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更新时间:2024-11-20 查看人数:16


第1篇 山西平遥古城景点导游词


















第2篇 绵阳景点导游词






第3篇 景点木兰天池导游词













第4篇 南京景点英语导游词




now we are on the way to the linggu temple park. on our right there is a fishing terrace with beige glazed tiles built in 1937. it was a monument to dr. sun yatsen from the national military academy, which was founded by dr. sun yatsen in 1924.

linggu temple lies about one and a half kilometers to the east of dr. sun yatsen s mausoleum. it was called jiangshan temple in the ancient times and its original site was in dulongfu at the foot of the purple mountain. however, in the early days of the ming dynasty (1368-1644), emperor zhu yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the linggu temple with an inscription 'the first buddhist forest ' at the entrance to the mountain. inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant, so it is called the 'valley of spirit deep in pines'.it is one of the 48 attractions in nanjing.

inside the temple there is the beamless hall built in 1381 in the ming dynasty. the hall, 53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22 meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood. there are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges. in size, the beamless hall stands first and foremost of its kind in china. it was built more than 200 years earlier than the other five of the same kind in the other areas: xiangtong temple at wutai mountain; yongzuo temple in taiyuan, shanxi province; wannian temple on ermei mountain in sichuan; kaiyuan temple in shzhou and longchang temple in jurong county. it far surpasses them all in solidity and magnificence. no wonder it is considered a masterpiece of chinese stone-brick buildings. the difficulty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architectural technology of the time in china.

beyond the beamless hall are the wind-through-pines pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-high octagonal pagoda, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each storey. inside the pagoda a spiral staircase winds to the top through the nine stories. when one gets to the top story and gaze into the distance, one can get a view of the entire mausoleum area.


the 600-year-old ming tomb, lying at the southern foot of the purple mountain, is the tomb for zhu yuanzhang, the first emperor of the ming dynasty from 1368 to 1398.

born into a poor peasant family in fengyang county, anhui province in 1328, zhu yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at huangjue temple. in 1352, he joined the red turban army led by guo zixin. he married guo zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later. zhu yuanzhang took over nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of china and established the ming dynasty.

zhu yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife died. the empress was buried in the tomb in 1383. but emperor zhu yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.

now we are reaching the tomb gate, known as grand golden gate. ming tomb is divided into two parts. the first part is from horse dismounting arch gate to linxin gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. the second part is the tomb itself. there was originally a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. the tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised inside. unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined during the wartime, once between the ming and qing dynasties and the other time when taiping peasant army was suppressed by the qing dynasty army. all the wooden structures were destroyed. however we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how it looked like 600 years ago.

at the horse dismounting arch gate, the inscription can be seen 'all the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here'. this shows the absolute dignity of emperor zhu yuanzhang at that time.

here we are at the square city, also called the stone tablet house. its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways are still remaining, just like a castle. the great ming dynasty wonderful achievements and merits tablet, 8.78 meters high, built in 1413 by the third emperor of the ming dynasty, is the highest ancient tablet in nanjing. there are altogether 2746 chinese characters on the tablet, which praise emperor zhu yuanzhang for his deeds and merits by his fourth son who made himself the third emperor of the ming dynasty.

why did zhu di, the third emperor erect this stone tablet? zhu yuanzhang had 26 sons. his first son died in 1392, so his first grandson, then 16, was nominated to be the successor to emperor zhu yuanzhang. in 1398, 22-year-old zhu yunwen became the second emperor after his grandfather’s death. however his uncle zhu di was then in beijing and found some excuse to launch a war against him. the four-year-long war ended with the uncles victory. zhu di grabbed the power and became the third emperor. when zhu di praised emperor zhu yuanzhang, he was actually praising himself. originally, zhu di planned to have a 72-meter-high stone tablet carved out of yangshan hill in the eastern suburb of nanjing. since it was too heavy to be moved, he gave up his plan and had this small one made.

