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发布时间:2023-01-03 19:33:05 查看人数:67
  • 目录


第1篇 assistant manager, ta_ r&d岗位职责要求



















•熟悉microsoft e_cel,word,powerpoint的使用;



第2篇 java(full stack)职位描述与岗位职责任职要求


this position will focus on the development of systems and integration of infrastructure that enables all morgan stanley developers to identify and manage security vulnerabilities in their code and positively impacts the state of application security throughout the firm.

this position contributes to:

• development of the global application security infrastructure used by all developers firm-wide

• systems, network and application troubleshooting for production systems

• user training and evangelism on effective use of tools to the developer community

• technical support for products developed by the team

skills required:

technical skills

• strong research, analytical, and problem solving skills

• strong java or script(python/perl) skills

• strong knowledge of java-related technologies (e.g. spring, hibernate)

• e_perience with relational databases and sql

• knowledge of modern js frameworks (react, angularjs, backbone) or visualization tools (d3.js or others)

• understanding of all major browsers and the special considerations required for all various quirks

• aware of the interplay between javascript and html & css, and can dynamically create, modify, and style element on a page with ease

non-technical skills

• good read/written english communication skills.

• independent problem-solving, highly motivated and self-directing

• e_cellent teamwork,

skills desired:

• perl/python development e_perience is an advantage

• knowledge of ria technologies such as angularjs

• e_perience with comple_ it systems is an advantage

第3篇 salesassistant岗位职责职位要求


















第4篇 店副理assistant store manager(武汉)岗位职责描述岗位要求






领导 – 设立工作团队的目标,提升组织能力,以身作则:

. 在发生客流高峰或突发事件时保持冷静,确保门店的正常营运并为伙伴做出积极的榜样。

. 对伙伴进行培训并确保伙伴提供优质的顾客服务以表现出“顾客第一”的工作态度。

. 制定行动计划并直接激励和领导门店团队推动公司项目的执行,以实现营运和组织目标。

. 运用正直、诚实和求知的管理原则,提升星巴克的企业文化、价值和使命。

. 计划、确认、传达并委派相应的工作和执行,以确保门店营运平稳进行。

. 培训并指导门店团队采取行动并达成营运目标。经常性地审视门店环境和主要营运指标,认识问题、利害关系以及抓住机会点,对门店团队进行培训和指导,以达成营运目标。

. 负责门店日常运作,确保管理组和星级咖啡师团队达成或超越预期成果。优先管理和规划 - 为工作团队制定战略和营运计划,加以管理执行,并对结果进行评估:

. 伙伴清楚了解最高优先级,门店有计划实现目标。

. 监控和管理门店的人员编制情况,以确保伙伴的职业发展和人才招募,进而满足和维持门店的营运需要。

伙伴发展和团队建设 – 恰当使用培训/ 传授/ 辅导技巧发展伙伴技能,为伙伴提供反馈和发展机会以构建高效团队:

. 通过定期开展绩效评估、提供反馈并设立具有挑战性目标以提高伙伴绩效。运用绩效管理工具积极地管理伙伴的日常绩效以支持组织目标的实现。

. 确保伙伴了解门店优先级并受到启发达成目标。

. 运用现有工具确定沟通内容和优先次序,运用判断力经常性地对门店团队的沟通信息进行筛选。清楚、简明和准确地进行沟通,以确保门店的高效营运。

. 合适的委派和追踪,确保满足业务和伙伴发展需求。虽然职责可被委派,但店经理将担当店内所有活动的责任。

. 理解个别伙伴的动机、需求及所关注的问题,同区组团队建立并保持积极良好的关系。

. 运用现有组织工具和程序,来认识和提高个人及团队成就。同时积极寻找新颖有效的创造性方法。 运用和示范有效的管理原则与实践,搭建和维护成功的门店团队,营造出一个伙伴价值得到体现与尊重的环境。

. 建立强大的后备人才以支持未来业务需求。业务需求 – 通过分析伙伴行为,关键指标和财务报告,识别工作优先级以便达成业务目标:

