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更新时间:2024-11-20 查看人数:6


第1篇 美国总统就最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法英语演讲稿

good morning. our nation was founded on a bedrock principle that we are all created equal. the project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words with the realities of changing times – a never-ending quest to ensure those words ring true for every single american.

progress on this journey often comes in small increments, sometimes two steps forward, onestep back, propelled by the persistent effort of dedicated citizens. and then sometimes, thereare days like this when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like athunderbolt.

this morning, the supreme court recognized that the constitution guarantees marriageequality. in doing so, they've reaffirmed that all americans are entitled to the equalprotection of the law. that all people should be treated equally, regardless of who they are orwho they love.

this decision will end the patchwork system we currently have. it will end the uncertaintyhundreds of thousands of same-se_ couples face from not knowing whether their marriage,legitimate in the eyes of one state, will remain if they decide to move [to] or even visit another.this ruling will strengthen all of our communities by offering to all loving same-se_ couples thedignity of marriage across this great land.

in my second inaugural address, i said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the lovewe commit to one another must be equal as well. it is gratifying to see that principleenshrined into law by this decision.

this ruling is a victory for jim obergefell and the other plaintiffs in the case. it's a victory forgay and lesbian couples who have fought so long for their basic civil rights. it's a victory fortheir children, whose families will now be recognized as equal to any other. it's a victory for theallies and friends and supporters who spent years, even decades, working and praying forchange to come.

and this ruling is a victory for america. this decision affirms what millions of americansalready believe in their hearts: when all americans are treated as equal we are all more free.

my administration has been guided by that idea. it's why we stopped defending the so-calleddefense of marriage act, and why we were pleased when the court finally struck down a centralprovision of that discriminatory law. it's why we ended “don't ask, don't tell.” from e_tendingfull marital benefits to federal employees and their spouses, to e_panding hospital visitationrights for lgbt patients and their loved ones, we've made real progress in advancing equalityfor lgbt americans in ways that were unimaginable not too long ago.

i know change for many of our lgbt brothers and sisters must have seemed so slow for so long.but compared to so many other issues, america's shift has been so quick. i know thatamericans of goodwill continue to hold a wide range of views on this issue. opposition insome cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs. all of us who welcome today'snews should be mindful of that fact; recognize different viewpoints; revere our deepcommitment to religious freedom.

but today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple, oftenpainfully, real change is possible. shifts in hearts and minds is possible. and those who havecome so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others jointhem. because for all our differences, we are one people, stronger together than we could everbe alone. that's always been our story.

we are big and vast and diverse; a nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs,different e_periences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are orwhat you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love, america is a place where youcan write your own destiny.

we are a people who believe that every single child is entitled to life and liberty and thepursuit of happiness.

there's so much more work to be done to e_tend the full promise of america to everyamerican. but today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we've made our union a little moreperfect.

that's the consequence of a decision from the supreme court, but, more importantly, it is aconsequence of the countless small acts of courage of millions of people across decades whostood up, who came out, who talked to parents – parents who loved their children no matterwhat. folks who were willing to endure bullying and taunts, and stayed strong, and came tobelieve in themselves and who they were, and slowly made an entire country realize that love islove.

what an e_traordinary achievement. what a vindication of the belief that ordinary peoplecan do e_traordinary things. what a reminder of what bobby kennedy once said about howsmall actions can be like pebbles being thrown into a still lake, and ripples of hope cascadeoutwards and change the world.

those countless, often anonymous heroes – they deserve our thanks. they should be veryproud. america should be very proud.

thank you. (applause.)

第2篇 婚姻登记员科学发展观演讲稿














第3篇 英国副首相克莱格就同性婚姻英语演讲稿

if you are one of the same se_ couples getting married this weekend, i want to congratulateyou and wish you the very best of luck. as you make your vows, you’ll be making history.

finally, after years of campaigning, and having seen off some very tough opposition, anycouple who wants to get married can get married.

together we’ve made our country a place where we celebrate love equally, gay or straight –and for that reason we should all be raising a glass.

so, as you make those last-minute preparations and your family and friends gather, i hope youhave a day to remember.

here’s to a long and happy life together for you and your partner. and here’s to a fairer moremodern and equal future for our country.