the stone animal under the tablet looks like a tortoise. it is actually the first son of the dragon, well known for its strength. its name is bi xi and he is always put there to carry imperial tablets. according to the legend, when the stone tablet was carved, the chief mason could hardly have it mount on the back of bi xi because it was too heavy. he was very worried and did not know what to do. one day he had a dream, in which he was told that only when the tablet and bi xi did not see each other, he would make the mounting possible. clever as he was, he covered bi xi with mud and pushed the tablet onto the back of bi xi as you can see now.

when we pass the imperial bridge, we can see the sacred path lined with 24 animals. there are six kinds of animals, one pair standing and the other kneeling. the standing pair is working and the kneeling resting. they work on two shifts. the significance of these animals is to show the countrys power and emperors influence, to drive away the evil spirits and guard the tomb. the first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. the second 2 pairs of animals are called bi xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. the following pairs of animals include camels, elephants, unicorns and horses. the camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. each elephant weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. the unicorn represents good luck while horse loyalty.

you may wonder how these heavy stone animals were moved to this place. the fact is in the cold winter, workers splashed water on the ground and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the freezing ice.

two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as altars for the sacrificial offerings. the sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the plum blossom hill stands in the way. the hill is the tomb for sun quan, the first emperor of eastern wu kingdom. when ming tomb was constructed, some people suggested that sun quans tomb should be moved away. but emperor zhu yuanzhang commented that sun quan was a good fellow and should stay. this showed the emperor’s modesty. among the 8 stone figures, four are ministers and the other are warriors.

when we cross the imperial bridge and walk a short distance, we reach the tomb itself. the arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grand terrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient chinese architecture.

the arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. but this gate was rebuilt in 1999.

in the stone tablet pavilion built in early qing dynasty, we can see an inscription by emperor kang xi, the second emperor of qing dynasty, 'running the state as prosperously as tang and song dynasties'. since qing rulers were manchurians, emperor kangxi was worried that the han people wouldnt follow him. this stone tablet indicated emperor kang xis desire to be peaceful with the hans. he made 6 trips down to southern china from beijing and visited ming tomb for 5 times. this tablet was erected here in 1699 during his third visit. we can tell from this tablet that emperor kang xi was no wonder a great emperor.

the tomb is at the foot of purple mountain. it has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.

the tomb site was selected by zhu yuanzhang himself. however there had been a buddhist temple here. zhu yuangzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here. the wise abbot in the temple felt it and suggested to the emperor that the temple should be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. the emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb.


the imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to nanjing.

the building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by zhu yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the ming dynasty (1368-1644). more than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1368.

the wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. it was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the worlds largest until the 17thcentury.

in order to guarantee the quality of the wall, zhu yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. the brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. in case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished.

different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient chinese cities, nanjings wall followed the natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. the bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. many parts of the wall are still in good condition.

the city wall has 24 gates, among which the zhonghua (china) gate, formerly called the treasure pot gate, is the largest. covering an area of 15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors. behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. the heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. if enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. this strategy is known in china as 'beating dogs behind a bolted door.'

the first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. these tunnels are big enough to accommodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. on its both sides there are wide horse ramps. at the top, a rostrum allows a commanding view. unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the japanese during the second world war.

now the nanjing municipal government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.

第5篇 有趣的景点导游词



尊敬的各位游客,大家好!我是你们此次的导游。接下来各位将要在我的带领下游览蒙城的美景,希望大家在这三天里能玩的高兴,留下一个美好的回忆。 我的名字叫张晓康,大家可以叫我张导,也可以叫我名字。再去蒙城的路上有几件事要告诉大家。希望大家记住在景区一定要注意安全,不要乱走。如果迷路一定要记得打我电话,我会去接大家。希望大家玩的高兴。