. 确保所有伙伴遵循工资,休息及工时相关的政策。

. 征询顾客反馈,了解顾客及门店所在社区的需要。

. 激发团队以同理心服务顾客,使顾客能够得到他们真正要的服务,食品和饮料。

. 积极面对所有顾客抱怨,并致力于进行服务补救。

. 运用各种营运工具甄别机会点或问题,制定计划,实现出色的门店营运。

. 持续的关注和推动营业额,同时按预算管理所有成本。

. 运用外部的资源支持门店营运,并执行地区性和区域性活动。其中资源包括人力资源、市场、食品饮料、安全与安保,门店开发,物业管理等。

. 时刻运用营运程序来提升伙伴,顾客体验和业绩。店经理需要:

. 当班时,除了非顾客服务时间需求,与门店伙伴在前线一同为顾客服务,以便:

- 观察,并按状况所需,培训/ 传授/ 辅导伙伴

- 伙伴表现好时给予认同和鼓励

- 给予伙伴绩效反馈

- 以身作则,给伙伴正确的行为榜样

- 服务顾客和与顾客联接

. 每周至少值1次早班,1次晚班

. 轮替早、晚和周末班次

. 定期在门店最繁忙日工作

. 在没有值班的工作日,应值班主管安排在岗位工作,例如浓缩吧台,收银台,或其它值班主管安排的岗位


. 独立管理门店的能力

. 在快节奏的工作环境中进行有效管理的能力

. 应对多种情况同时发生的能力

. 管理各种资源以确保始终能达到标准服务水平的能力

. 人际关系技巧

. 顾客服务技巧方面的知识

. 管理实践与流程方面的知识

. 组织和计划技能

. 出色的顾客服务营运技能

. 较强解决问题的能力

. 团队建设技能

. 清楚、简练地进行口头和书面沟通的能力

. 较强的领导才能,并有培训和指导他人的能力

. 计划并排定优先次序的能力

. 处理机密和敏感信息的能力领导能力确定方向 - 设立和沟通激励性愿景,并且建立竞争机制,并确保部门与公司策略保持一致领导勇气 - 愿意承担管理风险以推动营运前进

营造氛围 - 建立积极、相互尊重、高效和专业的工作环境

建立和保持人际关系 - 建立积极良好的人际联系,以此推动营运目标的实现

未来发展 - 不断地提升自己和他人的才能

组织认知 - 了解和有效权衡组织结构以实现公司和个人业务目标

实现可�量的结果 - 不断地超越目标,致力于超越内部和外部顾客的预期


关注顾客 - 提供优质的服务,满足并超越顾客的期望

职业操守 - 始终遵循星巴克的价值、信念及原则

沉着冷静 - 当面对棘手问题时保持冷静,坚持立场并专业地做出回应

主动学习 - 积极主动地不断学习新的知识、技巧及经历

处理模糊 - 能够成功地处理不明朗且不断改变优先次序的情况

决策能力 - 依据分析、才智、经验和判断快速地做出最佳决定

人际关系 - 有效地建立人际关系

目标导向 - 得到结果,达成目标

第5篇 parts ordering process assistant manager岗位职责描述岗位要求


summary of the role:

this position is responsible for dealer ordering related process (end to end )management and enhancement.utilizing the forecasts or actual sales provided from downstream or cross function, support to better byton service parts planning to optimise supply chain effiencny and customer satisfaction.


• dealer account and credit management along with processes & system initiated;

• dealer order management,optimise urgent & 3r orders. built tool to manage order close from start to end, coordinate cross-teams for quick solution;

• back order e_peiting and analysis;

• take reponsibile for dealer claim process, and ensure claim standards set up and operation completed on time;

• deep learn aftersales market and dealer behivious, cooperate within teams for promotion and other market activities;

• cooperate with quality team, headcounter and warranty to complete whole spo launch plan,and take lead for spo such as recall parts management;

• optimize spo following and control process;

• drive all related processes documented and systematized both;


education backgroud:

• bachelor’s degree. master’s degree preferred.


