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英语祝福语赠言(精选 1485句)

发布时间:2024-06-19 15:15:02 查看人数:41



1、i wish i couldn jump into your cell phone and send a short message saying, 'happy new year!'

2、business is thriving and the financial resources are flourishing in sanjiang. i wish you all the best in the future.

3、when we enter the school, we send you our blessing of learning, bless you, our gods lucky son!


5、what are the flowers whispering about? by the way, bless you!

6、space pides you and me, time washes away you and me, and caring heart is around.



9、energy and persistence conquer all things,


11、the sea of learning through hard work knows nothing about hardship, and is diligent in going to the mountain of books and being diligent in doing so.

12、silent blessing, if separation is necessary, the days before you cherish, the days after you take care of.

13、if you don understand, ask yourself, you will learn more.


15、some people even say that love will fade away when they are separated, but it tastes sweeter when the things they love are not available.

16、congratulations! its really hard work. you try to get into your ideal school.

17、what has gone is that beautiful period。 which remains is the precious friendship between us,


19、the vast sea of nets, occasional greetings, so that we become friends, since then my life has a color.

20、if god can do something else, then give you all the happiness and give me half of your pain.

21、today, my classmates broke up, saying: treasure! tomorrow, alumni meet again. congratulations: success!

22、in the future, take care of yourself and take care of yourself.


24、business has opened up. wish your business is booming, thriving and thriving.

25、as a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information,

26、friends, whether you are lonely or sad, i am willing to accompany you, your happiness is my happiness.


28、when you are sad, forgive yourself, just a person, there is no need to look so indestructible.


30、congratulations, great exhibition, step by step, sesame blossom.

31、breaking up with you, i would like to be a tear in your eyes, when you cry me out, let me disappear on your lips.

32、our mightest feelings are always those which remain most unspoken,



35、flowers blossom like a dream, the wind has no trace, but i still can not escape the thoughts of the heart, send a blessing to you.

36、the time we spend in love grows wings, and when we leave, they become our spiritual pillars.


38、i wish you every success in your business.

39、friendship does not require anything, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all realize.


41、i wish you a promotion and a raise in salary and a bonus, good luck in the fire, peace, health and good fortune, happiness and good luck, all the best!

42、the greatest respect for a filial son is to respect his relatives, and the greatest respect for his relatives is to support him by the whole world.




45、each of us is unique in the world. there is only one you in the world.


47、faith tells me that there is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than human.

48、don let the fear of failure catch you from trying new things.


50、although these three words seem to be common, they must be persevered.

51、the temperature is falling, the cold is coming, and the clothes are warm. send text messages, send care, little greetings warm heart. cold weather, warm wishes, i wish you happiness forever!

52、blessing is a real intention, not a thousand words. a heart song, i wish you all the best in your promotion.


54、the farther away you are, the nearer your thoughts are. thats the only reason for looking back forever.

55、the pain of learning is temporary, the pain of not learning is lifelong.


57、blessings strung into a poem, a melody, open a warm spring garden.

58、you beautiful and lovely bird, where are you going to take my heart?

59、i love thee to the depth and breadth and height, my soul can reach,


61、the farther away you are, the closer you miss. thats the only reason to look back forever.


63、send me a poem of praise, a love affair and sincere wishes.


65、nurture the body of nature by the way of nature. a person is the most robust period when he completely forgot his age.





70、i think, i want, i wish, only for you, love you like this, can you?

71、on the road of life, some things can only be faced by themselves, i want to rely on, but must be strong.


73、people who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness,


75、&mdash。 well done, 干得不错。


77、all temporary farewells should be reunited, all regrets should be fulfilled, and all seemingly isolated ones should not be separated.

78、different regions, the same moonlight. do you know that i am thinking of you? i wish you joy, happiness and happiness.





83、there is no love in the world, just like there is no sun. may our love last forever and make our lives bright.



86、if your child likes confrontation, its because you are hostile and coercive.

87、the taste of illness is very painful, so we must take care of our health! good health, moderate living, can prolong life.




90、although white jade has been carved and beautiful, it has lost its natural purity. may your natural gesture, openness and sincerity be as white as jade.


92、a day without letters is like a pile of warm wood, recalled by a memory, a thick smoke of a brain.

93、knowing you is a joy, leaving you is a pain, in the days of parting, supporting me is the deep longing for the joy of reunion.

94、i will never stop caring for you. this is an eternal promise.

95、best wishes for your early recovery, proper exercise, moderate rest and the greatest encouragement.


97、joy is health, excitement is the best way to live a long life. i wish you happiness every day!

98、are you all right now? i wish you happiness in the distance and hope for a better tomorrow.


100、my kindness, please, is entirely up to you, you are happy so i am happy, i wish you every day happy, happy.


102、there is always time and opportunity for what you want to do, and reasons and excuses for what you don want to do.

103、sunflower told me that as long as we face the sunshine and strive upward, the days will become simple and beautiful. good morning!

104、an ordinary person who wants to make a lot of money can only be fantasy.

105、since we separated, i like a lonely goose, flapping tired wings, looking at the sky is also confused, looking at the water is confused, but i sincerely wish you!


107、you go, in that long time, my heart is like an autumn tree, leaves helplessly drifting on the ground, only hanging lonely on the branches.

108、to cultivate ones morality through tranquility and thrift is not to be indifferent and ambitious, nor to be tranquil and far away.

109、lets hold hands tightly in the past and let our friendship last forever.



112、honey, may you get better earlier! you e sick. im worried. but you should rest more and take medicine on time.


114、don talk about your pride in front of the disappointed. this will hurt your interpersonal relationship.


116、六、 you can do it! 你肯定行!(肯定对方能力)


118、long time together, never forget. may the flame of love burn naturally in our hearts.

119、may you use the youth net to capture the star solution of life, and let the brilliant youth bloom bright and colorful light.

120、the vine climbs up on the attached branch, and when it climbs less than the one that supports it, it peeps at the other.

121、valley, covering you and me, and blessings are boundless attention, overflowing eyes, until the bottom of my heart, i wish you a happy life.



124、the sign of maturity is not to say big things, but to begin to understand small things around you.


126、whether you go to the end of the world or the corner of the sea, don forget, with my blessing.




130、let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for your life happiness!

131、your parents are still fighting for you. thats why you are strong today.

132、dream is a promise to the future. not an empty slogan.

133、on new years eve, light firecrackers and wish you peace, happiness and auspiciousness throughout the year.



135、wish you a happy spring festival.

136、the university life is very beautiful, wang jun must grasp firmly!

137、life is like climbing a mountain. if you only focus on the top of the mountain, you will lose the beautiful process.

138、university, the ideal heaven, may you enter the university, ferment ideal, flutter wings, create miracles.



141、the road is at the foot, the distance; the road is in the heart, is the pursuit. if there is pursuit, there will be ups and downs. if there is hope, there will be disappointment. new month, cheer for yourself!



144、melon is the sweetest growing up in nutrient fertilizer, and genius is the best growing up in malignant soil.

145、a, &mdash。 what do you think of my article ?你认为我的文章怎么样?

146、you must believe in miracles. there are countless cases of fighting cancer. a positive attitude will help you drive away the disease.


148、there are many kinds of fallacies, but there is only one kind of correctness, which is why failure is easy to succeed, miss is easy to hit the target.


150、&mdash。 itll be ok/all right, 没问题。


152、i once wanted to accompany you all my life. now i only want a person you love to accompany you. i know i don deserve it. goodbye, my love!

153、every business must earn money. free is not a good strategy. it costs a lot.

154、you have the same wisdom as a fountain and a pair of hard-working hands, no matter where you are, luck and happiness always accompany you!


156、there is a very precious gift, i want to give it to you, that is my pure heart.

157、as time goes by, youth is not old. may happiness follow you forever.

158、send a light word, send a strong feeling, i wish you all the best.


160、the most precious of all dangers is what we get, and the friendship we have forged with the communist party will be with you and me forever.

161、let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for you, happy life!



164、our goal is not to enjoy or suffer, but to make every day a step further than yesterday.

165、don live in the shadow of the past. think of every day as a new day of your life. life will be colorful.

166、a good friend is heard in the light. if you see friends, you never forget your friends.



169、it is love that binds you together, it is love that binds your hearts. may you find that you are all like the beginning of love year after year.

170、despite all the difficulties on the road, the brothers are not afraid of it!


172、no matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matter how long the parting will take, i will wait and wait.