坑下来我给大家介绍一下蒙城,蒙城县位于安徽省西北部,地处淮北平原中部,属于淮河流域战略要地,古代兵家必争之地,国土面积2091平方公里,耕地230万亩,辖15个乡镇、2个办事处、1个工业园区和1个林场,人口132万。 蒙城是安徽省径历史文化名城,庄子故里,境内有庄子祠、文庙、万佛塔、三星街、白云庵、东西怀德桥等文物古迹及景点。著名相声表演艺术家牛群曾在此挂职担任副县长。蒙城是中国楹联之乡、省径历史文化名城,是国务院批准的对外开放县,全国农村改革试验区、全国林业百佳县。


文庙自前而后依次为灵星门、泮池、泮桥(以上待建),大成门和大成殿,灵星门正对青去街,取其“平步青云”之意。灵星门的西南侧有一井,名圣井“圣井甘泉”为蒙城八景之一。大成门东连名宦祠,西接乡贤祠。大成殿前两侧有东西配庑,殿东为节孝祠,殿西为忠义祠。东院是文昌阁,西院是明伦堂。 大成殿,原名先帅殿,又称圣人殿,是文庙的主体建筑。殿宽五间,进深三间,为山以顶抬梁式建筑,九檩十八架,四十二檐墩,用巨杉作栋梁,飞檐翘角,蔚为壮观,殿内外上下重油彩绘,雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌,是我们淮北地区最为宏伟、保存最为完整的古建筑。从前,殿内正中供孔子神龛牌位,两旁置颜、曾、孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义廉、耻八个大字。殿上方悬着康熙,乾隆皇帝御书的“万世师表”、“生民未有”“与天地参”三块匾额。殿前阅台高一米余,上有一圈汉白玉栏杆,中间和两旁有石阶供人登临。东西廊房各七间。为灰色筒孔覆顶,车房原供孔子三千弟子,西房原供历代贤孺牌位。










第6篇 2022年庐山最简单的景点导游词















好,我向大家介绍一下庐山。庐山位于中国中部,江西省九江市南,东接鄱阳湖,山体总面积302平方公里,南北长,东西窄全山共90多座 山峰呢!最高为大汉阳峰,有海泼1473,4米。群峰间散有许多壡谷、岩洞瀑布溪间地貌复杂多样形成了奇特瑰丽的山岳景观。

大家请看这边,看看下面,那个白白的颜色就是云气。弥漫的云气为庐山增添了许多美丽的景色和神秘的色彩呢!庐山风“奇、 秀、险、雄”闻名于世,素有“匡庐山秀甲天下”的美誉。 现在有12个风景区,37个景点和23个景物景观。大家 请听我说一个庐山“神仙之庐”的传说水气缭绕的万顷江湖,众仙们在庐山游玩,那迷人的景色流连忘返。


第7篇 景点颐和园导游词























第8篇 贵州著名景点—甲秀楼导游词








第9篇 旅游景点英语导游词



the stone forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of kunming. a geological phenomenon, the stone forest was a vast expanse of sea during the paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.

in the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——stone forest——are engraved in official script (in a calligraphic style typical of the han dynasty, 206 b.c.-220 a.d.). among the scenic sights is the 'sword peak pond' with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. other astonishing sights include 'figure of ashima,' 'shi ba xiang song' (its name originating in the chinese love story, 'liang shanbo and zhu yingtai'), and 'lotus peak.'

the splendor of the stone forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native sani people (who are part of the yi minority). sani people are industrious and hospitable——and unconstrained. sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. they like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. the young people especially are very good singers and dancers. every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. while the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional 'a’xi (ah-shi) dance in the moon' with great enthusiasm. if you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity.

note that every lunar year, on june 24th, the sani people celebrate their national festival——the torch festival. on that day, the entire stone forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. there are traditional performances of wrestling and bull-fighting. finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men (holding torches in their hands) run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.


ladies and gentlemen;

welcome to my hometown jilin city. and i am the tour guide of china national tourism administration you can call me vera. or miss zhang , and on my left hand is our driver mrs. li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe.

ok everyone there are few minutes before we reach the ten miles dike, now i will give you a brief introduction about jilin rime, the rime of jilin city is said to be a symbol of the spring in winter ,being together with the guilin landscape ,yunnan stone forest and three gorges of the yangtze river, it is called the four meteorological wonders in china ,and actually ,china has the earliest record of rime in the world which is also commonly known as” the mist attached to trees” by local people .