• minimum of 5 years relevant e_perience in anto industry and planning function

• process oriented

• fluent in spoken and written english

• multi-task ability

• good interpersonal skills

• computer literate and comfortable with technology

• presentation skills

• detail oriented

• customer focus

• performance improvement focus


• strong computer skills-word, e_cel, etc

• project management e_perience is desirable

• must have e_cellent communication skills and be able to work with cross functional groups

• ability to work in a fast paced environment where multi-tasking and dealing with changing priorities are necessary for success

第6篇 默克化工e_ecutiveassistant岗位职责职位要求


position responsibilities

lplan, schedule, and arrange business meetings and travel itineraries;

 prepare presentations, reports, meeting minutes and other data collection and analysis as request

lprocess e_penses reimbursement, review and reconcile e_pense reports of the sub teams.

manage multiple projects and priorities and initiates follow up to ensure timely achievement of commitments.

coordinate cross partner functions and sub teams for carrying out or follow through tasks

other team administrative tasks as assigned


lbachelor’s degree

l3-5 years of work e_perience in related field

lhave administration sense, be active and vibrant, detail-focused

lgood communication with all functions internally and e_ternally

lstrong e_cel skill and ppt skill

lfluent english in both oral and writing









第7篇 finance consulting assistant岗位职责要求



about consulting

in translatio, our work is to help our client of all shapes and sizes grow faster and work smarter by solving their most comple_ business issues, from strategy to implementation. our clients need help entering new markets, addressing the challenges created by organisational change, driving innovation within the organisation, or solving whatever comple_ issues they might face. we work with inspiring leaders of retail industry to deliver results they can measure with a standard of client service that’s truly second to none.

job description & responsibilities

the finance consulting assistant in this team would be e_pected to participate in the active growth of our financial effectiveness practice. you will be working closely with clients to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their finance operations including:

financial and management reporting processes and systems;

transaction processing;

budgeting / forecasting;

finance function due diligence;

and data management / analytics.

the incumbents will participate in delivering comple_ solutions to a diverse client base. to team with others, synthesize information and develop solid conclusions is a must. the e_tent of practice development activities will be dependent upon level of e_perience.


a bachelor’s degree, oversea background is a plus;

can work under pressure;

over two years relevant e_perience in e_ecution and/or re-engineering of financial processes such as management reporting, budgeting, costing, ap and ar;

e_perience in the operations, implementation or as a 'super-user' of accounting / erp systems;

e_perience working in big-4 firms is a plus, with strong consulting mindset;

work directly with senior management and employees throughout client organizations;

strong analytical and creative problem solving capabilities;

a proven ability to translate client objectives into deliverable design, and develop deliverables that address comple_ situations;

group facilitation and presentation skills;

demonstrated management skills, including the ability to train and develop staff manage project budgets, and develop strong client relationships;

proficiency in english and mandarin is essential.

key personal attributes

in addition, candidates should illustrate the following personal attributes:

eager to learn new skills;

strong communication and interpersonal skills, with notable presence and confidence;

team player with an enthusiastic, positive, 'can do' attitude;

passionate about doing an outstanding job for the client;

incisive thinker, confident with concepts, analysis and frameworks.

about translatio

translatio manages 6 lu_ury brands in china, ale_ander wang, acne studios, smcp, thom browne, isabel marant, j cricket. till today, we have over 100 direct-sale stores in china and have more than 600 staffs. business has been kept e_panding and soon our staff will e_ceed 1000. with the e_pansion of our retail activities and as requested by the business demands, we are looking for more talents to join us.

第8篇 restaurant manager 餐厅经理岗位职责描述岗位要求


job summary

assist the assist area manager in day to day operation of outlet. responsible for efficient and profitable operation of restaurant and direct supervision of management team. planning and meeting restaurant financial objectives, control e_penditures, analyzing variances, initiating correct actions, responsible for the day to day operations to ensure positive performance. ensure all ubr sop, policies and procedures are adhered to.

major responsibilities

•under the direction of the restaurant manager, supervises the operations in a specific food service restaurant and / or stand. responsible for the high standards of service efficiency, training, sanitation, cleanliness and maintenance of the work areas at all times.

•assist to manage restaurant sales, direct operating e_penses, cost of goods sold and quality, profitability, and guest satisfaction. review operating results with the team and identify opportunities to improve performance. perform other duties as assigned.

•assist with the preparation and cooking of food in accordance to standards recipes and serving guide specifications. this role will encompass the implementation of operating procedures and standards, the management and development of team members, and liaise with attraction management to ensure that ubr short and long term goals are met. assist the e_ecutive chef to oversee daily culinary operations and all operating equipment cleanliness within the kitchen to meet hygiene standards at all time. responsible for inventory checks and daily ordering.

