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发布时间:2022-11-14 09:18:12 查看人数:2


第1篇 商丘古城导游词

商丘古城位于河南省商丘市睢阳区,为国家历史文化名城、全国重点文物保护单位 、国家aaaa级旅游景区、中国十大古城之一、国家水利风景区、中国最具潜力十大古城之首、中国十佳古城、中国十大最有投资潜力旅游目的地 、最具文化底蕴历史文化名城。下面是小编为大家收集的关于商丘古城导游词,希望大家喜欢!









商丘古城(景区 )

各位游客,我们现在来到了商丘古城旅游区。商丘古城位于古睢水之阳。自契建都为始已有四千多年的历史了。由于年代久远,兵祸天灾,古城曾多次被毁,又多次重建,但范围都在南北十里之内。1986年,商丘古城被国务院公布为全国第二批历史文化名城 1996年,归德府城墙被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。


现存古城为明正德六年(公元152022年)所建,距今已有近 52022年的历史。城池内方外圆,形似古钱。砖城周长725华里。城门为拱券式,至今保存完好。东门曰宾阳,西门曰垤泽,南门曰拱阳,北门曰拱辰。四门外原有四个瓮城(即在城门外再建一小城,侧面开门,旨在加固城防)瓮城又各有一个扭头城门,北门向西,东门和西门向南,南门向东,所以,商丘古城古有“四门八开”之说。

城内地势呈龟背形,共93条街道,在古代的八卦学说中,9是最大的数字,而 3是万物的源泉,所谓一生二,二生三,三生万物,所以,是一个吉利的数字。这条街把全城分割成200米见方的许多小块,格局如同棋盘。建筑多为走马门楼和四合院建筑群。根据五行相克相生的理论,为防金木相克,东西两门相错。东门偏南,西门偏北,错开一条街,出现了与南北轴线分别相交的两个隅首。明嘉靖以后至清初,城内出过两位大学士、宰相、五位尚书以及十几位侍郎、巡抚、御使、总兵、著名文人因此 官府、官宅建筑颇多。原有的水井、厕所为梅花形,布局合理。南门两侧建有两个水门,将水排进护城河。


古城南门外东侧,便是著名的应天书院,它与江西庐山白鹿洞书院,湖南长沙岳麓书院,河南登封嵩阳书院并称北宋四大书院。范仲淹年轻时曾在应天书院求学,家境贫寒的范仲淹“昼夜苦学,五年未尝解衣就枕”。终成大器后,范仲淹把家安在了商丘,他的母亲病逝后,他在家居丧,当时的应天府知府晏殊请他到书院任教,一时间“从学者不远千里而至” 应天书院由此名声更盛。

这座书院 还培育出了被誉为“清初文章第一家”的侯方域。今人对这位侯先生未免感到陌生,但提起清代著名戏剧《桃花扇》这部孔尚任所著的传世名作,知道的人应该很多,但对其内容能说出来的人又屈指可数了。侯方域便是这部名戏的主人公之一。侯方域,河南归德府人士。他的祖父曾担任太常寺卿,父亲是户部尚书,叔父担任南京国子监祭酒。崇祯末年,大明王朝风雨飘摇,22岁的侯方域到南京应试,当时他的文名已经很盛,又是世家子弟,积极参加复社的活动,与陈贞慧等人被誉为“匡扶天下正义”的四公子,年纪轻轻,便名满天下。更是与秦淮八艳之一的李香君有段缠绵悱恻的爱情故事。而位于古城内壮悔堂就是侯方域的故居。


第2篇 商丘古城游览区双语导游词

the ancient city of shangqiu is currently well-preserved, historical and cultural city in the national-level, which is located in the suiyang district, the southern part of shangqiu. (商丘古城位于商丘市区的南部、睢阳区境内,是我国目前保持基本完好的国家级历史文化名城。)the application of chinese traditional geomancy ([ˈdʒi(:)əumænsi]风水)theory to the exceptional design of the ancient city of shangqiu forms three main features, that is, the eight diagrams(八卦) city, the watery city and city piles up city, as well as the trinity([ˈtrɪnətɪ]三位一体)of inner city, city lake and city walls. (它按照古代风水理论修建,具有八卦城、水上城和城摞城三大特点,内城、城湖、城郭三位一体)the unique([ju:ˈni:k]独特的) style of architecture([ˈɑ:kitektʃə] 建筑)can be reputed([rɪˈpju:t] )the model of ancient city in china. (在国内独一无二,堪称中国古城池的典范之作。)it is built in the period of zhengde of ming dynasty( [ˈdainəsti] 朝代)since 500 years ago.(此城建于明朝正德年间,距今近5xx年。)

the main tourism area of the ancient city are historical sites, which combines human landscape with natural scenery.(古城旅游区人文景观与自然胜景兼具,是一个以名胜古迹为主体的旅游区。) in the culture area, we can experience the charms of the ming and qing dynasties, visit zhuanghui hall-the former residence of hou fangyu, who is a genius in the late ming dynasty, and pursuit his moving love story with li xiangjun, who is a beauty in the qinhuai area.(古城文化区,我们一起去体验明清古韵,游览明

