no main issues regarding sourcing side.

9. responsible for purchasing all the direct materials and indirect materials (e_pense materials and equipment). manage purchasing activity to ensure on-time delivery for all materials, arrange payment properly. make sure the delivery from vendor in compliance with the po / contract requirements.


1. university or above degree and major in food and pharmaceutical is preferred.

2. at least 7 years’ relevant working e_perience for purchasing botanicals to produce e_tracts and powders, working in a food or a pharmaceutical company is preferred.

3. 2 years management e_perience at least

4. familiar with mrp & ms office ____年, have oracle system knowledge is a plus.

5. good english in oral, reading & writing

6. ability to work well with little supervision.

7. good communication with other departments.

8. ability to solve practical problems and carry out responsibilities under general supervision.

第4篇 采购供应商开发专员岗位职责

采购专员/供应商开发(电子商务) 鼎信网络 山东鼎信网络科技有限公司,decent鼎信,鼎信网络,鼎信 岗位职责:




















  • 采购供应商开发岗位职责4篇
  • 采购供应商开发岗位职责4篇33人关注

    岗位职责是什么采购供应商开发岗位是企业供应链管理的重要组成部分,主要负责寻找、评估和管理新的及现有的供应商资源,以确保公司能够获取优质、高效且成本合理的原 ...[更多]