175、the sea is vast and the fish is high. may you create glory again. the plum blossoms are beautiful, and your heart is still high.

176、the wind of the four seasons blows the wind bells of the years and plays the song of farewell wishes for you. may you always be full of vitality in your own flower season.


178、the tears of parting add new spray to the long river of memory, and the blessings of parting open the prelude to reunion again.

179、no matter the ends of the earth, only wish you can remember me, let my missing have a harbor!




182、two dears sweet twins! what fun! how nice! you’ve been blessednot oncebut twice,

183、open your eyes and give you a light blessing. may every minute bring you good health, good luck and happiness. i hope you have a good day!




187、how i wish you would seize every opportunity and never give up hope of success.

188、life is the sea, distance is the boat, life is the boat. distance is the sea, accompanied by you, absolutely wonderful!

189、how far can life go? look at whom you are walking along with.

190、a little woman, but i like it very much. i will never annoy you any more. i miss you, miss you, and i want to bite you!

191、she even shed tears when she saw the leaves falling, but leaves always fall, just like people always die.

192、bless peng cheng, and continue to climb high. follow the wind and flow.

193、come, let me love you, let me give my life to you, let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms, let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you,


195、send a faint word, send a deep affection, i wish you every success.

196、life is safe, everything goes smoothly; laughter is always open, happy spring festival!


198、maintaining health is not only an obligation to ones own life, but also to relatives and even to society.

199、a gentle greeting, do not want to worry about you! i just want to know if you are all right.


201、the fragrance is on the chewing face, the purple flower is auspicious, celebrates the opening ceremony, wishes the business to be like spring strong, the source of money is like water!

202、you are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle of the wings, tomorrow is your world, everything is brilliant because of you.


204、i will not run away again. and will not shrink back. i hope that i have the opportunity to take responsibility for your happiness, health and happiness.

205、to eat in time, the food can not be too simple, to strengthen nutrition, so as to supplement the energy consumption.


207、&mdash。 dont worry, youll be well soon, 别担心,你很快就会好的。

208、may the bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, and comfortable smile belong to you forever.





213、friendship is the most holy creature. it takes root and sprouts in the same sex, and blossoms and fruits in the opposite sex.


215、i used to think innocently that i could forget you if i left you. later, i found that leaving is just a new beginning.

216、today you fill your heart with the copper in your purse, and tomorrow your heart will fill your purse with gold.

217、ordinary or great depends on your diligence, your opportunities and your destiny.

218、breaking up is not love, those grand reasons, not to make each other better, but to make themselves better.

219、i do not want to lose you, even if i use my life to exchange.


221、your achievements today are testimony to your strength. congratulations on your success again. i look forward to sending you this message again.

222、hello, my friend, you must be busy, take care of your health, your good friend!


224、although the distance between will space out us, may we remember our true friendship and blessing,


225、new years day, i wish you joy and ease, and good luck!


227、if you smile once, i can be happy for several days. but i can see you cry for a few years.

228、spring breeze overflows you, family cares about you, love nourishes you, friends loyal to you, i am here to bless you, the star of fortune shines on you forever!

229、'i want' is a sign of poverty. things can always be satisfied, the heart is always comfortable, people have no desire for quality and self-esteem.

230、with the arrival of the new year, i wish your company enlarged scale, business development, business prosperity and financial resources!

231、a, &mdash。 will my plan work? 我的计划会起作用吗?





236、never forget your teachings, wish you happy every day, work smoothly!

237、is the cold better? must pay more attention to the body, drink more water, recover soon!

238、everyone was born original, but sadly many people gradually became pirated.

239、the first time you cry is because you are not there, the first laugh is because of meeting you, the first laugh tears because you can not have!

240、life in the sea is hard to find. good friends can enjoy themselves together. bless you!

241、when parting opens the curtain, when memories sleep in front of the chest, to say goodbye is really sad, only the dream is still sweet.

242、i think ill just wait until you understand how much i love you and how tragic your decision to leave has been in my life.


244、not to compare with others, but to surpass oneself; not to seek the best of everything, but to have a clear conscience.

245、earthquake gongs and drums, cheerful sonar. text messages fly all over the sky, bless each other. happy new year.

246、in fact, narcissists are very smart, because falling in love with themselves will never hurt.

247、when the waterfall crosses the steep steep wall, it looks extraordinarily magnificent.

248、all we can do is to keep working hard. we can only rely on ourselves.


250、wave goodbye and sail. no, it is the rope that you throw out of friendship, which is firmly tied to my heart.

251、wish you: accumulate your studies, make a lot of money, and make a big fortune in the new year! accumulate virtue, get more help from the taoist, there are always noble people to help!


253、the closer you think, the farther away you feel. when you are in a strange land, you only have bright moon with me. when is the day and we will be together again?

254、meet you unintentionally, know you is fate, think you are affection, do not see you in two minds, see you in one mind.






260、hard work, hard work, hard work, and ultimately happiness; gossip, idle, idle, idle, idle, idle is useless.

261、your health concerns everyones mood, so be sure to get better as soon as possible!

262、dude, i heard that you are very proud of your recent success. congratulations!

263、separation is not a permanent departure. separation is only a starting point for pursuit.



266、i have a heart to belong to. even if i live alone, i don drift with the tide. i have the beauty of a negative prince. goodbye is still a friend.

267、i hope your business will flourish and your fortune will last forever.




270、having youth can make you think freely, and having youth can make you full of hope for the future.

271、may a greeting bring you a new mood. may a blessing bring you a new starting point.

272、don forget to take a moment in your busy life to relax yourself and keep a young and happy heart forever.

273、youth and ambition require diligence, and learning opens the door to bitterness.




277、send a little poem of praise, send a deep affection, send you a sincere blessing.

278、though thousands of mountains and rivers are far away, i can still see your mirror-like heart and feel your tenderness.

279、farmers believe in and have their own sweat, and every drop bears a seed of hope.


281、in such a season, i would like to send my sincere wishes to you, wishing happiness always around you.


283、every day three smiles are beautiful, seven or eight full people are not old, do not ask each other to stay in spring, quiet is better than medicine.

284、the new year opens up new hopes, new gaps carry new dreams.




288、health is the greatest cost of a person. never lose money for money. without capital, there will be no money.


290、the quickest step is not to stride, but to continue; the slowest pace is not small step, but wandering. good night, good friend!

291、he laughs best who laughs last,

292、knowledge is like a cash cow, and talent is like a treasure trough.

293、wish you a better and better year by year, and celebrate the new year in harmony and harmony!




297、looking at the distance between the water and the sky, thinking of the exotic and attractive scenery, i send greetings to the seagulls, and wish you good health!

298、drive mercedes benz with time, friends, your future is bright and full of cloud brocade.







305、not everyone can live low profile, low-key basis can be high profile at any time.



308、when we are happy, our friends will know us; in times of adversity, we will know our friends.



311、&mdash。 dont be afraid, 别担心。



314、youth, like a singing bird, has burst out of the broken winter window and gone into the blue vault.



316、may you always have me. may i always have you. together, we will move towards a brand new life.

317、b, &mdash。 can i pass the exam? 我能通过这次考试吗?



320、the beautiful blueprint lies in the hands of lazy hands, but it is just a scrap of paper.

321、the awakening of spring is most exciting. may the best wishes always haunt you.



324、leaving the shadow of the meeting, taking the budding acacia herb, only the green post road carries the thoughts of parting.

325、it seemed that after waiting for one hundred years, i suddenly realized that even if i met again, the mature performance would not be seen.


327、it is always darkest just before the day dawneth,

328、i want you to tell me what you really think, because todays decision may be permanent.

329、'four no' prolongs life: not anxious, not worried, not lazy, not lazy, not familiar with prolonging life.

330、love, do not rely on, thousands of words into silence; you can not forget me, i can not forget you, meet for a period.


332、the world is busy, who is not busy? may you laugh at your busyness and find happiness in life.

333、may my farewell speech be an umbrella to protect you from the scorching sun and rain on your journey.


335、happy is where you are, and i believe your journey is just as enviable. i wish you a pleasant journey.


337、the world is fair, forget a memory, you will know a treasure.




341、injection and medicine suffered, can not go out tasteless, i can understand the mood, calm and calm, i wish you a recovery!

342、i love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life!


344、life is like a green leaf, with the passage of time, gradually fading yellow, but his veins are still so clearly visible.

345、don embellish the future with beautiful promises, just seize that to become, precious eternity.





350、parting, a bit difficult to give up, but not disappointed; a little regret, but not pessimistic. because the hope of meeting is comforting.


