- 目录
第1篇 手机危害英语演讲稿
good evening ladies and gentlemen! i am chen yanrong.
today,i would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of science and technology. science and technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the internet ,of course.
as for me ,i have deeply felt the charm of the internet . my best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . at the begining,i didn't get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossing and turning late at night,missing her terribly.fortunately, my spirits didn't sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why don't we keep in touch through the internet? by sharing wechat moments and using video calls ,we didn't drift apart, but became closer instead. even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, i feel like she's always by my side.
science and technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely e_press ourselves and maybe resonate with people we've never met before.whenever you find your life unsatisfying,on the internet,there 's a free world for you to place your lonely soul. what's more ,we get information through science and technology beyond limitations of time and space.that's why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike.
as it walks into tens of thousands of households,sience and technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .but i believe some of you are not in favor of this viewpoint ,right?maybe you think science and technology is the chief culprit that makes the distance between people's hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. from my point of view ,however,science and technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. it's as plain as the nose on your face that science and technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of science and technology.
science and technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder.
good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i’m contestant no._, zhai weiwei.i feel really honor to stand here and make a speech.today i’m going to look together with you in to this question: does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better?
have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? the answer is-awkward. if you do not believe, please imagine this scene. sunlight floods the earth. the spring breeze is warm and gentle. you’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the internet. but when it really comes to face to face conversation, you will find it really hard to raise a topic and keep it going. how you wish you two can use wechat even he or she is just in front of you! it just like someone in your mind keeps shouting that it is so awkward!
you are addicted to the virtual world and escaping from the reality. some people call this phenomenon as embarrassing cancer. it is funny, but it is really happening around us. such an issue would like the virus spread to every aspect of interpersonal communication. we began to avoid family party, put on headphones to avoid caring, send massages to someone behind the screen, ignoring the people around you. abandoning yourself to the so-called personal space. gradually, walls between people will be built one after another. walls that we, and even our children, cannot go beyond.
i believe mu_in once said,' days were slower in the past. carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast. you need your lifetime to just love the person who is right.' but now, the world has changed. when you want to strike up a conversation with a girl, you don't need to hide in somewhere, wondering what to say will make her happy. you just need to pick up your phone and search for nearby people without hesitation. flood of emotion swept over us, leaving only emptiness after ebbing. emotions lack the process of precipitation, becoming impetuous and cheap. if things go on like this, people will ignore the value of emotion, being a slave of modern technology.
of course, i do not want people to return to the primitive society. in my opinion, we need modern technology, and there is no doubt that modern technology will play an important role in our communication. in fact, we should make use of it rather than relying on it. therefore, what we should do is not stubbornly stick to a small circle, but look at the world, look to the future.
ok, that's all of my speech, thanks for your listening.
第2篇 手机的危害演讲稿
第3篇 吸烟的危害演讲稿
二手烟,也称为环境烟草烟,也就是指吸烟的人所呼出的气体和香烟本身燃烧时的烟雾的俗称。二手烟中包含4000多种物质,其中包括40多种致癌物质,吸进体内,亦可能和氡气的衰变产物混合一起,对人体健康造成更大的伤害。 美国最新一份研究报告指出,被动吸烟即吸'二手烟'比原先外界所知道的还要危险,在吸烟者吐出来的烟雾中,烟焦油和烟碱的含量,比吸烟者本人吸入的有害物质多出1-50倍。
众所周知,烟草危害是当今世界最严重的公共卫生问题之一,全球每年因吸烟致死的人高达600万人, 但是如果你指望我提醒你,吸烟是多么有害健康,多么浪费金钱,多么肮脏下流,多么愚蠢,多么不可救药,那我恐怕要让你失望了。因为在咱们国家控烟的宣传并不少,铺天盖地的广告,和何种形式的公益活动,至今也没有停下过。 但是吸烟的情况还是不见衰减,所以说如果这些话就能帮吸烟者摆脱烟瘾的话,也许咱们国家早就戒烟成功了。但是我还是希望我今天的演讲能过为我国控烟贡献出一点力量,真正能让吸烟者戒烟。所以说今天我演讲题目是《拒绝吸烟,还生命一份明净》 跟大多数人认为的不一样,吸烟者并不是自主选择吸烟的,正如酗酒者不是自主选择酗酒,吸毒者不是自主选择吸毒一样。你最初的选择,只不过是尝试一下吸烟的感觉而已。