now i will introduce how jilin rime comes into being ,up going 15 kilometers upstream from the jilin city along the songhua river is the famous fengman power station, in winter when the water passes through the hydraulic group ,it gets warmer and the temperature keeps at around 4 centigrade in spite of the coldness and the steel –like ice on the lake ,since the river water holds great heat energy it doesn't freeze for as long as ten miles ,water vapor rises constantly from the water surface and the whole river appears to be misty ,given that there are pines, poplars and weeping willows along the dykes the water vapor freezes around the trees when encumbers coldness, of course under the effect of atmospheric pressure. wind direction and temperature .because of this special formation, jilin rime can last a rather long time and it happens frequentlyin winter season . what's more ,the best time for sightseeing is from the late december to the next february.somtime there could be more than 60 times of rime –formation in a single winter.

people usually divide the process of appreciation into three stages; watching the mist at night, enjoying the rime in the morning and appreciation, a silver and magic world appears just in front of us .all of the tress along the river are covered by rime and the branches of weeping willows like silver necklaces. as for the last stage, we are talking about the time when the rime begins to fall. usually, after nine o'clock in the morning, the rime will fell down from the trees. this begins by little amount and then more and more is falling down. when the flying rime falls on our heard and shoulders, we feel especially fresh and cool.

ok everyone now we have reached the songjang road please put you hats and gloves together go fellow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime


fellow friends:

hello! toured the

dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery.

first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is king's deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybody looked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jade er silver dark green ', the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebody's fame painter wu zuoren's writing skill. looksthe sea building is understands 'the jade er silver dark green'happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:east side erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. but i first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we in the dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said 'does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain'; looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, also onlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, a hengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from 'the roof of the world' to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, the jade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the setting sun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. i firstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshan snow, is dali 'the love affair' four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang once praised: 'date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks'.

cangshan's cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is 'looks the husband cloud' and 'thejade belt cloud'. so-called 'looks the husband cloud' is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance, the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called 'jade belt cloud', is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, after rainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, 'the jade beltcloud' meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. local painationality has the farmer's proverb: 'cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice'.


第10篇 青海湖景点的导游词范文






第11篇 避暑山庄景点导游词














女士们,先生们,小朋友们,大家好!我是教育旅蔡靖宇,大家可以叫我小菜。今天,我带大家去游览存最大的古典皇家园林——承德避暑山庄,大家跟 我来。








第12篇 山东省有名的旅游景点导游词开头范文




蓬莱阁是中国古代四大名楼之一,素以“人间仙境”著称于世,其“八仙过海”传说和“海市蜃楼”奇观享誉海内外。历经风雨沧桑,如今已发展成为以蓬莱阁古建筑群为中轴,蓬莱水城和田横山为两翼,四种文化(神仙文化、精武文化、港口文化、海洋文化)为底蕴,山(丹崖山) 、海(黄渤二海)、城(蓬莱水城)、阁(蓬莱阁)为格局,登州博物馆、古船博物馆、田横山、合海亭及黄渤海分界坐标等20余处景点为点缀,融自然风光、历史名胜、人文景观、休闲娱乐于一体的风景名胜区和休闲度假胜地。景区先后荣膺“全国重点文物保护单位”、“国家重点风景名胜区”、“全国创建文明行业先进单位”、“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国旅游行业最佳诚信单位”、“全国首批5a级旅游景区”、“全国文明单位”、“中国驰名商标”、“山东省质量管理工作先进单位”、“山东省服务标准化示范单位”等称号,导游科获得“全国青年文明号”和“全国巾帼文明示范岗”等殊荣。

















第13篇 北戴河旅游景点导游词









第14篇 各种景点通用导游欢迎词


新导游,建议你拿到行程的时候,做一下功课,死记硬背也好,把客人的行程记熟,在欢迎词讲完后要向客人介绍一下行程,最重要的是要把客人行程中的注意事项一定要和客人讲清楚.这样算下来时间都差不多了到机场了!如果时间还有很多, 而且客人又兴致勃勃,要你讲解的话,你就沿途介绍一下咯,介绍一下广州各区的一些情况咯!