352、flowers fragrant, drizzle sentiment, in this season of flowers and rain, blooming endless hope, sincerely wish you a dream come true.

353、youth is a seed, only when it is planted in the heart of the struggler, can it produce a string of brilliance.

354、the sea is beautiful because of the waves, and life is enriched because of friendship. i give you happy notes as a gift. may the people who love you love you more and understand you better!


356、special wishes for you. may the new year bring you endless happiness and good luck!

357、in this tangled secular world, can learn to use a common heart to treat everything around, is also a realm.


359、life is not seeking glory, but to be clear conscience. may my blessings always be with you.


360、youth is like fire, surpassing oneself, flying dreams and creating brilliance.





365、if a man has no ambition, he is not a great man even if he does magnificent deeds.


367、in these years, people are coming and going, and we are standing on the way.


369、i tie joy on the new years ribbon and present it to you. i hang my thoughts on your necklace and stick them in my heart.

370、the quickest and surest way to conquer fear and build confidence is to do what you fear until you have the experience to succeed. good morning!




374、a, &mdash。 will you help me with my engli? 你会帮助我学英语吗?

375、thinking of you is my fault, waiting is a kind of helplessness. i have your dream, i yearn for your gentleness, even if it is teasing and giving.


377、in autumn, i opened the yellowing album, the past condensed in the transparent fossils, and the longing i brought out lasted a long time.



380、your smile has deeply infected all the uncles and aunts present. i hope you will have more things to move us after growing up.


382、now the sun is shining, i hope you feel the same way.



385、on this wonderful day, my friends, may all the joy in the world be concentrated on you.



388、life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction,





393、the vast sea of nets and occasional greetings make us friends. from then on, my life has been colored.

394、in the season of remembrance, please do not forget me, just as i have not forgotten you from time to time.

395、depression is the corner of a monotonous brush, can only paint the future a layer of grey.

396、lets bless each other with happy futures, forever,

397、all happiness is not without trouble, and all adversity is not without hope.

398、meetings and farewells, sails and offshore, is the end of past joy, the beginning of future happiness.

399、good morning, send you fresh greetings, warm wishes, early morning, a good start, i wish you a great day, vitality, good mood, everything is good!





404、friendship is a coniferous tree. when you don respect it and trample on it, it will erect thorns to protect itself.





408、not naturally good temper, but especially afraid of losing you, personality incompatibility is just an excuse not to love.


410、long time no see. is everything all right? i think you should be as beautiful as ever and happy as ever. please don forget: my concern is as old as ever!


412、i and you, never seen again, occasionally miss; after this farewell, there will be no time.

413、the pursuit of too much power will make angels fall, and the pursuit of too much knowledge will make people fall.




417、let time leave its mark of diligence on the branches of knowledge, on the green leaves of wisdom and on the ripe fruits.


419、no matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever,


421、wishing you a happy new year! may the world be full of details and peace. with my sincerest heart, i wish you a happy year!



424、may you build up the sail of faith, carrying the dream of hope and sailing towards the vast ocean.

425、friends, life is not easy, our friendship is remembered, wish you peace and good luck, happy!


427、i wanted to fill a bottle of clear water with half a bottle of sediment; i wanted to look for those enjoyable eyes and see the background far away from me.



430、the greatest pain in life is not failure, but failure to experience everything you want to experience.

431、your arrival, murdered my reason; your leaving, murdered my emotion.


433、if you are promoted, don forget our old friends. i wish you a good swim in the officialdom.




437、if the heart is there, the dream is there, there is true love between heaven and earth; see success or failure, bold life, but from the beginning. friends, come on!

438、little woman, but i like it very much. i will never make you angry again. i miss you, miss you, and wish i could gnaw you!

439、mill a needle of happiness in happiness, nail you forever auspicious!

440、from behind, we will meet each other. a few dreams with god. its a dream to see each other in a silver bowl tonight.

441、continuous high temperature, hot summer, boring life, tired work, drink plenty of water during the day, go to bed early at night, you and my revolutionary comrades, the above tips are free!

442、only when prosperity is exhausted can we know that ordinary is true; when we look back on the vicissitudes of life, we only want to be plain as water.


444、the moment you turn around, my depressed life. if you don give up, you will only have time to stay.



447、i wish the leaders a promotion and a raise in salary, good luck, peace, health, good luck, happiness and good luck, all the best!


449、congratulations and best wishes on your new baby!


450、spring breeze, like a dream breeze, has no trace, just for the missing of the heart, sending a strong blessing from afar.

451、there are some men in women who don . thats why men like women.




455、neck twist, buttocks twist, exercise with me, shake hands, shake feet, go to bed early and get up early.





460、dear, the recent influenza, you have to remember to prevent in advance ah, to be good, but do not catch a cold ah.

461、ill love you till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry,

462、when you exceed others a little, others will envy you; when you exceed others a great deal, others will envy you.

463、a warm blessing, burning in my heart, and a smile of hope with infinite affection.

464、blessing comes from the east. when you are in the first place, you will renew your ambition.


466、successful people learn from others and fail to learn from themselves.


468、in the distance, you should take good care of yourself. don have a cold and runny nose. you can sneeze occasionally. that means i miss you!

469、years go by, the true love is still there; a hundred miles apart, but the separation is continuous; the night is long, the stars shine; sincere prayer, left and right company.


471、there are so many happy things in life that don focus on the things that make you unhappy. good morning, new day!

472、thank you for your concern for us all the time! may all happiness follow you, and wish you good health and all the best!

473、i hope you can remember me when you leave. don ask if tomorrow will be the same in a changeable world.


475、although the bridge has not engraved your name, but left your footprints of hard work, i wish you a smooth career in the future.



478、adversity reveals genius。 fortune conceals it,



481、when we are happy, our friends will know us; when we are in trouble, we will know our friends.


483、valley, envelop you and me, and blessings are boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of your heart, wish you a happy life.




487、those who once said never separated have long been scattered around the world.


489、youth is like a days morning, it is clear and pure, full of reverie and harmony.

490、health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year,



493、university life is very pleasant, pleasure is in your heart. college life is crucial, and the future is in your hands.

494、the pioneer took a winding road, but what he left behind was a straight and wide footprint.


495、he who fears the end, the cowardice, the greed for life and the fear of death will never make a difference.

496、my dearest friend, your happiness will be doubled for you. if you have pains, i will share them. i wish you happiness!

497、positive people see an opportunity in every distress, while negative people see a distress in every opportunity.



500、don be afraid to laugh. look who laughs till old. don be afraid of hard work. diligence is a family treasure.



503、the fresh air in the morning makes everything go smoothly for you; the sunny morning doubles your salary; the breeze in the afternoon is delicate, and may you be young forever.


505、open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. may it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute and every second.


507、starting a new day, we should change our temper and have a light mind.


509、gathering is not the beginning, scattering is not the end. my classmates have made countless good memories over the years, which will be engraved in my heart forever.

510、without your deep gaze, my lonely soul turned into an ice flower, blooming quietly in the warm winter sun.


512、when you are afraid, put your mind on what must be done. if you have prepared thoroughly before, you will not be afraid.


514、great deception that can be completely successful can only happen between friends.


516、i wish you a prosperous and prosperous financial resource.


518、friendship is a wonderful equation. it must be paid at the same time, and it will be gained at the time of giving.



521、you are a black crow, a green frog, a sweet sweet sweet potato, and a slippery lobster. gently say hello to you: are you all right now?




525、wish you a speedy recovery, without my time around you, you have to take good care of yourself! this is my greatest wish.

526、some dreams, even if they can never be realized, are luxurious even when they are spoken out.


528、love begin with a smile, grow with a kiss, and end with tears,


530、the road is tortuous, even rugged, but it is wider and wider after all. i wish you every success in the future.

531、genius is one per cent inspiration and nietynine per cent perspiration,


533、no matter where you go, my warm wishes are always with you,





538、think you can think, with no one can be emotional, no clothes, no shape, no welcome to anywhere, the heart stops nothing: give me a message back!



540、people and people depend on understanding each other. so lets compare our hearts and change our hearts.

541、sesame is blooming, and one day is better than another day.




545、there is no gorgeous language, no bold words, but my thanks to you will not be reduced by one point.


547、the so-called enemies are only those who force us to become strong.

548、successful people have unusual self-confidence. in other words, they believe in themselves, that they are beautiful, that they are good, that they are better than others anyway.