第4篇 婚姻登记员演讲稿














第5篇 婚姻与爱情的演讲稿










这是我总结的第一层原因,然后我往下深入的踏了一步,完了,我发现了事情的真相,女人永远是最佳辩手。就是因为女人根本就不是辩手啊,亲们。她们是,她们是,评委啊。她们是在你们感情生活中,判断对错输赢,选择最佳辩手的评委和导师啊。对不对,李咏老师,是不是。很多时候如果您和您的老婆发生了争执,万籁俱寂额夜晚,您看向身边爱人的时候,有没有一种看着导师,甚至是看着导演的这种感觉,对不对。当然,对于我本人来讲,我是个辩手,作为一个辩手大家想一想,还有比发现你对方辩友其实是评委更深的悲哀吗。 就在这一份浓的不能再浓的悲哀当中,突然有一个全新的观点,让我一下是灵台透亮、豁然开朗。大家想一想,作为一个男人,咱们输,咱们输掉了一生的比赛。可是咱们赢,赢得了什么呢?那是一颗可爱的、俏皮的,甚至有一点点蛮横的,但是从不遮掩、从不伪装的,少女的心啊。这个世界上还有什么比一颗愿意陪伴你到终老的真诚的少女的心更宝贵的东西呢。所以人生的辩场上,女人永远是最佳辩手,男人总是输,女人总是赢。


第6篇 同性恋婚姻英文演讲

recently i have read really a lot of articles and comments on whether homose_ual marriage should be legalized or not. it gives me a headache. let’s see what will happen if homose_ual marriage is permitted by law.

according to the international investigation, by 2004, the proportion of gay is around two to five percent of the whole population. and this ratio has been on the rise ever since, especially in the last few years. we know, many countries, such as the us, china, russia, india and so on, are now confronted with the problem of aging population caused by low birth rates. once it’s allowed to get married with someone of the same se_, they don’t have their own kids, and then the birth rates may even be lower. and what’s more, once homose_ual marriage is legalized, many potential gays will join the rank without scruple. then the situation will be more serious than now. if this is the case, a series of social problems may be created following the aging-population problem, such as heaver social burdens, greater demand for e_penditure for social security and so forth…. life will be more difficult for our son.

some may say there are ways to solve the problem of children. by adopting, going to a sperm bank or borrowing uterine, or doing whatever can be done with science and technology. but not to mention moral problems or traditional conceptions, the technology is far from mature. and it increases the risk of variation. even if they have a healthy baby ultimately, will the kids turn out to be wellwill the kids accept the fact that both his parents are men or women will they feel it abnormal to grow up in a strange family and be able to endure the pressure of public opinionor will they turn out to be homose_uals, either, because their growing environment tells them it is normal. the truth is it is not decent, not right, not normal. the present homose_ual population is already plagued by the sick disease; how can we risk our ne_t generation

some may also say true love should not be repressed. everyone is entitled to true love regardless of gender. true love is not guilty: this may be the reason why some people are in favor of homose_ual marriage. but are you sure you really know this kind of lovethe american se_ologist junky said that many homose_uals resulted from the mental distortion. homose_uality, more often than not, is a result of psychological problems, which may have stemmed from the unfortunate e_perience in childhood, having been hurt in a heterose_ual love, wrongly pursuing the se_ual pleasure or some other psychological problems. legalization of homose_ual marriage will mean our tolerant attitude to a mental disease like depression. we will be leaving this sickness to luck. then it is inhumanity and brutality. could we just stand by and watch it die its own courseof course not.

for all of these reasons, how could we ignore the mental illness of homose_uals to legalize homose_ual marriageshow could we disregard the happiness and health of our ne_t generation to legalize homose_ual marriageshow could we leave the development of our society to legalize homose_ual marriagesas long as we have sense of responsibility, the answer should be definitely not.




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