第15篇 新疆景点英文导游词

新疆景点英文导游词范文1:hami back to the palace

guangxu (1882), eight years shamu hu sauter inheritance, palace for the expansion and renovation. after the expansion of wangfu accounted for a quarter back to town, the area has room for more than 880, size nine gate house. is a gate structure of match well of chinese and western, the eaves ridge, paintings carved beams, green glazed tile roof. the overall architecture is divided into internal and external two palace, nagong high ground with walls, appearance is the palace gate type. thousands of yuan, as officials office accommodation, guards and storage ordnance, entertain guests. owing to the king is a devout muslim, therefore the mosque building seriously. in back inside the palace, there are three different size, different style of the mosque.

since the wangfu ximendong fold to the sitting room, the sitting room is after palace garden. little garden for rest back to the king and his household. tingxie design is exquisite, with flowers and plants is given priority to, the jiangnan garden style. many scholars for attached garden, has been in the hami has repeatedly described in the book. fiji jingfu in hohai kunlun record records: acquired mu, earth with brick, pavilion pavilion three or four divisions, graceful structure, and ancient yin, flowers, red, white and brilliant, for the middle garden is unprecedented. xie bin in the xinjiang travel also wrote: back to wang huayuan, tingxie number, arrangement is appropriate. all the trees of walnut, yang, yu, tall and spreading, and herbaceous peony, peach, apricot, red-violet to various. due to hami wang back depend on the qing government to maintain the rule of feudal lords, and since the qing dynasty xinjiang uygur cure area feudal princes and maintain a longest-ruling, and hami in xinjiang has exerted a great influence in history, and keep a special relationship with the qing government.

to the qing government to loyalty, back to the king in the northeast corner of the garden, also built there is a flower, with chinese classical architecture shangzhai sits three flour wall, positive applique partition board is wood doors and windows. palace on display from qing sai-jo to de zong color portrait of the emperor, like the use case, vermilion on the memorial tablet, write the name and born on pawn, the emperor on the spring and autumn period and the rainy season every year, back to the king and hami officials are to worship.

新疆景点英文导游词范文2:shuimogou scenic area

shuimogou scenic area formerly shuimogou park, natural scenery, human landscape and cultural relics, folk customs as a whole, has a long history.

shuimogou sports leisure tourist area is located in shuimogou district shuimogou scenic area. including four mountain river its existing, namely the clear spring water mountain, hill, hongqiao mountain, mountain hot springs and shuimogou river, with a total area of about 3.7 km. shuimogou sports leisure tourist area located in the xinjiang urumqi shuimogou tourism scenic area, is the snow lotus hill golf scene of the whole shuimogou park as the center, radiation into the surrounding area, is a healthy recreational area in the shuimogou tourism scenic area, ecological, cultural and recreational area, golf leisure galleries and folk customs.

shuimogou sports leisure tourist area for positioning, urumqi nanshan scenic area, the surrounding tianchi scenic spot, which are characterized by natural scenery, the content of the tourism focus on the enjoyment and leisure, and shuimogou sports leisure tourist area in addition to the natural scenery and many humanities culture characteristics, and is also the only, in xinjiang snow lotus hill golf course at the same time shuimogou sports leisure tourist area of the city recently, is the general public and to urumqi tourism people live, the best place to cultivate ones morality yangxin. according to the requirement of the urban planning, regional tourism development situation, the scenic spot of internal resources condition and the developing trend of background analysis, this program will shuimogou characterised as: with large area of forest development goals, with characteristic holiday leisure tourism as the main content of facilities, in order to nature, cold pool, border town, great wall and other content as the subject matter, meeting exhibition function, leisure function, holiday leisure function, sightseeing function as one of the super large comprehensive tourism service base, and at the same time create a qualified quality of provincial scenic spot.