•participate in human resources responsibilities for assigned unit to include: creating a work environment that promotes teamwork, performance feedback, recognition, mutual respect and team members satisfaction; quality hiring, training and succession planning processes that encompass the company’s diversity commitment; compliance with ubr policies and legal requirements.


•minimum 5-7 years’ e_perience in an integrated resort, restaurant group, private club or lu_ury hotel chain.

•enjoys problem solving and can think outside-the-bo_ in difficult situations.

•team oriented approach to management with a mindset of open communications.

•capable of building and managing relationships with multiple departments as well as guests.

•administration knowledge of f&b operations and quality management, proficient in microsoft office programs, workforce management, ordering system.

•have a well-groomed, professional appearance

•must be service oriented and possess a pleasant and outgoing personality.

•develop constructive and cooperative working relationships with superiors and colleagues.

•be an e_emplary figure to peers & juniors.

•possess honesty and accountability towards responsibility.

•possess a self- disciplined, highly motivated and energetic personality.

•enjoy meeting new people.

•good communication skill.

•must be prepared to work under pressure and independently.

•able to work on weekends and public holidays and perform shift duty.

•food hygiene certificate prefer.

•possess a comprehensive set of f&b service and operations skills.

•ability to communicate in english to the understanding of management, employees and guests and provide legible communication.

•certification of previous training in hospitality.


associate degree and above.

第9篇 ssistant analyst (助理分析师)岗位职责要求


job description:

conduct research and analysis as needed for a project

compile data, prepare survey, interview and workshop documents and materials.

assist in preparation of marketing material and presentation packages for public / client review.

assist project managers or senior level consultant in developing a workplace strategy or changing management plan.

provide additional support to ensure smooth e_ecution of projects.

qualifications and skill requirement

minimum bachelor’s degree, masters or phd in architecture, interior design, facility management, sociology or organizational science is preferred.

minimum 1- 2 years of research and strategy e_perience, in an real-estate or design agency environment.

e_cellent presentation skills and comfortable speaking in front of groups. staff- and client-respected leadership qualities demonstrating proven ability to lead by e_ample. possesses motivational capabilities in a highly pressurized environment.

good time management skills to work across multiple projects

fluency in speaking and writing english. software requirements

essential: spss, e_cel, powerpoint, word, photoshop, autocad

powerbi, tableau, arcgis and deepthmap are preferable.

documents required to applied the positions (求职需要提供的文件)

interested candidates should send a resume plus a cover letter addressing at least one of the following questions of your answers should be no longer than 1-2 paragraphs.

1.in your own words, e_plain the value of workspace design to clients.

2.in your own words, e_plain the value of data in office design and operation.

all document should be prepared in english.


第10篇 hrassistant岗位职责职位要求


purpose of job role

provides and delivers accurate, effective and professional support of hr processes and procedures, products, terms of employment,to address the need of the line organization - managers and employees.

typical interfaces

employees and managers of all levels in the ericsson organization

regional and global ssc

regional and country hr

e_ternal authorities

local vendors

hr smes in regions

region delivery manager

potential job role performance metrics

efficiency, accuracy and data quality

continuous improvement

meeting /e_ceeding service level agreements

end user satisfaction

behavioral competences

presenting & communicating information, deciding & initiating action, analyzing, delivering results & meeting customer e_pectations,

planning & organizing, following instructions & procedures

qualifications and e_perience

bachelor degree,

prior e_periences in bpo or service delivery organization, preferably within hr






第11篇 assistant manager, valuation & modelling岗位职责要求



- assist the assistant managers / mangers in valuation engagement e_ecution, including business valuations, intangible asset valuations, and purchase price allocations. duties include:

- perform industry research, comparable companies and transactions research, discount rate calculations and financial analysis

- develop valuation model

- prepare valuation reports

- assist the assistant manager / managers in reviewing business valuations prepared by other valuers in order to assist audit teams on projects associated with fair value measurements

- assist project managers in monitoring engagement progress including risk management, financials and other administration procedures

- assist in business development activities including proposal and pitching documents preparation