551、although a person can choose many roads, he can not take two roads at the same time.




555、warm wishes, burning in my heart; hope smile, with my infinite affection.

556、i dare not look back, i dare not say goodbye to you, because perhaps with these actions i can not control myself!

557、i just want to say hello to you. i want to hear your laughter on my mobile phone. i just remember your smiling eyes and your singing in summer.

558、those who walk in the desert hope for sweet springs; those who struggle in adversity long for sincere friendship.

559、take more time to grow up and less time to blame others for being jealous.


561、spring wind, spring rain, spring tiger, the weather changes most frequently in the early autumn, friends to protect themselves and the people around them.

562、at night, the stars in the sky have gone to sleep. at this moment, i just want to send a message to you, good night, my love! do you know im dreaming of you?


564、promise me,that you will be my sunshine for ever,no matter how hopeless,no matter what happens!


566、zhu jun: your business is good and your birthday will be more successful.


568、the seeds bear in mind the instructions of raindrops.

569、may the bright sunshine, the vigor of youth, the beautiful appearance and the comfortable smile always belong to you.

570、when can i see you standing in front of me in your white wedding dress?

571、you are a dust to the whole world, but for me, it is the whole world! now, i lost the whole world!


573、&mdash。 well done, 写得不错。

574、trouble disappears at once, and you are covered with good luck.



577、new years eve is busy and safe. new years eve greetings are deep. may you laugh in succession.

578、the days without faith are like a heap of warm firewood, lighted by memories and smoke in ones head.





583、i wish you a safe journey. pay more attention to your body outside. i can take care of your parents. don worry about the family.

584、may the wandering reverie be decorated with colorful stars and visit your warm dreams at night.




587、happiness, there is never a shortcut, there is no perfect, only business, only rely on sincerity.


589、may your ideals start today, and glory begins at this moment.

590、i will allways love you,theres no one who loves you like i do!



593、raise your mouth, give yourself a smile, happy face every minute.

594、your exhortation, in my mind, is a profound sound, with a faint fragrance of orchid.

595、small businesses make big businesses, big businesses make big effects!


597、always hope that you can finally go to the palace of success!




601、liu yinxia do not all kinds of melancholy, classmates for several years young love, looking forward to the journey of thousands of thoughts, friendship into the force of forging ahead!

602、whether the notes of every drop of rain can stir up the ripples of your heart conveys the voice of you and me.

603、my dog doesn like you very much, your cat doesn like me very much, so don say anything more, youll understand later.

604、start with interest, through happy village, good luck town, kaixin city, ping an avenue, and finally return with great pleasure, i wish you a pleasant journey!



607、as long as your heart is full of vitality, i hope the fragrance of love will always belong to you.

608、neck twisting, buttock twisting, exercise with me, shake hands, shake feet, go to bed early and get up early.


610、thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up! when tears stay, we know that separation is also a kind of understanding.

611、in the face of children, there will be a sense of responsibility for love, a sense of responsibility will always give love action.

612、the most important thing in life is not hard work, not struggle, but choice.

613、i wish you a prosperous career and a longer business.




617、new spring festival, i wish you happy laughter teeth, happiness turn the heaven!


619、fly, fly, in the field of life, you wish, like a dandelion flower, to take root and blossom everywhere.



622、experience is both knowledge and experience. experience is knowledge, not experience.




626、四、 its all right, 没问题。(请对方宽心)

627、i am not always reluctant to leave you, but i always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter.

628、may your illness float away with the cold winter. i hope i will be in good health in the days to come.



630、he that can have patience, can have what he will,


632、sorry youre leaving, to say good-bye and to wish you the best good luck, good health and always happiness!



635、you are not afraid of difficulties, but you are afraid of difficulties.


637、your recovery is my happiness, your well-being is my safety, i hope you get better soon.


639、&mdash。 you can do it! 你肯定行!

640、b, &mdash。 will the meeting succeed? 会议会成功吗?


642、you e going to leave at last, but you keep the image of the flower, you keep the fragrance of the flower, you keep the expectation of our common watering.








650、congratulations to your old friend, gao sheng, and i wish you every success in your new post.


652、i miss you!i want to see you now although i know it impossiable,



655、cheer up, friends, wherever you are, luck and happiness always accompany you.

656、gathering is not the beginning, scattering is not the end, classmates have achieved countless perfect memories over the years, will always be engraved in my heart.

657、where were you when i was there? the feeling of heartache paralyzed me, and it was hard for me to breathe, but i didn dare to tell you.



660、life can be full of despair, but i can not give up hope!

661、no one can replace the hardship of life, and who has to face the hardship of life.



664、the seeds of friendship are buried deep in your heart. when spring comes, it sprouts and blossoms for you and me.


666、a long road can be completed step by step, and a short road can not be reached without feet.


668、if you have an eternal candle in your dream, that is my blessing.

669、he will be long remembered for his steadfast service to his host of friends and to the community,

670、i wish you: life is getting better and better, temper is getting smaller and smaller, the economy is going up again, career all the way trot.


672、the boundless sea of people, you are the only thing i can not give up, but also the most i can not let go of the helplessness, whether you go to the ends of the earth, i will bless you!

673、may you continue to work hard and swim in the knowledge sea of higher learning institutions. i wish you a brilliant future.

674、if you sow, you will reap! struggle, will have a clear conscience! struggle hard, will be successful in life!


675、sometimes you need to leave someone for a while before you realize how much you need him.



678、are you all right? if you can start from the beginning, if time goes by, i will hold your hand tightly until it is permanent.


680、when a man first struggles from his heart, he is a valuable person.


682、looking out the window, in this long night, i want you to know that you exist, so i am happy; i wait, so you are no longer alone.

683、i will never forget your teachings. i wish you every day happiness and success in your work.


685、when love can not be perfect, i would rather choose no regrets, no matter how beautiful the next life, i can not lose this life to your memory!

686、three years of schooling, a total of sunshine; one thousand days, how many chapters of friendship? may the lost years be turned into good memories. stay in the atrium forever.






692、no matter how busy the work is, just remember that i am watching you and blessing you all the time.


694、we laugh and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is not in sight.


696、the real strong man is not one who has no tears, but one who runs with tears.



699、good new year, teacher. thank you for your concern for us all the time. wish you good health and good luck in the new year!

700、i hope that your business will go up step by step and step by step.

701、let happiness 'snow' fill your heart, let the beautiful 'snow' dance around, although it does not snow, but also pay attention to cold and warm oh.


703、rain umbrellas, cold clothes, happy laugh sad cry, you do not love me, then i love myself.

704、new years eve is here. wish you a happy family, endless happiness, happy new years eve!







711、in the season of remembrance, please don forget me, just like i never forget you.

712、i have placed my blessings in 365 flower buds. they open one flower every day and give you good wishes every day.



715、the moment i decided to give up you, i cried. my tears proved that i really loved you.




719、if my wish can dispel your troubles, then let it blow into your heart with the warm spring breeze.









727、once the path of life is chosen, we must brave the way to the end and never turn back.

728、when business is higher, there must be no greed or greed.

729、my heart beats for you every day. i am moved by you every minute, and i worry about you every second. it feels good to have you.

730、lu yao, the heart is long, the wound parting, he sighs; the wind is small, the night is long, looks forward to the gentleman, does not sleep.

731、looking back at the starting point, it is only one meter away.



734、how ever you should take care of yourself,you know im very very much worry about your health




738、every sleepless night i will think of you, friend! think of the days we walked together, the singing of the wind, the pain of tears.

739、your ideal university sent you an acceptance letter, and sincerely congratulate you!

740、may melodious songs surround you all the time and fill your life with joy.


742、you can change that at the beginning. why don you forget the ending?




746、that flower season, i send you to leave, the path quietly stretches forward, occasionally also has the sun rain to float.

747、the morning breeze rings happy bells, my heart plays happy music and says 'good morning' to you.

748、the arrogant man is saved, while the inferior man has no dream, though illusory, but his own dream.

749、fearlessness, today is finally promoted, eyes full of tears of happiness, joy is hard-won, thanksgiving is the most valuable, may you be happy and happy, step by step up without regret!

750、in the boundless sea, the occasional greeting made us friends, and there was color in my life.

751、it is impossible for a man carrying yesterday to arrive at tomorrow with ease.

752、a man is the happiest man in the world if he knows how to thank and repay.


754、wishing you and me like flowers and green leaves, like green hills and green waters.


756、b, &mdash。 will the car pass the test? 汽车能通过检验吗?