huozhou authors, is a peach garden. the ditch everywhere have a desirable place. it is located in the west of the volcano, the north-south, 8 km, 2 km wide from east to west, booee luke river (authors) river crossing. groove in the lush, planted seedless white, horse milk, white and dry, red roses, cable and other hundred kinds of grapes, and formed a natural museum of the grapes. grape ditch tourism reception, grapes two meters tall scaffolding to the corridors of the vines are intertwined, clusters of grapes reach, sparkling water seeping between fed aquarium, quiet quiet and tastefully laid out, all you need to do is spend a few dollars, it can be picked fresh grapes to eat enough.

authors was named national 5 a-class scenic area, scenic areas, where putaogou amusement park, now has a luobin wang music art museum, dawa transcribing the folk custom garden vineyard, oasis and the characteristics of the uighur architecture, folk folk peasant life, experience the uighur ethnic village, etc.

beautiful scenery of the authors is famous for widely planted grapes, especially the production of seedless white grapes, thin skin, tender meat, juicy and delicious, nutritious, known as the pearl the laudatory name, the sugar content as high as 20-24%, more than grapes, california in the world. with seedless grapes dasycarpus drying system of raisins, sugar content as high as 60%, are regarded as treasures of grapes. where putaogou valleys is long and narrow, streams, vegetation wheatgrass. valleys on both sides of cliffs, steep cliff cliff, ditch slopes under the river is the worlds most sweet grapes, the authors like a sweet river, everywhere dicui honey, sweet blow out. because of fresh grapes should not be stored, can consider to buy some raisins go home. about 15 to 20 yuan per kilogram, price is a little expensive than that of turpan city, but cheaper than the price of urumqi.

uygur dance in grape communication is an important project, developed into the collective maixilaifu song and dance show, kabuki actors will invite you and dance with them. at the time of the show, you will be arranged to sit in a special position in the courtyard, eating fresh fruits while watching the show, the stage is set under the grape trellis a simple platform. dance of the young men and girls are the most beautiful in the village.

authors have a luobin wang music art museum, opened in may each year, it closes to the end of october of the same year during the opening completely free. the museum displays a history of hundreds of pictures and a large number of precious cultural relics, detailed introduction to the tourists mr luobin wang more than 60 years of music accomplishment and little-known story. turpan grapes besides have fragrance overflowing honey melon and fruit, peculiar landscape scenery and ethnic customs, and numerous scenic spots and historical sites, only country and autonomous region level key cultural relics protection units there are fourteen. is still standing bath for over two thousand years of ups and downs of gaochang, jiaohe city, through the vicissitudes of wind colour baizi crick thousand-buddha grottoes murals, body discovered in possession of one thousand astana tomb complex, the structure of the unique islamic architecture in qing dynasty, su gong tie is tower in the story of journey to the west, it is full of myth and legend of the volcano, magnificent artificial karez underground rivers, vineyard grapes girl touching love songs, speck bazaar amorous feelings, under the grape trellis amorous feedings of uygur dance, as well as 24 million years ago the only one like huge rhinoceros fossils, the turpan become a treasure of ancient cultural heritage assemble and harmony huozhou, wind state, bar and oasis as one of the natural geographical history museum.

第16篇 景点导游词怎么写











三、巨大的环境效益。与燃煤发电相比,每年可少排放1亿吨氮氧化合物,以及大量灰尘、废渣,将减轻环境污染和因有害气体的排放而引起的酸雨等危害。同时,三峡工程还可以使长江中下游枯水季节的流量显著增大,有利于珍稀动物白鳍豚和其他鱼类安全越冬,减免因水浅而发生的意外死亡事故,还有利于减少长江口盐水上溯长度和入侵时间。有此可见,三峡工程的环境效益是巨大的。 四、航运。三峡水库将改善航运里程660公里,使万吨级船队可以从重庆直达汉口。经三峡水库调节,每年枯水季节可使中游航道水深平均约增加0、5米,保证3万吨级船队的通行。










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