末才子侯方域的故居——壮悔堂,去追寻他与秦淮名妓李香君缠绵悱恻的爱情故事。) in the south lake resorts, we can enjoy 4000 acres' city moat(护

城河) tour, visit the ancestral temple of zhangxun together with tasting the melancholy of defeating 130 thousand people with thousands soldiers in protecting suiyang district, and appreciate the calligraphy materials of yan zhenqing-the famous calligrapher of tang dynasty in the baguan study, then take a look at the yingtian academy that is classified the top of the four college academies in the north song dynasty. (在南湖休闲度


there is a broad and beautiful city moat around the inner city, owning over ten li in length and about one li in width, which looks like a jade belt to circle the city all around. (环内城一周有宽广美丽的护城河,长达十余华里,宽约一华里,像一条玉带绕城四周。)ten thousand acres'([ˈeikə]亩) lake water is clear enough to see the bottom and ripples the waves.(万亩湖水清澈见底,碧波荡漾) in the turn of spring and summer, the willow dances in the breeze and shares the shade(春夏之交,杨柳依依,芳草萋萋); the waterfowl ([ˈwɔ:təˌfaʊl]水鸟)sings joyfully(水鸟欢唱); the pampas([ˈpæmpəs] 蒲苇)grass sways in the wind(蒲苇摇曳); the lotus smells sweet(荷花飘香). how wonderful and interesting it would be if you can look up at the attractive scenery of the ancient city, and look down at the lively fish swimming in the river, then talking about the past and today.(倘若驾扁舟,仰观古城风光,俯察水中游鱼,谈古论今,更令人触景生情,无限惬意)the little island that stands alone in the center of the water, just like a slim, lovely and graceful fairy(水中小岛,超然独上,景色秀丽,如水中仙子,亭亭玉立,含情脉脉,令人心旷神怡). it is more likely to imagine a lot and to be a slave of pleasure if you step on the top of the ancient city, overlooking all the scenic([ˈsi:nɪk]景点) spots.(倘若登城眺望,诸多名胜尽收眼底,更让人浮想联翩,乐而忘返。)

the exterior of ancient city is in the circle shape, while mouth shape in the interior. he whole shape is like an ancient copper coin. the shape of 93 streets is like a checkerboard. the topography ([təˈpɔgrəfi:]地形) of inner city is in the shape of turtle's back , high in the middle and low in the vicinity([viˈsiniti]附近), and slightly inclining to the south(全城外圆内

方、形如古铜钱,九十三条街道形如棋盘,内城地势呈龟背状,中间高,四周低,略向南倾斜。) overlooking the entire city, you can find the building

group of gate towers and courtyard houses(建筑多为走马门楼和四合院建筑群). from the period of jiajing in the ming dynasty to the early qing dynasty, there emerges two prime ministers, five ministers and more than ten assistant ministers, grand coordinators, the troop commander, the renowned writer, and so on. therefore, the architectures of official residence is quite a lot. (明嘉靖以后至清初,城内出过两位大学士(宰相)、


the ancient city of shangqiu entails long-standing history and magnificent culture. (商丘古城,历史悠久,文化灿烂)'shangqiu, suiyang, the country song, nanjing and guide prefecture([ˈpri:fektʃuə] 府) ' are different names in the different periods in the history of shangqiu, as if pouring out its long and brilliant history(“商

丘”、 “睢阳”、“宋国” 、 “南京”、“归德府”,这些商丘历史上不同时期的名称,仿佛都在向人们诉说着它悠久辉煌的历史。). as early as 1986, the

ancient city of shangqiu was named as national historical and cultural city by the state council(商丘古城,早在1986年就被国务院命名为国家历史文化名城). in 1996, the city walls of guide prefecture was awarded the reputation of the national cultural relic protection units, and one of thekey tourism areas in henan province(1996年归德府城墙又被评为国家重点文物保护单位,河南省重点旅游景区之一). the ancient city of shangqiu as if a shinning pearl at the cross of the longhai and jingjiu lines(是陇海和京九线上的一颗璀璨的明珠).


the ancient city of shangqiu is currently well-preserved, historical and cultural city in the national-level, which is located in the suiyang district, the sout…


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  • 商丘古城导游词(精选2篇)2人关注

    the ancient city of shangqiu is currently well-preserved, historical and cultural city in the national-level, which is located in the suiyang district ...[更多]