757、a great big wish that you&rsquo。ll soon be back in tip-top condition,

758、it is courage to persist in what you should do. it is another courage to never do what those conscience does not allow. good night!


760、hearty congratulations, with wisdom, talent, courage and perseverance, to open up a piece of your own land.

761、wish you success in the university to create brilliant, achievements in front of you to create fame, a beautiful and successful yesterday to show a new tomorrow.

762、exercise is the source of health and the secret of longevity. i hope you exercise every day to prolong your life.






767、the new year is coming. i am one year older than the first anniversary of the company. i would like to grow up with the company and wish the companys performance grow year by year.


769、in the blue sky, the white clouds arouse deep memories.

770、joy is health. if my blessings can bring you a source of health, i would like to pray for you day and night.

771、faint utilitarianism, light loading forward; regardless of pay, perseverance; not to achieve the goal, vow not to stop.

772、b, &mdash。 ill not learn english any longer, i cant remember all these words, 我不想学英语了,我记不住这么多单词。

773、spring and autumn come, flowers bloom, cold and hot, cool weather. four seasons, wish you healthy! its getting cold. pay attention to adding clothes!


775、the rush of water and the rush of time keep friendship alive. goodbye, friend! friends, treasure!

776、a good-hearted person must have a touching face; a contented person must have a happy life.


778、do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed──there is so little competition!


780、time does not go back, seize every moment, and then tired and struggling to fly.



783、the sea of life has been spreading the golden road, and the waves are being lined with flowers on the sides. go on bravely, friend! forward.




787、may you make a fortune this year, have a healthy business, and have a brilliant career than last year.

788、please smile. if you shed tears, your face will always be wet. if you are sad and bitter, it will always be my heart.


790、meet you unintentionally, know you are fate, think you are affection, said that break up without malice, at least we still have memories.

791、what doubts do you have about your confidence and our support?

792、only creation is the real enjoyment. only struggle is the fullness of life.

793、i will make a lamp, warm your cold and take care of your life.

794、daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law open their eyes, the air outside is really fresh, today is a sunny day, i will bring you breakfast, happy to see the daughter-in-law smiling. good morning, daughter-in-law!

795、b, &mdash。 will the exam be very difficult? 考试会很难吗?

796、please forgive me for this time. i promise i will not make the same mistake next time. forgive me. ill wait for you next time.

797、the best way to save is to cherish time, and the greatest waste is to waste time.

798、don forget our old friends! i wish you every success in the officialdom.





803、dear students, as students and students to read together, to retain sincere and selfless friendship, we cherish!



806、no matter when and where, happiness and happiness will always accompany you.

807、happy today! happy tomorrow! happy year! happy next year! happy every day! happy every year!


809、i quietly picked the golden cinnamon twigs in the full moon, weave a good dream of missing, and send it to you from afar.


810、dont let time dilute the wine of friendship, dont let distance space out missing, blessing you, forever!

811、if you think you can, you can, you can , you may not.


813、the theory is thorough and the strategy is accurate. then, with the courage and spirit to overcome all difficulties, we must have a successful day.

814、a woman is comfortable with all kinds of ties in the rolling red dust, with a sad heart, slowly alone into old age, life.

815、for youth, for happiness, lets bless each other, treasure the friendship between you and me,

816、五、 well done! 干得不错!(肯定、鼓励对方工作)




820、smiling is the most sincere expression of our hearts and the best medicine in the face of difficulties.


822、&mdash。 dont worry, i think you can, 别担心,我认为你能通过。







829、a contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world,

830、not holding your hand is my lifes fault, whether in the ends of the earth or near at present, you are the deepest thoughts in my heart the deepest pain!



833、struggling in the sweat of the river, the boat of career has reached the ideal shore.



836、birds have wings and people have ambitions. ambition is the door of a career, confidence is the starting point of a career.

837、im glad to hear about your promotion. brother, i wish you more promotion and more salary in the future.



840、to meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.

841、i wish you happiness in the workplace, wind and rain, the most important thing is to be happy and happy!

842、although books can not directly help you solve problems, they can give you a better perspective.


844、raindrops flying in disorder, messy words, all my messy mood; loneliness, miserable and beautiful, tears is my only companion.

845、bosom friend, do not need to say much, to communicate with heart; friendship, can not be expressed, to taste with heart.

846、happy smiles are the only medicine that keeps your life healthy. they are worth millions, but don cost a penny. have a great weekend!


848、congratulations, hard work, achievement and happiness. i wish you all the best!

849、originally, parting is a very simple thing, gently turn around, gently wave.

850、i remember someone said that there are two great joys in life, one is to have a good taste, the other is to pursue the fullness of the feeling.

851、if you don worry about yourself, others will never be bothering you. because of your own heart, you can let go.


853、the best thing in the world is that every morning you wake up and its a brand new day. its completely free and its always on sale. have a good morning!

854、over the green mountains and valleys to the crystal clear blue water, fly away my wishes to you.


855、calamity is man&rsquo。s true touchstone,

856、&mdash。 come on! 别灰心。

857、the future is the clouds in the sky, and life is the spray in the sea. taking advantage of this golden age, it shines brightly.



860、may the melodious song always surround you and fill your life with joy.

861、the early morning breeze rings the bells of joy, and my heart plays the music of joy, saying 'good morning' to you.

862、there are clear and bright, there is a circle, there are sorrows and joys, there is a clutch. every time i look back, i always miss you, and i wish you all the best.

863、with a true friend, the world is but a little place, after all,


865、missing the fragrance of a season is my boundless congratulations. may your youth be full of fragrance.


867、good morning! looking at the red sun coming out of the horizon again and again, i hope your day will be as red as it has just risen.

868、the frost fell at the end of the month, and the days were getting cool. the autumn leaves are everywhere, and the geese return to their places.



871、collect the golden flowers in the garden of my heart, and i greet you with the brightest one.

872、life should be like candles, from top to bottom, always bright.

873、i wish you every success in business.

874、when you are sick, i think the world is not angry. get better now!

875、congratulations on your brothers promotion. i wish you all the best in your future work.

876、half of the day has passed. good afternoon by text message. cheer up. finish your work as soon as possible. go home early for dinner!


878、a greeting, a wish, a string of blessings, may there be joy in your heart, good morning!



881、grass warbler flying in july, blink of an eye and half a year, clockwork sms wishes: health and make more money!



884、get well soon! don worry about a small cold? you will recover soon! good mood every day.



887、our story is unforgettable, too many memories and hopes, no matter how sad it is, i would like to collect it for a lifetime.


889、farewell tears like transparent pearls, let us treasure each others treasures.

890、the boundless life, the bosom friend is difficult to find, the good friend has the predestination to be joyful together, wishes you well!

891、why don you forget? since there is no reason, why do we need to pledge today? like water and no trace, tomorrow is the night.



894、for the way we will go, for the future that will come to us, lets bless each other,


896、college life has begun, and life has to start anew. it is the starting point, standing on a new starting line, to contribute to the motherland.

897、i wish you a wonderful wish - everything is round, and wish you a beautiful wish - sweet and sweet smile. let time dilute the wine of friendship.

898、illness will always be good, even if there is no good disease, life is still to pass!

899、knowing that the good will be lost, but i promised i would wait for him to come back, because i was stupid, i would not give up.



901、the first wind that closes the door in the morning is my loyal greetings to you; the stars that never fall at night are my good night wishes to you.

902、i wish you a successful completion of your studies, applause and flowers will always belong to you!


904、may you have a happy, happy, happy and healthy new year!

905、b, &mdash。 is my work ok? 我的工作还行吗?

906、goodbye, two words, and how many parting began. gather together, a word, stranded how many times later.

907、its hard to see each other when weve been apart for a long time. let this little piece of paper take my sincere heart and my everlasting love.

908、when its cold, friendship won be cold; when its snowy, the worries are still there; when you add a dress, don catch cold, take care of your health!

909、may the most faithful blessings always be with you, especially now, on your birthday.



912、love is poetry and sun in life. best wishes to you. poetry is warm, beautiful and sunny.

913、i tie joy on the new years ribbon and present it to you. and hang your thoughts on the necklace and stick them in your heart.



916、send you a blessing. on this beautiful day, may you have true happiness and joy.



919、the new semester, the new beginning, the new hope, the new dream, wish you can have the new atmosphere and create a new world at the beginning of the school.





924、in the spring and spring days, i wish you a better career.

925、congratulations on your transfer. i hope you will play your greatest potential in the new post and do good deeds for the people. achieve greater success!