许多人都会尝试去电影院的感觉,却从来没有人一辈子泡在电影院里。 所以说其实所有吸烟者掉进了一个险恶的陷阱,这个陷阱是由人类和大自然共同构建的。 我们为什么会在青少年时代掉进陷阱?因为有无数的成年人已经掉了进去。他们不是没有警告过我们, 吸烟是一种恶心的习惯,不仅浪费金钱,最后还会要了我们的命;然而我们却把这样的警告当成耳边风,认为他们一定是把吸烟当成一种享受。吸烟的荒谬处之一就 在于,要“学会”吸烟、染上烟瘾,其实并不是一件容易的事。 这个陷阱里并没有任何诱饵,我们并不是因为吸烟感觉良好才掉进去的,事实上第一支烟的感觉必然十分糟糕。如果第一支烟感觉良好,或许我们头脑里就 会响起警钟,我们会意识到陷阱的存在。然而正因为第一支烟的感觉无比糟糕,我们才会以为自己绝不会染上烟瘾,在不知不觉中一步步走进陷阱。 吸烟这件事情仿佛是一座巨大的迷宫,我们一进入迷宫内,头脑就会变得糊里糊涂,尽管努力寻找,却总也找不到迷宫的出口。有些人幸运地找到了出口,却莫名其妙地再次误入。 寻找出口的过程有人花了5年有人花了20__年,有人则花了30年。
所以说,中国控烟的大环境在改变。我们知道吸烟会导致死亡,但也知道仅仅一支烟不会。社会上还有那么多吸烟的人,而青少年的模仿能力又是如此之强。我们作为现当代大学生,一定要认清局势,这个陷阱千万不要跳进去。跳进去几年之后 痛苦我也许不单单是你自己,所以说从今天开始拒绝吸烟,还生命一份明净。我的演讲到此结束。
第4篇 手机危害的英语演讲稿
good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i’m contestant no._, zhai weiwei.i feel really honor to stand here and make a speech.today i’m going to look together with you in to this question: does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better?
have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? the answer is-awkward. if you do not believe, please imagine this scene. sunlight floods the earth. the spring breeze is warm and gentle. you’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the internet. but when it really comes to face to face conversation, you will find it really hard to raise a topic and keep it going. how you wish you two can use wechat even he or she is just in front of you! it just like someone in your mind keeps shouting that it is so awkward!
you are addicted to the virtual world and escaping from the reality. some people call this phenomenon as embarrassing cancer. it is funny, but it is really happening around us. such an issue would like the virus spread to every aspect of interpersonal communication. we began to avoid family party, put on headphones to avoid caring, send massages to someone behind the screen, ignoring the people around you. abandoning yourself to the so-called personal space. gradually, walls between people will be built one after another. walls that we, and even our children, cannot go beyond.
i believe mu_in once said,' days were slower in the past. carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast. you need your lifetime to just love the person who is right.' but now, the world has changed. when you want to strike up a conversation with a girl, you don't need to hide in somewhere, wondering what to say will make her happy. you just need to pick up your phone and search for nearby people without hesitation. flood of emotion swept over us, leaving only emptiness after ebbing. emotions lack the process of precipitation, becoming impetuous and cheap. if things go on like this, people will ignore the value of emotion, being a slave of modern technology.
of course, i do not want people to return to the primitive society. in my opinion, we need modern technology, and there is no doubt that modern technology will play an important role in our communication. in fact, we should make use of it rather than relying on it. therefore, what we should do is not stubbornly stick to a small circle, but look at the world, look to the future.
ok, that's all of my speech, thanks for your listening.
good evening ladies and gentlemen! i am chen yanrong.
today,i would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of science and technology. science and technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the internet ,of course.
as for me ,i have deeply felt the charm of the internet . my best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . at the begining,i didn't get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossing and turning late at night,missing her terribly.fortunately, my spirits didn't sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why don't we keep in touch through the internet? by sharing wechat moments and using video calls ,we didn't drift apart, but became closer instead. even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, i feel like she's always by my side.
science and technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely e_press ourselves and maybe resonate with people we've never met before.whenever you find your life unsatisfying,on the internet,there 's a free world for you to place your lonely soul. what's more ,we get information through science and technology beyond limitations of time and space.that's why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike.
as it walks into tens of thousands of households,sience and technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .but i believe some of you are not in favor of this viewpoint ,right?maybe you think science and technology is the chief culprit that makes the distance between people's hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. from my point of view ,however,science and technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. it's as plain as the nose on your face that science and technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of science and technology.
science and technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder.
第5篇 网络的危害演讲稿