- 1 to 2 years' relevant e_perience in business valuations or audit, with a professional qualification in accounting or cfa for analyst and 2 to 5 years' relevant e_perience for assistant manager

- e_cellent financial analysis and problem solving skills

- must be very proficient in e_cel (which is the essential tool for our valuation engagements)

- strong presentation skills with an e_cellent command of verbal and written english and chinese (cantonese and / or mandarin) skills would be advantageous

- a good understanding of financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement)

- knowledge of ifrs and gaap is an added advantage

第12篇 知名汽车品牌- start-up scouting consultant岗位职责要求


main responsibility:

the tasks are to be worked out in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders and agreed with all affected interface partners (local and foreign partners)

overall project support on concept development phase, including but not limited to research, service & business model, workshop facilitation, presentation and documentation.

major topics:

- shared urban mobility

- vertical mobility

- mobility related trend research

- infrastructure solution

- new profits from non-automotive and non-mobility services (e.g. wellness, health care, gaming etc.)

- mobility related e_ploration of south east asia region

requirement/basic qualifications:

- proven and demonstrable project e_perience in the eb and ee organization

- proven and demonstrable project e_perience in projects of 'start-up scouting”

- personal network to the e_pected contact partners in the brands

- personal network into the chinese start-up eco system

- proven e_pertise in the development at r&d

- detailed knowledge of the current r&d-organizations, core processes and boundary conditions of manufactures

- detailed knowledge of the start-up scouting processes and personal network

- fluent english, german will be plus

- integrity, team spirit, customer orientation, entrepreneurship, responsibility for safety

第13篇 assistant manager, 法务咨询 (ppp业务)岗位职责描述岗位要求






- 协助处理ppp项目中有关法律、政策等问题

- 协助编制ppp项目实施方案编制、政府汇报稿、会议纪要、采购文件及相关法律协议的编制

- 协助配合项目交流、政府汇报及配合业主与投资人谈判

- 完成上级交办的其他工作


- 熟悉ppp业务有关政策法律法规,了解政府职能部门工作程序

- 具备较好的文字表达能力、沟通能力和组织协调能力,具有良好的团队合作精神,有职业操守

- 学习能力强,善于在工作中发掘问题,提出法律建议

- 有责任心,团队协作意识强,适应出差


- 全日制本科及以上学历,且通过司法考试

- 有ppp项目咨询或律所非诉业务经验者优先

please note that kpmg shenzhen will relocate to china resources building, nanshan district, shenzhen by the end of 2018.


第14篇 openstack解决方案架构师职位描述与岗位职责任职要求









2、有3年以上实施和运维基于openstack云平台的系统经验,深刻理解openstack架构, 包括计算、存储、网络等组件。








第15篇 analyst / assistant manager, legal consulting, rs岗位职责要求



- conducting legal research in bankruptcy liquidation, bankruptcy restructuring, solvent liquidation,or non-performing loan transaction

- assisting managers in providing liquidation and restructuring related advisory services (e.g. court appointed bankruptcy or liquidation case, solvent liquidation, de-registration etc.) from business and legal perspective

- assisting managers in liquidation and restructuring of enterprises including domestic and foreign invested enterprises

- assisting managers in writing reports, articles or making presentations on legal and other related matters

- ensuring the compliance to both internal and statutory requirements

- other work as assigned

job requirements

- at least 2-4 years working e_perience in law firm or consulting firm, relevant bankruptcy liquidation, bankruptcy restructuring, npl transaction e_perience would be an advantage

- solid legal knowledge on bankruptcy law, corporate law and related laws, prc law qualified certificate is a priority

- fluent in both spoken and written english and mandarin

- a self-motivated team player with strong communication and analytical skills

- bachelor degree or above, major in law

- willingness to travel


【第1篇】assistant manager, tax r&d岗位职责要求职位描述:团队背景毕马威的国际研发税务团队在过去的30年间协助了上千家企业完成各国的研发税务相关优惠申请。随着近年


  • sta岗位要求15篇
  • sta岗位要求15篇67人关注

    【第1篇】assistant manager, tax r&d岗位职责要求职位描述:团队背景毕马威的国际研发税务团队在过去的30年间协助了上千家企业完成各国的研发税务相关优惠申请 ...[更多]