927、face the hardships of life, please use your perseverance to create miracles of life!

928、lets congratulate the birthday star, like the east china sea, the sun and the moon are bright; the spring and autumn are not old, the pine crane is evergreen; joy is long, rare and old again.

929、gathering is not the beginning, scattering is not the end, classmates countless beautiful moments of condensation, will always be engraved in my memory.


931、youth is limited, wisdom is infinite, take advantage of the short youth, to learn infinite wisdom.

932、silently give you a little flower, let it bring you a full spring.




936、gently greeting, do not want to worry you! i just want to know if everything is okay.


938、with understanding, friendship can survive. friendship is the only thing that makes life worthwhile. let us send out the light of understanding.


940、parting is a bit difficult, but not sad. it is a little regrettable, but not pessimistic. because our hope of meeting is comforting.




944、life is a series of efforts and struggles, as long as you have a firm will and unremitting efforts, will certainly succeed. i wish you every success.



946、i wish my friend a prosperous career, a sweet love and a happy family.


948、if the next life is no longer a scene, happiness is no longer a wonderful memory, i would like to accompany you to reincarnate, touching this life can not change you.




952、i wish you a good start in the new year.


954、don imagine what he ought to be. its often far from what we think well be in love with.

955、just because there is a dream in my heart, i always believe that victory is in the near future.

956、it doesn matter what other people think of me, the only thing that matters is to be true to yourself and to be in your present mood.

957、all of them will meet again. all regrets will come to a successful conclusion. everything that seems isolated can not be separated.

958、tomorrow morning farewell, i hope the clouds, the sun has been accompanying you to the distant horizon; flowers, green grass with you to spread a far-reaching future!

959、dream love is always perfect, but reality always gives you a discount, we need to use dreams to transform reality.






965、at night, when the moon is bright and the wind is cold outside the window, when you stretch out your bed, your hands will be cold; when you go to bed early at night, you will have good health.


967、its raining outside. its really inconvenient to go out. ive been working for a week, so ill have a good sleep at home.

968、don miss you, don love you anymore, let time slip by, erase our memories, for your name, no longer remember.


970、love you so i can not lose you, sorry so i can not calm down, can not wait to tell you sorry, can not lose you!


972、to see oneself clearly, one must have two mirrors. on the one hand, they are themselves, on the other hand, they are others.









981、you are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle spreading its wings, tomorrow is your world, everything is glorious because of you.

982、in this cold winter, i gave the sun a raise and rain a holiday. i wish you a warm winter and happy every day.

983、there is no need to be sad on the road of life. there are always bosom friends around the world. take the opportunity to cherish good luck and wish our friendship evergreen.


985、may this monologue remain in the title page of your life. may this earnestly hope for you new happiness.






990、love is happy; love is happy; love is romantic; love is warm; in this day of resignation and greeting, may your heart be full of love!




994、for health, you have to be happy; for happiness, you have to work hard. i hope you will be better tomorrow!


996、after years of hard study, i finally won this exciting moment. congratulations, golden list title!

997、afraid of what road is far away. take a step further, and take a step further. happiness is on the road. good morning! dear people!

998、the past years, like a hazy and distant song, and as vague as the breeze, i tried to trace it.

999、may my parting advice be an umbrella that can cover the scorching sun and wind and rain for you.


1001、congratulations! may your son bring you happiness,

1002、if you love me as i love you, what knife can cut our love in two,


1004、self-confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom! plain, is the post station on the road to success!





1009、the oil of burning incense is used for sundial. all geniuses are the strongest cattle. they work eighteen hours a day.


1011、when you come, my expectation is far away; when you leave, you are my dream.



1014、time helps us heal the wounds of our hearts. in the end, we will all enjoy the happiness of the world that belongs to us.

1015、may you be happy, strive hard, and create your own blue sky!








1023、when playing with friends outside, don forget the lonely old man at home.

1024、hide the sun in your heart and make it a wonderful dream; braze friendship in your heart and make it a sweet thought.

1025、knowledge is an inexhaustible mine. the deeper you dig, the richer your treasure will be.

1026、lets stretch our legs, sweat and thunder all the way! outside the school gate, there are many flowers clustered in the future!

1027、success is guaranteed only by turning complaints about the environment into a force for progress.

1028、its not a dream to break your mind at a blow. he who breaks with a blow is not worthy of dreams.








1035、as long as i stick to what i insist and try my best, everything will be in the clouds.



1038、no matter how sad you are, always believe that happiness is not far away.

1039、what is love, what is hatred, each kind of feeling is not in the heart of the seal; together is love, partially hate, there is an explanation called fate.




1043、smoking less, drinking less, complaining less, in a better mood, in a better mood, so that your body is healthier.


1045、b, &mdash。 i wonder whether i can finish the task in time, 我不知道是否能及时完成这项任务。




1049、in such a season, take my sincere wishes to you. may happiness always be with you.

1050、happy new years eve, raise your glasses to celebrate reunion; new years eve wishes come, i hope you are happy. spring festival is auspicious!


1052、at this crossroads, lets shake hands again: a word: treasure, friend.

1053、in the new year, i wish you every success in your business, business and financial resources.



1056、life is a profound book, other peoples notes can not replace their own understanding, i hope you find something and create something.



1059、a little friendship is very true, a little love is very drunk, a little loneliness is very beautiful, a little missing is very deep, a little blessing is very sweet.

1060、my dearest friend, your happiness i will double for you, you have pains i will share, i wish you happiness!

1061、if youths hair can be exchanged for victory, he will undoubtedly exchange some of his victories.

1062、when you are sick, your friends have been thinking about you, silently praying for you: i hope you will recover soon.


1064、may your salary be more profitable and your bonus be full. happy every day, happy every year!


1066、with affection, we rely on our own fate. now i ask you what i want to do, but i do not believe in jane.


1068、i would like to become a tree outside your window, with my green wash your visual exhaustion, with my swing to bring you the cool summer.



1071、how about playing tennis on sunday? how about going dancing together after that? wait for your news.



1074、with your self-confidence, your openness, your perseverance and my blessing, you will surely be able to drive to the other side of your ideal.

1075、promotion, pay rise, work smoothly, energetic enough, big purse, wife laughed, the day is sweet, happy.


1077、i give you endless brand-new good wishes. please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.

1078、youll never be sick, your work will go well, your career and love will go well, your life will be happy and sad, your life will not be long, i hope everything will be as you think.






1083、wish the wandering reverie, the colorful stars, and visit your warm dreams every night.

1084、the more one knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing time.

1085、half of the day has passed. send out a message and say good afternoon. cheer up, finish your work as soon as possible, and go home early for dinner!

1086、dear, if everything goes well, raise your hand to draw a love, into the sky perseverance, i wish you happiness forever.


1088、may my best wishes accompany you to welcome the new year and wish you a happy new year!



1091、the stars and the moon are right, because you have gone, the wind is silent, because i am crying, and i do not speak, because i still miss you.

1092、can there be no painful moments of separation? for the sake of our career, we let the tears of separation float freely.


1094、together is always short, separated is long, wish our hearts can be closely together, never separate.



1097、the back waves of the yangtze river push forward the front waves, and the former virtues give way to the latter in the flourishing age.




1101、bosom friends need not speak much, but communicate with heart. friendship cannot be expressed, but must be tasted by heart.

1102、good afternoon, my greetings are also delivered. i wish you luck and prosperity. happiness and light always belong to you!



1105、i wish you all the best and business is booming.

1106、thoughts of you like a curling smoke endlessly, blessings to you like a babbling brook with a lifetime.



1109、as long as we do not say goodbye, we will never be separated.

1110、i wish my friends a happy start, a smooth sailing, a prosperous business and a good source of money.


1112、overcome difficulties and get out of difficulties. success will belong to you.

1113、with you all the way, with me and with joy, i will cherish this sincere friendship.

1114、may you study hard and make progress every day. grow up to repay the motherland, become a pillar of the country!

1115、i said you would find a better one than me! i know you don like listening! but this is my sincere wish.

1116、ideal is the body of your promotion. diligence is the engine of your promotion. talent is the wing of your promotion. i wish you every day with great prospects.

1117、winter has come to the cold weather, sending cotton padded clothes to protect the cold. if diseases are to be kept warm, health will bring wealth. i wish my friends happy everyday and happy life.




1121、long time no see. what are you busy with? do you enjoy your life? i wish you happy and happy everyday in your busy life.

