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更新时间:2024-11-20 查看人数:2


第1篇 英文职业感谢信

* * * * company:

i have a golden age in ** ** *, and now my baby is full moon. this is a time when my children and i are healthy and our children are thriving and the whole family is very happy. all of this thanks to sister sunshine who gave us a very good wife. she is a very good character, love to say, smile, warm and sincere, optimistic and cheerful teacher, i and the object all affectionately call her zhang jie. zhang jie with the love of her work, skilled nursery technology, hard meticulous and warm and thoughtful service, to ensure the children healthy and happy and i spent confined, this for our future life and the baby's healthy growth and laid a good foundation. here we offer our sincere thanks to sister zhang.

zhang is very passionate about the job. with my responsibility and love for my work, zhang has been able to arrive at home in advance, no matter what the weather is. sometimes i am still asleep, and zhang is already there. although it was said that the contract agreed to work only eight hours per day, zhang could provide us with at least nine hours of enthusiastic service every day, which made us very moved.

zhang jie is professional, meticulous and comprehensive. although the work content of the month of the wife is very complicated, zhang jie can be very skilled at the ease of each work. in daily work, she not only fed the baby, change diapers, bathe, according to touch my limbs, had to take care of me, for i wash his clothes, and cooking and massage etc, a lot of work, but she still do every job in an orderly way. zhang is a hard-working and diligent worker, with a constant variety of daily lunches and scientific nutrition. time to wipe the floor, let the house spotless, create a comfortable environment for us. in particular, zhang is very diligent and thrifty in her work. she makes reasonable use of resources, never wastes anything, and makes a good example for us.

for a short month, zhang has become our friend, our teacher. i still feel lucky to be able to meet such an excellent monthly sister-in-law. on behalf of my husband, on behalf of my healthy and lovely daughter, i would like to express my sincere thanks to zhang. i sincerely hope that she can work well and be happy! finally, thanks again for the warm service that sister sunshine has provided for us. wish the company a prosperous and prosperous future!


第2篇 职业学校助学金感谢信




时光飞逝,转眼间我们的大学生活已经过半。初入大学时,我们懵懵懂懂地打量着这个世界,有一些胆怯,甚至会因为家境贫困而感到自卑,学习曾很不适应,压力也特别大。在xx助学政策的激励和资助下,我们的生活、学习得到了保障,可以安心地追求自己的理想,我们摆脱了内心的阴影,找到了努力的方向,为了理想,我们始终自强不息!xx助学金不仅仅给我们提供了经济上的帮助,更给予我们一种说不出的勇气,它让我们看到了xx企业对于学子的关怀和关爱。而今天,我们是自信的!我知道我们有能力实现一个美好的未来。 大学是人生的关键阶段,如果没有xx助学政策,如果没有学院奖学金,我们的大学生活完全有可能是另外一个样子。现在我可以自豪地说,我们的大学生活是精彩的,我们没有虚度光阴,没有辜负父母、老师对我们的期望。我们将怀着一颗感恩的心,继续我们的大学生活! 古人云:“仁以知恩图报为德,滴水之恩定以涌泉相报。”我们面对这一年来xx助学金所给予的帮助和鼓励,我们心中万般感谢的祝愿在这里只能汇成一句简短但能表露我们心声的话,那就是谢谢!毕业后








* * * * company:i have a golden age in ** ** *, and now my baby is full moon. this is a time when my children and i are healthy and our children are thriving an…


  • 职业感谢信(2篇)
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    * * * * company:i have a golden age in ** ** *, and now my baby is full moon. this is a time when my children and i are healthy and our children are t ...[更多]