1122、三、 itll be ok/all right, 行,没问题。(使对方放心)


1124、meet you unintentionally, know you are fate, think you are affection, if we have retreat, at least we have memories.







1130、please wear more clothes in the cold weather. don freeze. its hot, drink plenty of water, eat fruit, don get angry. if you have anything, just call home and contact. if you miss us, send us messages.




1134、abdomen can tolerate, but break a lot of troubles, smiles, forming endless happy bonds.

1135、in the garden of my heart, gather golden flowers. i greet you with the brightest one.







1142、youth needs diligence when it is ambitious.

1143、in the face of friendship, between people, as between the stars, not hinder each other, but each other shine.




1147、my friend, youve been admitted to your ideal school, which is an important milestone in your life.




1151、as long as your heart can be full of vitality, hope that the fragrance of love will always belong to you.

1152、love, do not let me wait for him for a long time. ill go to the mother-in-law of the moon first and wait for you. hurry up and come to see me in dreamland. i love you. hey.

1153、think of our deskmate. after the college entrance examination, we went our separate ways. classmate, future is precious!




1157、let me offer my most sincere congratulations upon your success,


1159、the green lawn, the winding piano sound, dear friend, can you hear my beating heart?

1160、may you abandon all your troubles and seize all the good things. wishing you a happy spring festival and a wonderful mood!

1161、may you have a smooth sailing and successful career in your future life.

1162、dear you cold, my heart is really gripping pain, so you have to hurry up.

1163、life is like a book, life is the content of the book; life is like a picture, frustration is a dazzling bright spot.

1164、as a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well-used brings happy death,


1166、the comfort of friendship gives me joy; the emotional world is always memorable. may friendship last forever.

1167、dear baby, how are you recently? do you miss me? take good care of yourself and love yourself.




1170、only those who are down to earth will be happy to leave his footprints.

1171、i wish you all the best. i wish you all the best. i am very glad to hear of your promotion. i hope you will continue to work hard and everything goes smoothly.

1172、there were no tears at the end of the song, only wishing that one day when we reunited on campus, we would kiss all the familiar grass and trees.


1174、you e the author of your life. why bother writing the script? good night, good friend!

1175、when you turn it on in the morning, you can see my best wishes for you, a rose in your heart, bringing you good luck for the day.




1179、gathering is not the beginning, scattering is not the end, students for several years achieved countless wonderful memories, will always be engraved in my heart.

1180、opportunities for business are everywhere, all the time, and in every detail.

1181、may the best things in the world belong to my friends forever! wish friends happy forever!


1183、i do love thee as each flower, loves the suns life-giving power。 for dead, thy breath to life might move me,

1184、the sea of dust, all living beings, predestined acquaintance, fortunate to know each other, sincere to friends, calm to life, i hope we can become bosom friends.

1185、i hope you can start a business well and make it more brilliant.


1187、action can be slow, but the strategy must be right.

1188、the taste of illness is very painful, so we must take care of our health! relax and wish you an early discharge.

1189、every private effort will be multiplied and praised in public.

1190、with my burning heart, i pray sincerely for you: may you be safe and happy in this year.

1191、my life melts into you, and your life contains me; when we meet again, you and i are still a whole.

1192、hi, did you get my message? i wish you every day happy! its my biggest hope to make you fast.

1193、friendship is a good wine in a bottle. it is colorless and tasteless. after years of overflowing it is the thick feeling.

1194、may the friendship last forever and wish your friends endless youth. may happiness follow you forever. good luck goes with you.

1195、friendship is a wonderful equation that must be given when you get it, and you get it when you give it.

1196、successful experience summary is often impetuous, failure lesson summary is profound, i wish you success!


1198、with my fervent heart, i sincerely pray for you: i wish you peace and happiness in this year.



1201、lost love is when you lose someone who loves you, but the other party loses someone who loves you. who loses more?

1202、the sea of learning through hard work knows nothing about hardship, and is diligent in going to the mountain of books and being diligent in doing so. beauty is wisdom and silence. wish you smart! may you make progress!


1204、the mountains and oceans separate us, but i can only meet you in my memories and in my dreams.

1205、who has never been bent on his own way and has been furious, afraid of losing his dedication.

1206、i am too clear about the distance between us, so we dare not expect anything. i just want to be a fish and swim across the ocean to see you.



1209、a light rain, a dream, a happy, rainy day you must be more beautiful, always remember that health is the most important.

1210、the talented person has been able to expand and expand, and he has made great progress and made great progress. i hope that your business will go up step by step and step by step.




1214、life and dream are two kinds of reading of the same book. reading in sequence is life. may you have a wonderful day!


1215、when i think of you, my tears are flowing, and my heart is tearing. in this painful moment, i suddenly realized: joy and happiness, instant pain and lifelong.

1216、strong faith will win strong people, and then make them stronger.

1217、in all things it is better to hope than to despair,



1220、many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson and then turn around and leave!

1221、a wise man can see clearly, a wise man can see accurately, a wise man can see far.

1222、young and promising, young man! i hope you can keep up your efforts and climb the peak. brothers always support you!


1224、a, &mdash。 im afraid i cant pass the exam, 恐怕这次考试我过不了关。

1225、my sincere friendship will accompany you on a long journey, and this friendship will erase all the footprints of your pain.



1228、a great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up,

1229、space separates you and me, and time washes away from you and me, but the heart of care is long.



1232、even though there will be difficulties and scarred, i will not hesitate or regret.

1233、may you work hard day and night and become an early success!


1235、a, &mdash。 will he agree to see me? 他会同意见我吗?


1237、blessing is a sincere heart, not thousands of words, not thousands of words, silently singing the first heart song, wish you peace and prosperity year after year!


1239、congratulations to you and the lucky little one,


1241、spring festival arrives, happy laughter, good luck, happiness everywhere!


1243、youth is so good that you feel like a wave no matter how you live. looking back, you will regret it.


1245、open your eyes, give you a gentle blessing, every minute every second to give you health, good luck and happiness, i hope you have a good day today!

1246、with a sincere, adhere to a persistent; to find a way, do not forget a kind of steadfast. on the eve of the workplace, i wish you a happy career.





1251、joy, friend, no matter where you are, luck and happiness are always with you.


1253、the bright future is ahead, and the bright future has set sail.




1257、in love, whoever moves the heart first will lose the wind. actually, it is not, but whose guilt is deep.




1260、time can dilute the wine of friendship, distance can pull away the hand of missing, bless you forever!


1262、if you have persistence, why do you have to wake up three times and sleep five times? the most useless thing is to be afraid of ten daysexposure to cold.



1265、human society must have law, morality, rank and order, otherwise it will be disorderly.


1267、the meaning of vitality lies in struggling, because the world itself is an arena.

1268、not everyone can have a heart to heart. real friends do not care about honesty and fame.


1270、a beautiful season, a beautiful day, send you love and send you a good wish.


1272、eat a piece of double ninth cake, a brilliant bbk, a cup of chrysanthemum wine, a sweet and lasting life. the double ninth festival is coming. i wish you a happy holiday and a happy family.


1274、if happiness is a simple thing, then please do not give complexity to life, friends, i wish you health and happiness every day.


1276、my heart only you, only you occupy my heart, only you make me so hard to forget!



1279、i ask the sun to sprinkle the happy sunshine on you every day, i ask the moon to give you a sweet dream every day, wish you all the best!

1280、friends, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow, only wish you health and happiness, with the most plain and real happiness!



1283、a, &mdash。 im afraid i cant succeed, 恐怕我难以成功。





1288、if you have someone who wants to hug and love, should my love go away?

1289、a good man depends on a kind heart; a good man depends on a changeable face.

1290、peoples life is very short, cherish everything in front of you, live every day!


1292、in the sunshine, we laughed spotlessly, but in retrospect, it was desolate.

1293、a word of greeting, a blessing, a way of remembrance of thoughts, and wishing happiness, health, and forever.

1294、there will always be rewards. if you do it, you will do the best. i believe you, you will do it.

1295、&mdash。 its all right, 没问题。

1296、what matters is not what happened, but what needs to be done to improve it!


1298、sorry, i can do that. because our understanding is not deep enough, we can not be so casual, that is a kind of harm to each other.


1300、anyone who wants to achieve his goal, love it or pursue it, must have a clear goal.

1301、be kind to your hobbies, don let them make way for learning, let them serve for learning.





1305、sincere greetings. i would like to collect the infinite spring light for you, let it shine into your heart, and make you happy everyday.

1306、there is a solution to any problem. there is no way to think about it.

1307、dreams are the driving force of a persons struggle, and dreams are the source of ones motivation.

1308、congratulations: today is better than yesterday, higher every day! i wish you a promotion, a promotion and a further promotion.


1310、death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion,


1312、gently greeting, do not want to disturb you, only wish you work! stay in your heart and wish you a happy holiday.


1314、there was no failure in the past, only temporary failure to succeed.

1315、i think your pain, but also lead to my heartache, hurry up well.






1321、a persons ambition is very important, which determines the direction of his life.


1323、with last nights silk cool, write the blessing in the summer morning, wish you a happy and peaceful day of life, wish you happy and auspicious days in the future, wish you good morning!



1326、at this intersection, lets shake hands once again and say, 'treasure, friend'.



1329、happiness, you deserve it, and go with you all your life!


1331、old wine is best to drink, old friends are best to know, the longer friends know, the more worthy of cherishing, just because they share too many memories.

1332、if you lend too much money to a person, you will turn that person into a bad person.

1333、one day, i no longer miss him, because he has been away for too long, my habit is no longer a habit.




1337、love unexpressed is sacred, it shines like gems in the gloom of the hidden heart,

1338、the good fortune in prosperity is what people hope, and the good fortune in adversity is amazing.

1339、flowers are like dreams, wind has no trace, but i still can not escape from the hearts yearning, sending away a blessing to you.

1340、the impossible may come true today, the impossible may come true tomorrow.

1341、mutual love, still lonely, that is because we have not found an opponent.

1342、there is always melancholy in the way of life. there are always friends in the ends of the earth. seize the opportunity, cherish the fate, and wish our friendship forever.


1344、still brilliant, passion still burning, because of dreams, so we exist, you do not hesitate in your field.


1346、luck contains sorrow and trouble, and misfortune contains comfort and hope, so let it be.

1347、i wish you all the beautiful stars and flowers around you. may your sincere love be forever in my memory.

1348、silently bless, if separation is necessary, the previous days may you cherish, the future days may you take care of.






1353、may your business be like the east wind, the red and the fire will never go out, and the door will welcome all the wealth and prosperity.

1354、the future of the cause is uncertain, and countless efforts are needed. i will make up for it with diligence and persevere in making achievements.

1355、may you always have me, and i will always have you, and we will lead a new life together.

1356、if we can go back to yesterday, i will try to stop and laugh and bless you!

1357、happy promotion, glorious glory, bad luck go, good luck, beautiful snow, sprinkle nafu, everything yang guan avenue!

1358、if the degree to which someone cares about you depends on whether he is busy or not, be an ordinary friend.



1361、the gathering is always short, but the difference is long. may our hearts be closely followed and never separated.


1363、how about playing tennis on sunday? how about going to disco together? waiting for your news.

1364、fire-red rosy clouds after rain, sincere friendship after farewell, flowing water is not blocked by stones, friendship is not alienated by distance.


1366、i wish you a prosperous career.


1368、autumn, light season, light thoughts spread infinitely. did you hear that? best wishes for the coming autumn.






1374、your love is like the flower buds in the garden. they are plain and beautiful, with a subtle fragrance. may the flowers blossom forever.


1376、wen ji dances to make a strong brigade, and tian dao rewards diligence to reproduce the brilliant kings style.



1379、during the first period of a man&rsquo。s life the greatest danger is: not to take the risk,

1380、no matter how difficult it is, hold your head up and tell everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think you are.


1382、youth is enterprising. only by making great progress, can youth glow with great energy.


1384、i love you, but i feel that i am of no value to you.

1385、love is like the sand in your hand. the tighter you hold it, the faster you lose it.


1387、when you lose love once, it seems that you suddenly understand the meaning of all love songs.

1388、friendship is a good wine in a bottle, colorless and tasteless, after many years of opening overflow is that strong feeling.

1389、cover your eyes when new years fireworks are in full swing. happiness is coming. im praying for you silently.

1390、this play of life, there are two points not easy: when the scenery before the stage, to maintain their own; when lonely behind the scenery, to be open-minded!


1392、the heart seems to have no rest, always thinking of you, even in the dead of night, i hope the stars can send me thousands of blessings.

1393、the deepest blessing is always difficult to appeal to language.



1395、although i am stronger than her, this is not the reason why i should suffer more harm.

1396、although the light spots of fireflies are weak, they are darkly challenged by darkness.


1398、how wonderful it is to hear about your baby!


1400、shushan is tall, stubborn and has its own way to the heavens. learning from the sea is far away and hard-working, we can explore the treasure gate.

1401、love you from the bottom of my heart, i really miss you,


1403、my world has changed into a day without sunshine and rain, and even a time to stay regretful, do not give me a little.

1404、health is the best gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, and confidence is the best character.


1406、deeply bless, the slightest friendship, string of miss, into a warm blessing, stay in your heart, wish a happy holiday!

1407、time will not stop for whom, it always passes by us inadvertently.




1411、the sunset silent swallow returns to sorrow, leaving people tearful eyes heart autumn. broken intestine to send the gentleman from now on, lifelong haggard and dependent on the building alone.


1413、to surpass oneself, to challenge oneself, to challenge weakness, to challenge laziness, to challenge bad habits.


1415、some people don forget, because they don want to; some people have to forget, because its not worth it.




1419、二、 dont be afraid, 别担心。(劝告对方别担心)

1420、you are a boat anchored in the port of youth. may you sail with faith and dream of hope and sail to the vast ocean.

1421、the stage extends as far as the heart goes! only unexpected, not impossible!


1423、the reality is this bank, success is the other bank, separated by the turbulent river, interest is the bridge on the river, as long as action can be through.


1425、i hope you can remember me when i leave. do not ask whether the world of change will remain unchanged tomorrow.

1426、i think your pain also hurts my heart. hurry up.





1431、your guidance has placed my heart on the wings of ideals. no matter what tomorrow, you must say it from the bottom of your heart. thank you. i wish you a pleasant journey.


1433、七、 come on! 别灰心。(劝告对方别灰心)


1435、the blue sky kisses the ocean, the ocean nestles in the blue sky. i write my blessings on the blue sky and the blue waves.

1436、the fragrance is on the face, and it is purple and auspicious. it is a celebration of the opening ceremony. i wish my business is as strong as spring.

1437、congratulations on your opening up and prosperity. the financial resources are flourishing, reaching eight parties. the cause is smooth and blessed. every day makes a fortune.





1441、time dwells not the wine of friendship, but the hand that cannot be missed can bless you forever.

1442、life is like a cup of tea, not bitter for a lifetime, but always bitter for a while!


1444、youth is a poem. i believe that my future will be full of flowers and emit the most charming atmosphere.


1446、life is not a one-way street, but a road is blocked. you can turn around. good morning!


1448、never leave the road of duty and honor. this is the only way we can get happiness.

1449、knowledge is a selfless horse, and whoever can control it will belong to it.


1451、blessing is a real intention, not a thousand words. a heart song, wish you peace and good luck!

1452、life is a process, happiness is a feeling, marriage is mutual tolerance, health is the feedback of laughter.

1453、without embarrassing failure, there will be no proud success; failure is not terrible, as long as you can stand up from it.



1456、ordinary people obey destiny, only the strong are the masters of their own destiny.

1457、let me be like a pure child, standing in place, watching your bright background fade away in the distance under the moonlight.

1458、words are not many, one sentence is ok; sentiment is not deep, one is ok; congratulations on the rise of big brother.

1459、once a person dies, all plans and dreams will inevitably go to naught.

1460、a thousand years of hard work and a reputation for fame and fame.




1464、health is the best gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, and confidence is the best moral character.

1465、&mdash。 thats all right, 没问题。



1468、the sole of the shoe is worn out, which does not mean that the road has come to its head.



1471、a brave warrior can fight a storm without drowning. a coward will drown in a calm calm.


1473、today is better than yesterday, higher every day. go up, go up, go up again!



1476、i locked the door of my heart and lost the key with all my strength.



1479、the light rain in may is fresh and elegant. dribs and drabs, full of my yearning and concern, old friend, how are you now?





1484、love begin with a this message, growth with more messages, and end with no message,

1485、break up with you! you don need any excuses or excuses, but you have no feelings for you.

英语祝福语赠言(精选 1485句)

he that can have atience, can have what he will,有耐心者才能实现其志向。a great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used u,成功的一个大秘诀是作为一个不知疲倦的人度过人生。let m


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